Re: Update to forum - Saturday 24 July
31Right, one of the extensions that don't work with the updated system. I think it might be best to reduce the extensions anyways for just the reason, if they are going to be outdated, then not much point.
Very nice, thank you!Robert wrote: 01 Aug 2021, 12:59 I've turned on the updated old theme. You can choose from 4 styles on the right side of the forum. If you hate this theme, you can go to your control panel and in board settings choose the default (prosilver special edition) that we've been using since the update.
I just tried that, and it did not like either of [ img]...[/ img] or "largeimg" for Why won't it take my images now?Huck wrote: 01 Aug 2021, 10:14 Possibly there is a problem with the old "largeimg" "/largeimg" command.
Possibly all domains, which were used in the context of "largeimg" were written on a blacklist, which means "don't use in this program".
I think there are global ways to exchange all "largeimg" in the forum-texts to a legal "img" just with one operation. And then one has to find the blacklist and remove the domains.