Re: Shhhhh....Playing Cards

And no one's excited? No clamouring hordes waiting to buy this and the attendant book?

I got my deck. It was printed in 1972 and is in fine condition but a bit musty, so it's airing out among incense and bars of soap and card decks and bags.

They look happy and excited disporting high and low.
Someone's excited at least.

Re: Shhhhh....Playing Cards

Somebody very kindly sent me playing cards for my birthday.

They are the The Famous Royal Heritage of England cards by the Heritage Playing Card Company, which come in a double pack, but I received the ones with the blue back separately.

So, these came while I am reading a book on Medieval fashion with a lady on a forum, and now I've got the cloak curiosity imperative. Are these cloaks and things a chlamys or a loros or whatever else there was in vaguely Carolingian times, a time some of the early chaps depict in the cards?

Fortunately, one can consult illustrations in online photos of early manuscripts like the Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram or the Theodore Psalter.

That's the big thrill of my week.

The only place I ever seem to be on-topic is in the off-topic threads. I should have started this in the hidden part of the forum, so I could blithely blather away about cards with historical figures without people wondering "What the hell is she doing here?"

You never know when Edward the Martyr (975-978) or Harthacnut (1040-1042) might be relevant to tarot discussion I find.