Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - GOSSELIN 1582

BOUGEAREL Alain wrote: 10 Sep 2016, 18:58 Gosselin 1582 La Signification de l'ancien jeu des chartes pythagorique(s)
1582 Gosselin Jean: "La signification de l 'ancien jeu des chartes pythagoriques..."

Une référence à l' Antique ...
La plus ancienne référence française connue d' une lecture pythagoricienne du Jeu de cartes ordinaires?

Contenu : mises à jour en date du 25 Octobre 2016

I. Un "cadre pythagoricien" : traduction de l'article de Michael S. HOWARD
II. Une analyse pythagoricienne en conformité avec l'exposé platonicien de l'ordre des Eléments

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Mises à jour en date du 29/04/2018 : viewtopic.php?t=1102&p=20080#p20093 ... Biographie

Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - la séquence 1+4+7+10 = 22

mikeh wrote: 27 Apr 2018, 03:19 Here is my attempt to translate what Alain has added to his essay in French at I am sorry for not noticing his request earlier. Added later: I include the French that he quotes in this addition. I learn via Alain that it comes from Mathématiques au Moyen-âge, Eclairs sur le Moyen-âge, section I: "Dans le moule romain : du VIème au IXème siècle" [Mathematics of the Middle Ages; Lightning-Flashes on the Middle Ages," section I: In the Roman Mold, from the 6th to the 9th century"], by Henry Plane, 1988, p. 7, at
Epilogue? I wish to draw attention to the following facts:

- this Pythagorean structure was known to BOETHIUS, and consequently to those literate in Latin - and this, before the exile into Italy of Byzantine scholars
Boethius, De institutione arithmetica

Boethius understands that in the case of pentagons - "de generatione pentagonorum" - the differences between two successive pentagonal numbers form what we call an arithmetical series of common difference three.
1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 ...

and that the pentagonal numbers are obtained as the successive sums of the terms of this series:
5, 12, 22, 35, 51 ...

Boethius ends his study by writing, "We can do the same for the other forms of polygons" - and he generalizes - hexagon, series of common difference four (1, 5, 9, 13, ...) , heptagon, series of common difference five (1, 6, 11, 16, ...).
- the so-called philosophers' game, as outlined by Anne E. MOYER, The Philosophers' Game, Rithmomachia in Renaissance and Medieval Europe, University of Michigan Press, 2001 ... ce&f=false
Andrea has edited your translation
See : ... Biographie

Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - la séquence 1+4+7+10 = 22

Hi Mikeh
Early in the morning here.
1. Boissiere
Neither do I : I gave his Arythmachia for two reasons :
- as an example of the rules of winning victory in the game still in use at these time
- and most of all because if the expression 'jeu pythagorique" used a little later by Gosselin "l ancien jeu de chartres pythagorique..."
2. D" Etaples connected to Lazarelli?
TRy do recall where you made this finding ...
Very interesting ... Biographie

Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - la séquence 1+4+7+10 = 22

Bingo Mikeh
I found it in Universalis.
"En 1505, Lefèvre d'Étaples publia la traduction ficinienne du Pimandre avec l'Asclepius, auquel il joignit un commentaire où il se montre sensible à la valeur apologétique des Hermetica ; mais, préoccupé d'orthodoxie, il condamne certains de leurs aspects magiques. Il inclut dans le même volume l'extraordinaire Crater Hermetis rédigé en 1494 par Ludovico Lazzarelli, qui décrit la transmission, par un maître à son disciple, d'une expérience de regénération. En 1507, Symphorien Champier imprima dans son De quadruplici vita une traduction latine, due à Lazzarel[...]"

Article HERMETISME in extenso as I can get it on Encyclopue Universalis : ... naissance/

L'hermétisme à la Renaissance

C'est en 1460 environ qu'un moine apporta de Macédoine à Florence un manuscrit du Corpus Hermeticum. En 1463, Cosme de Médicis demanda à Marsile Ficin de le traduire en latin, et ce avant même de traduire Platon. Dans la Préface à sa traduction, Ficin, se référant à saint Augustin, fait d'Hermès le premier des théologiens : son enseignement aurait été transmis successivement à Orphée, à Aglaophème, à Pythagore, à Philolaos et enfin à Platon. Par la suite, Ficin placera Zoroastre en tête de ces prisci theologi, pour attribuer finalement à Zoroastre et Mercure un rôle identique dans la genèse de la sagesse antique : Zoroastre enseigna celle-ci chez les Perses en même temps que Mercure l'enseignait chez les Égyptiens. Ficin insista, en outre, sur la dimension prophétique des écrits d'Hermès, qui aurait prédit « la ruine de la religion antique, la naissance d'une nouvelle foi, l'avènement du Christ, le Jugement dernier, la Résurrection, la gloire des élus et le supplice des méchants ». La traduction de Ficin, imprimée dès 1471, fut le point de départ d'une véritable renaissance de l'hermétisme philosophique. Ainsi, c'est par une citation de l'Asclepius que Pic de la Mirandole (qui proposa, dans ses Conclusions, dix thèses « selon l'antique doctrine de l'Égyptien Mercure Trismégiste ») ouvrit son Oratio de hominis dignitate ; et, en 1488, une étonnante figure du Trismégiste, attribuée à Giovanni di Stefano, fut sculptée sur le pavement même de la cathédrale de Sienne.

En 1505, Lefèvre d'Étaples publia la traduction ficinienne du Pimandre avec l'Asclepius, auquel il joignit un commentaire où il se montre sensible à la valeur apologétique des Hermetica ; mais, préoccupé d'orthodoxie, il condamne certains de leurs aspects magiques. Il inclut dans le même volume l'extraordinaire Crater Hermetis rédigé en 1494 par Ludovico Lazzarelli, qui décrit la transmission, par un maître à son disciple, d'une expérience de regénération. En 1507, Symphorien Champier imprima dans son De quadruplici vita une traduction latine, due à Lazzarel[...] ... Biographie

Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - la séquence 1+4+7+10 = 22

BOUGEAREL Alain wrote: 30 Apr 2018, 04:14 The whole story in details about Lazarelli D'Etaples and Champier is in :
L humanisme français au debur de la Renaissance, Colloque de Tours XIVe stagLibrairie philosophique Paris 1973 ... es&f=false
D'Etaples ' connections with Lazarelli via Ficino and Pic de la Mirandole : notes de lecture
D Etaples plus qu un editeur erudit. Importance de Lyon 3e capitale européenne de l imprimerie
Edition des Oeuvres du Pseudo Denys en 1499
Son meilleur disciple
1480 1553 Charles de Bouelles, pythagoricien
1483 D'Etaples est a Florence y rencontre Ficin et Pic de la Mirandole et decide de traduire le Pimandre : Mercurii Trismegisti liber de potestate et sapientia Dei
Lazarelli de Septempedano converi à la religion chrétienne en lisant les écrits d'Hermes, compose le Crater Hermetis qui sera intégré au corpus Hermeticum publié par D'Etaples en le 1 avril 1505 chez H Etienne
D Etaples jont donc le dialogue de Lazarelli à la traduction du Pimandre par Ficin et à celle de l 'Asclepius par le Pseudo Apulée.
Les 2 grandes oeuvres d 'Hermes Trismegiste y sont réunies dans un seul ouvrage, avec un commentaire par chapitre. ... Biographie

Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - la séquence 1+4+7+10 = 22

I can say more about the connection between Lazzarelli and Champier. According to Hanegraaff, the intermediary between the two was probably Giovan "Mercurio" Correggio, the self-styled "son of God" whom Lazzarelli first encountered in 1481 Rome. In 1482 Lazzarelli gave him his translations of Tractates XVI-XVIII of the Corpus Hermeticum, which had not been in Ficino's manuscript.

Then in 1501, a year after Lazzarelli's death, Correggio went to Lyon, where Louis XII was staying, for the purpose of getting him to instigate a crusade against the infidels. While there, according to a letter from an Italian manuscript-hunter named Pierro Aleandro to the diarist Marin Sanudo (with whose works it is preserved), Correggio gave a work written by himself to the king, and a "similar work" to "the ambassador", from whom Aleandro says he "got it later". I am not sure who "the ambassador" is. Hanegraaff says Sanudo was "the Venetian ambassador", but if the letter was to him, why would Aleandro be telling him about it? Maria Paola Saci, cited in footnote 131, says it was given to "the orator", again unspecified.)

Saci (Ludovico Lazzerelli, 1999) examined the codex of Lazzarelli's translation, and says there are annotations in Aleandro's handwriting. So probably Aleandro brought it back to Venice with him, and then to Rome, "from where," Hanegraaff writes, "Egidio di Viterbo could have taken it to Viterbo."

In addition, while Correggio was with Louis XII in Lyon in 1501, the king had his claims to vast medical knowledge put to the test by two physicians (he was proved to have "superhuman knowledge," according to Trithemius, who heard this from a couple of acquaintances with occultist leanings). Aleandro's letter says only that one of these physicians was a Spaniard and the other a Frenchman. Carlo Vecce in Iacopo Sannazaro, 1988, pp. 18-19, identifies them as Gonsalvo di Toledo and his friend and colleague Symphorien Champier, who of course is the one who published Lazzarelli's translations in 1507.

Haanegraaff concludes:
Aleandro's letter therefore confirms what has already been assumed by scholars for some time: Correggio's visit to Louis XII in 1501 was a crucial event in view of the diffusion of the Hermetica in Latin translations from Italy to France.
The relevant documentation is in Hanegraaff's introductory essay to Lodovico Lazzarelli (1447-1500), pp. 40-41. ... 0-41-1.jpg
He does not say how d'Estaples got a copy of Lazzarelli's Crater Hermetis so as to print his expurgated version. He, like Champier, was in Lyon in 1501. He also traveled to Italy occasionally. But at the time of his 1483 visit to Florence, the Crater Hermetis wasn't yet written (not until c. 1490). And I know of no record of communication between Lazzarelli and Ficino, or of Lazzarelli's visiting Florence.

Correggio did go to Florence, in 1486, in rather uncongenial circumstances. Il Magnifico had him arrested and turned over to the Franciscan Inquisition, which sneeringly subjected him to public examination in shackles. That the self-declared Pimander, spiritual son of Hermes Trismegistus, could be so treated by Lorenzo somewhat shocks Hanegraaff. I'd think it was other language that caused him problems, his claiming to be "son of God".

Re: Le Tarot arithmologique - la séquence 1+4+7+10 = 22

Good job Mikeh.
About D'Etaples and Ficino in Italy of Encyclopedia Universalis, I suppose the informations came from the indications given by Champier
champier.PNG champier.PNG Viewed 18920 times 64.19 KiB
other informations : ... hp?id=1743

Notes de lecture :
Champier 1471 1539 i Doctor in medecine of Lyon is a disciple and a commentator somewhere in concurrence of D Etaples and Ficino..
Ficino havig written De triplici vita, Champier writes De quadruplici vita
D Etaples publishes 1505 what could be thought as the Corpus Hermeticum, Champier publishes 1507 the Definitiones
i that D taples did not know about and in 1508 a THeologia Trismegista
His essential interest for us is the publication in 1507 of the Definotiones Asclepii discovered and translated by Lazarelli
How did he discover this text? Lazarelli was dead in 1500.
As you noted, K Ohly believes that the master ofLazarelli, Jean Mercure de Corregio came to France to do so.
The book dedicated to D'Etaples by Champier also gives indications of D'Etaples journey's in Italy

Source pp 140 141 ... es&f=false ... Biographie
Capture d etaples lazarelli 2.PNG Capture d etaples lazarelli 2.PNG Viewed 18920 times 131.37 KiB