Thanks Huck and Ross for your respective contributions
Portrait de Jacopo Antonio Marcello attribué à Giovanni Bellini, Passion de saint Maurice et de ses compagnons, vers 1453.
Coming back to Marcello gift of the Strabon illuminated manuscrit and René d Anjou, an interesting link : ... d-albi.htm
"Considéré comme l'un des plus beaux manuscrits enluminés de la Renaissance italienne, la traduction latine par Guarino Veronese du De Situ Orbis de Strabon offerte au roi René d'Anjou en 1459 comporte deux enluminures de pleine page aujourd'hui attribuées à Giovanni Bellini.
Mais ce manuscrit mérite aussi une attention particulière pour contenir l'une des premières attestations d'une innovation artistique qui deviendra par la suite un grand classique de l'enluminure : les initiales à facette peintes en relief.
Presenting Cardinal Jean Jouffroy and his nephew Hélion Jouffroy
For further research about these two bibliophiles : ... %C3%A9lion
"Jean Jouffroy, cardinal d'Albi (c. 1412-1473), était déjà connu pour sa carrière dipolomatique, pour son rôle dans des événements particulièrement tragiques ou encore pour son appétit insatiable pour les livres et les manuscrits dont quelques-uns offerts aux grands de son siècle. Mais c'est la première fois qu'une étude de synthèse recense et analyse tous les manuscrits lui ayant appartenu : plus de cent dix volumes conservés, trois manuscrits connus par les sources mais disparus aujourd'hui, et cinq à l'attribution d'appartenance probable, ce qui est très remarquable pour cette époque".
"Quant à son neveu Hélion, moins connu que son ancle, chantre de Rorez et prévôt d'Albi (mort en 1529), l'inventaire publié à partir d'une pièce inédite le révèle propriétaire de l'une des bibliothèques particulières les plus riches du royaume, avec plus de six cent cinquante articles : un chiffre également considérable pour cette période."
Coming back the Exhinit :
Ce prestigieux manuscrit passe pour être arrivé dans la bibliothèque du chapitre cathédral d'Albi au temps de Louis Ier d'Amboise, évêque d'Albi nommé en 1474 après la mort de Jean Jouffroy. Mais il est vrai qu'aucun document décisif, si ce n'est la tradition, ne vient étayer cette hypothèse.
Les dernières recherches de l'historien François Avril ont attiré l'attention sur tout un lot de manuscrits précieux ayant appartenu au roi René d'Anjou mais aujourd'hui dispersés dans des collections publiques étrangères et qui provenaient de la bibliothèque de la cathédrale d'Albi.
Dans cette énigme, les liens étroits des Jouffroy avec Guarino Veronese n'ont pas été suffisamment soulignés. Jean Jouffroy assiste par exemple au concile de Ferrare en 1438 en même temps que Guarino ; il possède la Vita Xenophontis traduite en latin en 1452 par Baptista Veronese, le fils de Guarino ; il est aussi présent à Mantoue en 1459, c'est-à-dire l'année même où Guarino Veronese termine la traduction du Strabon et accepte de se charger de l'éducation d'un neveu du cardinal, Henri ou Hélion. Il n'est pas possible qu'un tel accapareur de livres n'ait pas été au courant de la réalisation d'un manuscrit aussi somptueux : s'il ne l'a pas possédé, tout invite à penser que lui ou son neveu l'ont eu sous les yeux, voire entre leurs mains. L'enquête est à suivre.."
Detailled study on the Cardinal Jean Jouffroy (1412-1473)
,Ami des plus grands humanistes, orateur de talent, diplomate opportuniste serviteur tour à tour du duc de Bourgogne, des papes Nicolas V et Pie II, puis du roi Louis XI, mais aussi condottiere à la fin de sa vie, le cardinal Jean Jouffroy évêque d'Albi, fut l'un des plus ardents bibliophiles de la fin du Moyen Âge
1. L homme des princes et des papes ... -papes.htm
2. Le collectionneur, pilleurs d'antqiues ... tiques.htm
3. Le bibliophile, fournisseur des puissants ... tiques.htm
4. A propos du Strabon d'Albi ... d-albi.htm
5. Une si somptueuse reliure ... eliure.htm
Conclusion of the Exhibit : "Vers 1960, le manuscrit et son défet de reliure ont été prêtés à la bibliothèque de l’Arsenal pour comparaison avec le manuscrit de cette bibliothèque attribué à Mantegna. Depuis, les différents conservateurs d’Albi ont réclamé, en vain, la restitution de la couvrure originale qui reste jusqu'à ce jour introuvable. Ce qui confirme l’adage bien connu en conservation préventive selon lequel la dispersion est la première étape de la disparition."
About René d'Anjou and Naples Marcello Guarino and Pannonius :
"La surprise vient plutôt de cet horizon tout aussi lointain mais plus méconnu que constitue la Hongrie grâce à l’examen du panégyrique de René d’Anjou composé par Janus Pannonius, élève du fameux Guarino de Vérone qui fut, entre autres, le traducteur de la Géographie de Strabon, si bien que Pannonius, en réalité, nous ramène à l’Italie. C’est en effet le patricien vénitien Jacopo Antonio Marcello qui passa commande en 1452 à l’humaniste hongrois de ce panégyrique de 1043 hexamètres afin de l’inciter à reconquérir Naples et peut-être aussi de ce poème de louanges à la gloire de Saint-Maurice que Pannonius composa. Il est bien difficile en revanche de parler véritablement d’ambitions en ce qui concerne l’horizon mythique que fut, aux yeux de René d’Anjou, Jérusalem, royaume dont il était pourtant nominalement le titulaire et dont il n’oublia pas de faire figurer les armes au sein de son écu. Jacques Paviot souligne à ce propos que René n’a jamais participé à aucune croisade et que son intérêt pour Jérusalem s’exprima surtout par le biais de ses dévotions aux reliques de la Vraie Croix : plus donc que l’Orient des croisades, c’est l’Orient exotique, celui des curiosités, qui apparaît à la cour du prince angevin, comme en atteste sa ménagerie."
"Ung jeu de quartes tout fait à personnaiges " 27 février 1451 (D'Agnel, Comptes du Roi René)
112Ross had written about the 1479 entry
"I've been reading all of the original stuff you had posted then, and now. Thank you for posting a picture of the original entry, number 565.
It is a shame that D'Agnel is not available online, I'd like to read all of the accounts, especially if there is any indication that he took over Isabelle's possessions after her death in February, 1453. I believe that he did, but there might be something in the comptes that is direct evidence.
For my point about René's interest in cards, it is not that I don't think he could have played cards, I imagined that he did, but I just had no evidence for it, so I had no basis to speculate.
1479 is only one year before he died, so it is a late example. But it is something."
Ross, Huck, Mikeh Phaeded and all
Well, I followed the suggestion of Ross and inquired circa de Isabelle de Lorraine death date 1453 ( within more or less 5 years).
I also thought about Ferry II de Lorraine de Vaudemont ... %C3%A9mont
Looking in D'AGNEL's Comptes du Roi René, I did encounter FERRY de Lorraine in the GLOSSAIRE but never relationated to cards. Yet, finally, before quiting, I looked once more page by page, and I found, page 81, at last, a very interesting entry FERRI, monseigneur
Are FERRY and FERRI , monseigneur refering or not to te same person?
Here it the Entry number 495 dated from 27 février 1451 ... sp=sharing
Provisional conclusion
We now have two evidences of René de Provence alias René d'Anjou interest in cards
-the 1451 entry
-the 1479 entry
Notes and questions
1. Who is FERRI monseigneur? I beleive Monseigneur FERRY de Lorraine (cf final note called BTW)
2. Who is Jehannin Joulain, peintre à Paris?
I found in ...
that René went to Paris to meet Jehannin Joulain in 1451... ... GdA&edge=0 ...
3.Interesting to note that all the game seems "tout fait à parsonnages" ? Souvenir of the proto Tarot offered to sabelle or just educational figures to play with? It cannot be numerical cards ..and I don't think simple educational cards would have been "par certification du dit Ferri monseigneur " (Monseigneur FERRY de Lorraine?)
4. The price is given as "parachever de payer" ... this means that it finishes paying...
BTW : ...
FERRY de Lorraine also member of the Crescent Order
Ferry Monseigneur de Lorraine, aîné fils de Monsieur le Comte de Vaudémont, fut créé le second ondit Ordre, lesdits jour et an que dessus. ... 14632.html
Also of interest :
Son beau-père le comblera d'honneurs (dont l'Ordre du Croissant) et, en 1453, il commande les troupes que celui-ci envoie au dauphin Louis pour l'aider à combattre le duc de Savoie.
En 1456 René lui confie le gouvernement du duché de Bar, puis en 1459 la charge (honorifique) de lieutenant général de Sicile.
More on :
"I've been reading all of the original stuff you had posted then, and now. Thank you for posting a picture of the original entry, number 565.
It is a shame that D'Agnel is not available online, I'd like to read all of the accounts, especially if there is any indication that he took over Isabelle's possessions after her death in February, 1453. I believe that he did, but there might be something in the comptes that is direct evidence.
For my point about René's interest in cards, it is not that I don't think he could have played cards, I imagined that he did, but I just had no evidence for it, so I had no basis to speculate.
1479 is only one year before he died, so it is a late example. But it is something."
Ross, Huck, Mikeh Phaeded and all
Well, I followed the suggestion of Ross and inquired circa de Isabelle de Lorraine death date 1453 ( within more or less 5 years).
I also thought about Ferry II de Lorraine de Vaudemont ... %C3%A9mont
Looking in D'AGNEL's Comptes du Roi René, I did encounter FERRY de Lorraine in the GLOSSAIRE but never relationated to cards. Yet, finally, before quiting, I looked once more page by page, and I found, page 81, at last, a very interesting entry FERRI, monseigneur
Are FERRY and FERRI , monseigneur refering or not to te same person?
Here it the Entry number 495 dated from 27 février 1451 ... sp=sharing
Provisional conclusion
We now have two evidences of René de Provence alias René d'Anjou interest in cards
-the 1451 entry
-the 1479 entry
Notes and questions
1. Who is FERRI monseigneur? I beleive Monseigneur FERRY de Lorraine (cf final note called BTW)
2. Who is Jehannin Joulain, peintre à Paris?
I found in ...
that René went to Paris to meet Jehannin Joulain in 1451... ... GdA&edge=0 ...
3.Interesting to note that all the game seems "tout fait à parsonnages" ? Souvenir of the proto Tarot offered to sabelle or just educational figures to play with? It cannot be numerical cards ..and I don't think simple educational cards would have been "par certification du dit Ferri monseigneur " (Monseigneur FERRY de Lorraine?)
4. The price is given as "parachever de payer" ... this means that it finishes paying...
BTW : ...
FERRY de Lorraine also member of the Crescent Order
Ferry Monseigneur de Lorraine, aîné fils de Monsieur le Comte de Vaudémont, fut créé le second ondit Ordre, lesdits jour et an que dessus. ... 14632.html
Also of interest :
Son beau-père le comblera d'honneurs (dont l'Ordre du Croissant) et, en 1453, il commande les troupes que celui-ci envoie au dauphin Louis pour l'aider à combattre le duc de Savoie.
En 1456 René lui confie le gouvernement du duché de Bar, puis en 1459 la charge (honorifique) de lieutenant général de Sicile.
More on :
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
113About this game commanded to Jehannin Joulain peintre à Paris, see also :
Jehannin Joulain, peintre à Paris?
I found in p.73 ...
that René went to Paris to meet Jehannin Joulain in 1451... ... GdA&edge=0 ...
Un artisan dela renaissance française au XVe siècle, le Roi Ren/akc\e (1409-1480)
Marie Louyse de Garnier Des Garets
Editions dela table ronde, 1946 - 299 pag ... gQ6AEILzAB
They just say that it was a beautiful game
Mentions of the painter
Herzog René von Anjou, Livre du couer d'amours espris ("Buch vom Liebentbrannten herzen"): Miniaturen und text, hrsg. und erläutert von O. Smital und E. Winkler, Volume 1
René I (King of Naples and Jerusalem), Ottokar Smital, Emil Winkler, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Druck und verlag der Österreichischen staatsdruckerei, 1926 ... gQ6AEINTAC
Das Livre du cuer d'amours espris des Herzogs René von Anjou
Ernst Trenkler
Deuticke, 1946 - 19 pages ... gQ6AEIQDAD
Jehannin Joulain, peintre à Paris?
I found in p.73 ...
that René went to Paris to meet Jehannin Joulain in 1451... ... GdA&edge=0 ...
Un artisan dela renaissance française au XVe siècle, le Roi Ren/akc\e (1409-1480)
Marie Louyse de Garnier Des Garets
Editions dela table ronde, 1946 - 299 pag ... gQ6AEILzAB
They just say that it was a beautiful game
Mentions of the painter
Herzog René von Anjou, Livre du couer d'amours espris ("Buch vom Liebentbrannten herzen"): Miniaturen und text, hrsg. und erläutert von O. Smital und E. Winkler, Volume 1
René I (King of Naples and Jerusalem), Ottokar Smital, Emil Winkler, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Druck und verlag der Österreichischen staatsdruckerei, 1926 ... gQ6AEINTAC
Das Livre du cuer d'amours espris des Herzogs René von Anjou
Ernst Trenkler
Deuticke, 1946 - 19 pages ... gQ6AEIQDAD
Last edited by BOUGEAREL Alain on 27 Dec 2019, 15:12, edited 1 time in total.
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
114Probably of little interest but the Crescent Order nominated each year a SENATEUR kind of symbolic chief of the Order
Guy deLaval in 1448
René in 1449
Cossa in 1450
Louis de Beauveau 1451
Bertrand de Beauvau 1452
Duc de Calabre 1453
Histoire de René d'Anjou, roi de Naples, duc de Lorraine et Cte ..., Volume 2
De François L. de Villeneuve ... 51&f=false
Guy deLaval in 1448
René in 1449
Cossa in 1450
Louis de Beauveau 1451
Bertrand de Beauvau 1452
Duc de Calabre 1453
Histoire de René d'Anjou, roi de Naples, duc de Lorraine et Cte ..., Volume 2
De François L. de Villeneuve ... 51&f=false
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
115Deleted because of duplication with the next one.
Last edited by mikeh on 05 Jan 2020, 10:55, edited 1 time in total.
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
116Nice work, Alain, about the beautiful game of cards, all figures, 1451, to be painted by Jehannin Joulain in Paris. Is it being paid for by King Rene? If so, what was Ferry's role? Also, I would think that "personnages" would not include birds. Is that correct?
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
117Thanks Mikeh
Well Monseigneur Ferri is the one who "certified" the final part of the paiement.
The game was commanded by René during his stay in Paris.
"Personnaiges" or personnages in modern French means ' characters " mainly figures - humans, deitys etc .
About bird - I don't see a priori why....
Well Monseigneur Ferri is the one who "certified" the final part of the paiement.
The game was commanded by René during his stay in Paris.
"Personnaiges" or personnages in modern French means ' characters " mainly figures - humans, deitys etc .
About bird - I don't see a priori why....
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
118Nice finding, Alain.
For the name Jehannin are indications, that it not a pre-name like for instance "John", but a family name. ... &image.y=9
... gives reason to assume, that the family-name Jehannin developed in the Bretagne (mostly Ille-et-Vilaine).
Well, this doesn't explain much.
There are some possibilities.
a. 1451 was after 1449 (when the deck with gods reached the court of Rene). So this might have been a deck, which was influenced by the game with gods, for instance the mentioned "personages" might have been also gods.
b. In June 1451 the English army in Bordeaux made a capitulation, something, which was seen as the end of 100-years-war between France and England for some time. The deck ordered by Rene might have had the character of a "triumphal deck" made for a triumphal event (only in the case, that Rene ordered the deck after June 1451).
c. The mentioned "personages" were possibly simply figures, as we know them from French decks with names of heroes or other famous persons on the court cards, for instance "Jeanne d'Arc" or "Lahire"
d. Rene had a favor for figures of the Roman de la Rose. Perhaps the personnages had this or a similar other context.
e. Easily one could add other speculations.
Most promising looks point (c. ) to me, perhaps also a mix between (b.) and (c.).
Lahire (Étienne de Vignolles, called La Hire (* c. 1390 in Vignolles; † 11. Januar 1443 in Montauban) and Jeanne d'Arc (1431) are the most youngest figures on court cards.
Quotes from ... lahire.htm (a sort of biography). Lahire had relations to Jeanne d'Arc and Rene d'Anjou.
Ah, I see, that there is a date of action in 1451, the 27th of February 1451. This discards the possibility, that the deck was ordered after the capitulation of the English army in Bordeaux (b.).
For the name Jehannin are indications, that it not a pre-name like for instance "John", but a family name. ... &image.y=9
... gives reason to assume, that the family-name Jehannin developed in the Bretagne (mostly Ille-et-Vilaine).
Well, this doesn't explain much.
There are some possibilities.
a. 1451 was after 1449 (when the deck with gods reached the court of Rene). So this might have been a deck, which was influenced by the game with gods, for instance the mentioned "personages" might have been also gods.
b. In June 1451 the English army in Bordeaux made a capitulation, something, which was seen as the end of 100-years-war between France and England for some time. The deck ordered by Rene might have had the character of a "triumphal deck" made for a triumphal event (only in the case, that Rene ordered the deck after June 1451).
c. The mentioned "personages" were possibly simply figures, as we know them from French decks with names of heroes or other famous persons on the court cards, for instance "Jeanne d'Arc" or "Lahire"
d. Rene had a favor for figures of the Roman de la Rose. Perhaps the personnages had this or a similar other context.
e. Easily one could add other speculations.
Most promising looks point (c. ) to me, perhaps also a mix between (b.) and (c.).
Lahire (Étienne de Vignolles, called La Hire (* c. 1390 in Vignolles; † 11. Januar 1443 in Montauban) and Jeanne d'Arc (1431) are the most youngest figures on court cards.
Quotes from ... lahire.htm (a sort of biography). Lahire had relations to Jeanne d'Arc and Rene d'Anjou.
Rene d'Anjou was involved in the development of Jeanne d'Arc. For the death of LaHire we have, that Rene arrived from Italy in Provence in October 1442 (so I've read) and LaHire died 11. January 1443, just about 3 months later. As Rene engaged in matters of knights (tournaments, knight orders etc.), it seems plausible . that Rene might have been engaged in the mourning festivities of La Hire. Or La Hire's fame was used to motivate other young noble mem to engage in matters of war. Actually this seems to have been the true business of Rene d'Anjou."Of the great battle captains under Jeanne d'Arc, Etienne de Vignolles is one of the toughest and most warlike. A professional soldier of some repute, La Hire was present at the lifting of the Siege of Orleans, and was the primary leader at the Battle of Patay which caused as much damage to the English as Agincourt did to the French."
"In spite of the peace of Arras he [La Hire] continued to wage guerrilla warfare in Artois, around Caux, but he was taken prisoner by the Lord of Offemont at Beauvais (1437). In the service of Rene d'Anjou, La Hire led the Ecorcheurs (2) in Lorraine (1438-1439). He took part in the sieges of Harfleur and Pontoise, and in the battle of Tartas."
Ah, I see, that there is a date of action in 1451, the 27th of February 1451. This discards the possibility, that the deck was ordered after the capitulation of the English army in Bordeaux (b.).
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
119I found this in an older post of mine, which was improved by the author "Umbrae" ...
In this text I see also ...1454 Maria of Anjou: J. Bochetel (royal secretary and treasurer) made some entries in the account books of the royal household of Maria of Anjou (wife of Charles VII. and Queen of France, mother of Louis XI. and sister of Renee d'Anjou - lived from 1404 - 1463): "a Guilleaume Bouchier, marchant da Chinon, pour 2 jeux des quartes et 200 espingles (playing jetons) delivret audit Seigneur (Charles VII. de France) pour jouer et soy esbatre 5 sols tournois." A little later: "A Guyon Sergent, mercier demeurant a Saint-Aignan, pour 3 paires (decks) de quartes a jouer 5 sold tournois". And: "A Colas Gresle, mercier suivant la Cour, pour 2 jeux de quartes delivrez a MdS (Charles VII. de France) pour jouer et soy esbatre 4. d. tournois." And: "A Guillemin Moreau, appothicaire de Chinon, pour 2 jeux des quartes et demier millier d'espingles delivrez a mad. dame (Madeleine de France) pour jouer et soy esbatre 5 sols 4 d." And: "pour deux autres jeux 3 s. 4 d" (Schreiber refers to V. Gay, p. 286) (S p. 71).
1476 Lyon, Rene d'Anjou: Rene buys "ung jeu de cartes de Lion pour Hellene", the price is 11 gros d'argent.
Re: What are the documents for Marziano's dates?
120Hi Huck
Thanks for your answer.
Yes I had already noted in D'Agnel Comptes du Roi René the 1476 entry for Hellene. But I still have t go back to the Library to go up until the 1451 entry so as to be exhaustive ...
D'Agnel Comptes du Roi René has not been numerized and one has to look into the 3 volumes line by line and sometimes word by word...
For the moment we have :
About the painter maybe yes it could be a composed name ...
About the 1451 entry, yes it is interesting because it is only two years after Isabelle' gift...and it is not a simple jeu de quartes but all made of figures (characters). The final part of the payment was certified by Monseigneur Ferri (Ferry de Lorraine?) : this means that René initially paid a first deposit or advance probably in Paris while commanding the deck ...
For Ross : D'Agnel Comptes du Roi René only list what René paid for ...or sold ...
Thanks for your answer.
Yes I had already noted in D'Agnel Comptes du Roi René the 1476 entry for Hellene. But I still have t go back to the Library to go up until the 1451 entry so as to be exhaustive ...
D'Agnel Comptes du Roi René has not been numerized and one has to look into the 3 volumes line by line and sometimes word by word...
For the moment we have :
About the painter maybe yes it could be a composed name ...
About the 1451 entry, yes it is interesting because it is only two years after Isabelle' gift...and it is not a simple jeu de quartes but all made of figures (characters). The final part of the payment was certified by Monseigneur Ferri (Ferry de Lorraine?) : this means that René initially paid a first deposit or advance probably in Paris while commanding the deck ...
For Ross : D'Agnel Comptes du Roi René only list what René paid for ...or sold ...