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Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 11:14
by Huck
dr bartolo wrote:@Huck
the link you put in your previous post has a rather interesting deck of german cards......
[img] ... +und+Damen[/img]

I call this "interesting" because German suited cards (like the above) do not (usually) have queens in them, and instead of the usual duce , there is a ace......
Yes ... there are 8 cards.

at ... +und+Damen
The page contains this information:
Woensam, Anton: Ergänzungskarten zum Schäufeleinschen Kartenspiel: Asse und Damen
Künstler: Woensam, Anton
Entstehungsjahr: um 1535
Maße: 24,5 × 30 cm
Technik: Holzschnitt
Aufbewahrungsort: Wolfegg
Sammlung: Sammlung der Fürsten von Waldburg-Wolfegg-Waldsee
Epoche: Renaissance
Land: Deutschland
Ergänzungskarten means "added cards", and "Ergänzungskarten zum Schäufeleinschen Kartenspiel" means "added cards to the deck of Hans Leonhard Schäufelein".

The Schäufelein-Spiel had (possibly') a 4x12-structure, Schäufelein is given to Nurremberg, Woensam lived in Cologne. So it seems, that c. 1520-1540 Nurremberg preferred the 4x12 deck, (for instance Floetner) but Cologne (or at least some customers of Woensam) preferred the 4x14-deck. Indeed that interesting, as Master PW (also assumed to be a Cologne artist) made a 5x14-deck in 1500.

But ... at ... we had earlier gathered this information:

(Nuremberg, Germany)
ca. 1535
size: 9.5x6.0 cm
The complete deck consisted of 52 cards, Schaeufelein (ca. 1480 - ca. 1438) painted 41 of them, 11 others were designed by the Master of the Hederlein (according to H. Roettner, Peter Floetner's Holzschnitte, 1911).
The series was probably printed by Wolfgang Resch (noted at 2 of hearts).
I don't remember, where this information was collected from, likely from an engraving dictionary, but it contradicts apparently the Woensam information. Possibly an older theory by Roettner, which was abandoned later.
Here a better version of the cards:

Generally: Many older German playing card decks had queens, and they were already noted by Johannes of Rheinfelden in 1377

For Master PW
Cards ...
German article ...

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 12:00
by mmfilesi

an marxist-angel? :D :D :D
d00605s2.jpg d00605s2.jpg Viewed 11123 times 93.54 KiB

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 12:13
by Huck
Likely local heraldic, possibly somehow connected to mining industry ...


... possibly earlier shield of something near Erfurt (?)

It's not Erfurt itself ..


.. which still has this wheel


I remember, that this sign appears more often than twice ...

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 13:07
by mmfilesi
:( Too bad. An angel Marxist in the sixteenth century was more fun. :fool

Thanks, friend!

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 15:10
by Huck
mmfilesi wrote::( Too bad. An angel Marxist in the sixteenth century was more fun. :fool

Thanks, friend!

The working class of begin of 16th century were naturally peasants and this was especially remarkable as the Bundschuh movement, located around Strassburg and some other parts Southern Germany. "Bundschuh" = ... see the symbol at the flag in the picture. This went a longer time with different local intensity till c. 1517.



Then followed the peasant's war ...

... which was so intensive, that leading heads of the reformation got fears ... for instance Luther.


This might have been a symbol ... I don't know, how important this was.

Generally one has to see, that "opposing circles" gathered in that, what is called reformation, whereby the term terminus "opposing circles" collects many different social groups ... :-)

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 23:16
by mmfilesi
Hi friend, thanks for this answer. Very interesting.

Sure you know Il formaggio e i vermi from Carlo Ginzburg. A very interesting essay about the popular mentality in the early sixteenth century and the relationship between Lutheranism and social fight.

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 09:11
by dr bartolo
mmfilesi wrote:LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

an marxist-angel? :D :D :D
nice deck there! what is the name of the particular deck it is from?

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 09:54
by Huck
dr bartolo wrote: nice deck there! what is the name of the particular deck it is from?
...:-) ... as already stated, Leonhard Schäufelein ...

information to Schäufelein ... see above

dr bartolo, may I ask you something personal? Your detailed knowledge about some German cards lets me assume, that you're from Germany, possibly a member of the IPCS ... is this correct?

I'm from Cologne, btw. I'm not a member of the IPCS. I've some relationship to

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 17:22
by dr bartolo
No, and no.

I just like those german cards- when the first time I saw them I thaught- wow, those guys have such more beautifull cards than we do here.........

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 17:12
by Huck
Some cards from the Cologne deck


You requested Agrippina, founder of the city of Cologne, highest trump in the deck (with some Cologne buildings in the background - the Cologne Cathedral wasn't finished)


Father Rhine, the local big river in Cologne


the Pagat


The Club-Jack with the producer name (Bürgers in Köln), deck likely made c. 1847