Re: Project: Festival book 1475

I got it similar in my analysis, though I struggled with Hymeneus having no servant ... Now it seems, that in structure Hymeneus and Fortuna build the 12th god pair - begin and end, so totally 24 figures).

This is similar organized in the Boiardo Tarocchi poem, where trump 0 is the partner of trump 21, and then 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 etc. are pairs (totally 11 pairs, 22 figures).

I guess, that Castor and Pollux (one immortal, the other mortal) are there to associate the twin idea, that each figure will have a partner (God + servant), this would make together with the other 24 then 26 figures. With Sun and Moon then we have 28 designs.

As I wrote today in my chess collection:
This unusual chess board on a picture of Francesco di Giorgio Martini ...

... has, as it seems, 8x14 fields (counted at the right and lower side - the left side is partly hidden by the arm of the young man).

8x14 = 112, the same number of the fields as on the Tamerlane chess board.

Francesco was also engaged to organize festivities. ... io&f=false
That's somehow an enlarged Courier chess (8x12 board), now with 8x14 board and 2x14 = 28 figures for each side, half of them "servants" = pawns, the other half officers.

It's a sort of Tarot chess.

Ah, I see, you had a similar idea ...

Nice ... what's the rest ... :-)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Huck wrote:What's "chess Polifilo Sleep" ???

Hypnerotomachia Poliphili ?
Yes... ouch.. my prehistoric Englihs, haw, haw... In this bock apear a chess wtih gold and silver... And that chess teaches us that sometimes is not conceived as a confrontation, but as a dance. This is very important. I am a chess player. If you play chess, Huck, you understand me. Sometimes not war in the the chess players, but is like a ballet: a dance harmoniously to create a beautiful game.
This is similar organized in the Boiardo Tarocchi poem, where trump 0 is the partner of trump 21, and then 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 etc. are pairs (totally 11 pairs, 22 figures).
YES. I am working in Exchex amoreux... I thinks your explication about Cary Yale its absolutely correct. We have to work on this line. But we dont need think in exact numbers. I know many chessboards (such as Albertus Pictor) with strangers numbers. We need think in the concept of chess, not in the the number of squares.
Nice ... what's the rest ...
Lol! Tomorrow, dear friend... I need sleep :)
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

A pause in the sumary---

[In Poliphilo, perhaps write by Alberti, chapters IX and X, we have a cosmic banquet and dance of chess (with sound of ¿armonic spheras? perhaps...)]

In this marriage:

God - Mesenger / Figure - Pawn


Hymeneo - ¿Castor?
Venus - Erato
Jupiter - Perseus
Sun - ¿Constantio?
Juno - Iris
Apolo - Orfeo
Palas - Hebe

+ ¿?


Vestia - Tatia
Neptune - Triton
Diana - Licaste
Moon - ¿Camilla?
Mars - Romulo
Ceres - Arethusa
Bacchus - Sylenus
Influence of Fortuna -¿Polux?

¿We need eight pieces? I dont know... In this case, ¿Where are xD?

Well... End of digression. I to continue with the summary in the afternoon.
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

The star of the festivity ... it's a wedding ... is the Hymeneus, "without him no marriage can be lucky". His counter player must be Fortune, not Castor or Pollux. Castor and Pollux are there to associate the twin-structure of the system and possibly to associate, that 12 of these pairs (including Gemini = Castor and Pollux) are intended as Zodiac signs.
Gemini (Castor/pollux) is later (or earlier ?) in Minchiate the highest numbered trump (Nr. 35) and gives for some time the name of the game as = "Germini" - so it has a special role and this it has also in this wedding arrangement.

The row of the zodiac is probably confusing, this "intended confusion" appears also in Minchiate and also in Lorenzo Spirito's lot book.

Hymeneus, Fortune, Sun, Moon are elements outside the zodiacal sphere.

Hymeneus is begin, Fortune is end, Sun and Moon rule inside the zodiac and the other 24 are the zodiac. But ... it's probably not easy to get, how they arranged it.

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Ok. I understand. I need read well the Book of sorti ...
Well, continued.
Page 046
Theatrical_Performance Given on Monday, 29th May the performance included poems in praise of the couple given by figures representing the planets.

Part IV - Monday, May 28

Upon awakening going to the Great Hall. It is decorated with curtains of animals and trees (damming nature).
The husbands are sitting at a table presided over space.

First Mountain

Enter an artificial mountain. I guess it's a sort of wooden frame with wheels, covered with rags or something similar.

From the mountain exit a lion (a man dressed as a lion). Then comes a "wild man", hairy, he's armed with a club that has a snake coiled. The savage lion pursues a kind of dance. They return to the mountain.

From the mountain exit two young men ( "buskers?). One has a green dress and other a dress ¿blue? (silk from Alexandria). Their faces are painted green and gold. One wears a headband with an eagle, another a crown with a lion. They dance and do acrobatics. They return to the mountain.

Ten young people leave the mountain. 5 dresses in green, and 5 dress in alesandrina silk. They wear small gold boxes in their hands. They dance and do acrobatics. Gives the boxes to the husbands. Inside boxes, there are jewelry made of sugar.

They return in to the mountain.

Shaba and Solomon

The ambassadors and other famous persons (subjects of Constantine) give their gifts.

Exit the procession of Jews, sent by the Universita dei Giudei di Pesaro. (I write to

asking information about Jews in Pesaro in 1475)

First are two pairs of young and then an elephant (an artifact of wood, I guess). Above the elephant is the Queen of Sheba.

Followed by another smaller elephant with a tower and flags.

Then, the court of the Jews.

They recite a poem and give a gift (a "Bacile" bronze and silver).

Enter a second mountain. At the top of the mountain there is a tower. On the tower is a spiritello explaining that going to Roboam.

Exit an old man, Roboam, and ask to Constantio fields to work, because they have lost theirs. Constantio give camps.

12 young people exit and dance. The dance represents the agricultural work. From planting to harvesting wheat.

They leave.

Start the procession of the planets.

Each planet is in a car with emblems on wheels (triumph). The planets are in this order: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The planets give away his kingdom (and influence) the spouses.

This part is very difficult to understand. Only explained in verses which seem to have a double meaning all erotic.

It appears that the meaning its a bless of copulation and married life. For example, in these verses, it seems that Jupiter blesses is about the column of Constantio (¿the penis?) has always firm and sufficient to Camilla.
columna.jpg columna.jpg Viewed 20275 times 34.03 KiB
To be continued


Ok. Entiendo. Tengo que leer bien el Libro de la sorti…
Bueno. Seguimos.
IV Parte
Lunes 28 de mayo
Al despertar van a la Sala Grande. Está decorada con cortinas de animales y árboles (represando la naturaleza).
Los esposos están sentados en una mesa que preside el espacio.
Primera montaña
Entran una montaña artificial. Supongo que es una especie de armazón de madera, con ruedas, cubierto de trapos o algo similar.
De la montaña sale un león (un hombre vestido de león). Luego sale un “hombre salvaje”, peludo, que está armado con un garrote que tiene enrollado una serpiente. El salvaje persigue al león en una especie de danza. Vuelven a la montaña.
Salen dos jóvenes (¿saltimbanquis?). Uno lleva vestidos verdes y otro ¿azules? (seda de Alexandria). Tienen la cara pintada de verde y oro. Uno lleva una diadema con un águila; otro una diadema con un león. Danzan y hacen acrobacias. Vuelven a la montaña.
Salen diez jóvenes de la montaña. 5 visten ropa verde y 5 seda alesandrina. Llevan pequeñas cajas doradas en las manos. Danzan y hacen acrobacias. Dan las cajas a los esposos. Dentro de las cajas hay joyas hechas de azúcar.
Se llevan la montaña.
Saba y Salomón
Los embajadores y otras personas ilustres (súbditos de Constancio) dan sus regalos.
Sale la procesión de los judíos, enviada por la Universitá dei Giudei di Pesaro.
Primero van dos parejas de jóvenes y luego un elefante (un artificio de madera, supongo). En el elefante está la reina de Saba.
Sigue otro elefante más pequeño, con una torre y banderas.
Luego la corte de los judíos.
Recitan un poema y le dan un regalo (un “bacile” de bronce y plata).
Entra una segunda montaña. En la cima de la montaña hay una torre. Sobre la torre hay un spiritello que explica que va a salir Roboam.
Sale un anciano, Roboam, y pide a Constantio campos para trabajar, porque ellos han perdidos los suyos. Constantio se los da.
Salen 12 jóvenes y realizan una danza que representa el trabajo agrícola. Desde la siembra a la recogida del trigo.
Se van.
Empieza la procesión de los planetas.
Cada planeta va en un carro, con emblemas, sobre ruedas. Los planetas van por este orden: Luna, Mercurio, Venus, Sol, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno. Los planetas regalan su reino (e influencia) a los esposos.
Esta parte es muy difícil de entender. Solo se explica en versos, que parecen tener todos un doble sentido erótico. Parece que cada Planeta bendice la cópula de los esposos y su vida conyugal. Por ejemplo, en estos versos, parece que Júpiter espera que Constantio siempre tenga la columna (el pene) firme y que esa columna sea suficiente para Camilla.
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

we have the ancient Manilius astrology and from the 12 figures 10 reappear in the Hymeneus order of 1475.

The text of Manilius reached Italy after the council of Constance and became popular, when the Palazzo Schifanoia got some fresci 1469-71 and second, when a Ferrarese and a Regiomontanus edition were published more or less parallel 1472/73. So ... short before the wedding of 1475.


March = Aries = Minerva
April = Taurus = Venus
May = Gemini = Apollo
June = Cancer = Mercury
July = Leo = Jupiter
August = Virgo = Ceres
September = Libra = Vulcanus
October = Scorpio = Mars
November = Sagitarius = Diana
December = Capricorn = Vesta
January = Aquarius = Juno
February = Pisces = Neptun

The gods are logical arranged in 180 degree opposites:

brothers and sisters, children of Saturn/Kronos
Jupiter - Juno
Neptun - Ceres
Mercury (replaces Pluto) - Vesta

younger gods
Minerva - Vulcanus
Venus - Mars
Apollo - Artemis

Although this is rather logical (if one knows about mythology), it should have been surprising in ca. 1470 and caused discussions and following variations.

If we look at the Gold series of the sun, we see in a comparison:

1. Hymeneus goes outside, Castor and Pollux come inside - GEMINI 1st time "male"
2. Vivande de Venere - Erato - TAURUS, "female zodiac sign"
3. Vivande de Iove - Perseo - LEO, "male"
4. Vivande de Juno - Iris - AQUARIUS, "male"
5. Vivande de Apollo - Orpheo - GEMINI 2nd time, "male"
6. Vivande de Pallas - Hebe - ARIES, "male"

Some considerations:
Nearly all listed Gold = sun signs are that, what one would consider in modern (and probably also old) astrology "male zodiac signs" ("male" are usually Aries-Gemini-Leo-Libra-Sagitarius-aquarius), only one
is female, Venus in Taurus (female sign) creates trouble.

In the Manilius astrology Venus is paired with Mars, and everybody, who knows mythology, knows, that this is an immoral love affair, not a marriage.
But now we have the state of "wedding" (the triumph of the Hymeneus) and things are going to be changed, so this attractive Venus at the free market of possible love affairs is moved to her husband Vulcanus at the sign Libra, that sign, which hasn't till now appeared in the list with the male zodiac signs above. Libra, astrology knows it, is the sign of marriage.

Now we've 5 male zodiac signs in the Gold sun list and still we have a contradiction. Apollo and the twins Castor and Pollux both are arranged in the sign Gemini, and that is one too much, and Apollo has to be moved to his sister in Sagitarius and "all power to the twin children" in Gemini, cause this is a "wedding", high live the Hymeneus, and weddings are made to get children.

Now we have that, what the astrologus loves, an ordered zodiac, 6 male signs make the Gold = sun group, cause Sagitarius is the sixth male sign

Now we come to the Silver = moon group:

7. Vivande de Vesta - Tatia (daughter of Tatius, king of the Sabines) - VIRGO, female
8. Vivande de Neptuno - Triton - PISCES, female
9. Vivande de Diana - Licaste - SAGITARIUS, male as discussed before
10. Vivande de Marte - Romulo - SCORPIO, female
11. Vivande de Ceres - Arethusa - CAPRICORN female
12. Vivande de Bacho - Syleno ... ???????

That's more complicated ... I think

We've the figure Orpheus left from the consideration about the sun group (Orpheus as servant of Apollo). If Apollo gets the place of Licaste, what's with Licaste? Gets Orpheus Licaste? And we still have Bacho paired with Silenus.
From the zodiac signs, we have Taurus, which was left by Venus, and we have Cancer, which belonged in the Manilius order to Mercury, but Mercury and Vulcanus we haven't appeared in the 24 figures of the Hymeneus.

Now is Vulcanus the typical male husband and Mercury the typical messenger and the male husband (in exspectation) is very important at a wedding and Mercury is also an important god, who couldn't really disappear in a gods arrangement.


Mantegna's Muses interpretation for Isabella d'Este.

Vulcanus and Mercury are left at the painting at the left and right border, as the real players of a chess game do not appear at the board.

Marriages were arranged by messengers, usually the husband-in-spe wasn't allowed to see the bride. And the whole group of the 24 units is parted in gods (the folk of the husband) and messengers (the folk of Mercury).

Further we have in astrology the specific condition, that only 11 zodiac signs existed and a 12th (just Libra, where Vulcanus was (Manilius) and Venus went to (my interpretation), is the new created zodiac sign.

Reading it this way, the dance (or move) of the (hidden chess) figures looked this way.

0. Venus went to Libra
1. Apollo went to Diane, but couldn't get her, so he got Licaste (forming shepherd romantic, very attractive in his time).
2. Diana moved to Cancer, cause Cancer was free, cause Mercury went out for commissions (and Cancer is reigned by the moon and Diane was the moon goddess).
3. Orpheus went to Diane and made music for her, but couldn't free her from Hades (his theme is Eurydike)

Vulcanus and Mercury became the outside players.
In the final scene (wedding) naturally Vulcanus as realized husband enters the scene, and gets Venus in Libra, and with the help of Erato makes love poems of the common nature.

4. As usual at weddings there was a lot of alcohol. Bachus and Sylenus take the free place at Taurus.

I don't know the person Licaste (somehow shepherd literature ?) ... what is behind her? Imaginable is, that Apollo took (in the imagination) the Leo position ... in the comparable Spirito text Apollo becomes (in hidden form) the god on the triumphal chariot and Leo is reigned by sun (= Apollo) as the moon reigns Cancer.

So far my adhoc interpretation, which I later might change a little bit.

It would be interesting to know, what play of theater was given.

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

:) After I analyze what You say, Huck. Now I continued with the party

Great breakfast

Start a great meal in the Great Hall. I suppose, they are sitting equal at the banquet cosmic (as U).

They bring many castles of sugar. They dance in the form of S (il Biscione). Great music and sweet foods, such as marzipan and candied.

Antonio Constanzio di Farne recites a poem in Latin. (I cant translate beacuse for me its very difficult understand Latin).

Bring more sugar's castles.

Enter a camel (an artifact of wood). The rider is dressed in a black oriental. Throw candy and sweets to people.

Ludovico di Bartolomeo send a private gift. It is a great castle of sugar, two oxen transported sugar (I suppose on a platform on wheels). At the top is Chastity. He recites a poem and leaves.

Now comes a very interesting to compare with the Mantegna deck:

Sign in Poetry. Her hair is loose, a laurel wreath. On one hand holding a golden apple, covered with a veil. The veil is written the word "Veritas" to "prove that under the poetical veil hiding the truth."

Poetry is accompanied by 3 beautiful ladies. They are Grammar, Rhetoric and Astrology. These ladies lead the Mount Parnassus (in sugar). At Mount Parnassus are statues of Apollo and the nine muses.

Then came the procession of Poetry. There are 20 poets. Ten Greeks and ten Latino. Each poet has a book of sugar. Each poet recited a couplet to the spouses (its not write) and give them the book.

Poetry recited a poem important. We must translate well. In this poem explains that his gift is the wisdom, knowledge.

Rest until evening.

Party in the square (by night). Fireworks.

Lot music and dance.

In the center of the square is a "Girandola." This is a sort of wheel emerging from the fireworks. (we can think in fortunes well) ... 874-80.jpg

The Girandola is made in wood. In the center is a representation (in silver) on the celestial sphere and the zodiac.

This area is supported by three giant heads that spit fire. In addition, there are three serpents ranging from celestial sphere giant heads. Also throw fire.
girandola.jpg girandola.jpg Viewed 20271 times 22.14 KiB
Enter the car of the god of Love is very high (18 feet). Silver is "surrounded by fire." The god of love has lighted arrows with the tips of fire. Around 12 spiritelli sing and dance.

More dancing.

Go to bed (I guess drunk :) )


Gran desayuno
Empieza una gran comida en la Sala Grande. Supongo que están sentados como en el banquete cósmico (en forma de U).
Traen muchos castillos de azúcar. Hacen una danza en forma de S (il Biscione). Mucha música y comida dulce, como mazapanes y confitados.
Antonio Constanzio di Farno recita un poema en latín. (No puedo traducirlo, me cuesta mucho entender latín).
Traen más castillos de azúcar.
Entra un camello (un artificio de madera). El jinete es un negro vestido a la oriental. Arroja caramelos y dulces a la gente.
Ludovico di Bartolomeo envía un regalo privado. Es un gran castillo de azúcar, transportado por dos bueyes de azúcar (supongo que sobre una plataforma de ruedas). En la cima está Castidad. Recita un poema y se va.
Ahora viene una parte muy interesante para comparar con la baraja de Mantegna:
Entra Poesía. Lleva el pelo suelto y una corona de laurel. En una mano sujeta una manzana de oro, cubierta con un velo. En el velo está escrita la palabra “Veritas”, para “demostrar que bajo el velo poético se esconde la verdad”.
Poesía está acompañada por 3 damas hermosas. Son Gramática, Retórica y Astrología. Estas damas llevan el Monte Parnaso (de azúcar). En el Monte Parnaso están las estatuas de Apolo y las nueve musas.
Luego vienen el cortejo de Poesía. Son 20 poetas. Diez latinos y diez griegos. Cada poeta lleva un libro de azúcar. Cada poeta recita un pareado a los esposos (no vienen cuáles) y les dan el libro.
Poesía recita un poema importante. Hay que traducirlo bien. En este poema explica que su regalo es la sabiduría, el conocimiento.
Descanso hasta la noche.
Fiesta en la plaza. Fuegos artificiales.
Mucha música y danza.
En el centro de la plaza hay una “Girandola”. Esto es una especie de rueda desde la que salen fuegos artificiales.
La Girandola es de madera. En el centro hay una representación (en plata) de la esfera celeste y el zodiaco. Esta esfera está apoyada en tres cabezas de gigantes, que escupen fuego. Además, hay tres serpientes que van desde la esfera celeste a las cabezas de gigante. También echan fuego.
Entra el carro del dios del Amor. Es muy alto (18 pies). Es de plata “rodeado de fuego”. El dios del amor tiene flechas con las puntas encendidas de fuego. A su alrededor 12 spiritelli cantan y danzan.
Más bailes.
Se van a dormir (supongo que borrachos xD)
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)