Re: The Children of the Planets

SteveM wrote: 21 Dec 2020, 19:57
Ross G. R. Caldwell wrote: 08 Aug 2010, 11:08 Thanks Steve. Very nice.

I'd like to find the Baldini/Finiguerra for Luna, which contains a juggler image described thusly:

"Near these, eight persons at a table are looking at a juggler, in a fool's dress, with an ape at his feet."
I know this is old, but in case you did not come across it, there is a [zoomable] print at the BM: ... 5-0825-476
Thanks very much, Steve!
What I like about it is the conjurer with the fool's costume, which resembles the Rosenwald sheet. This should put to rest the notion that the Rosenwald deck lacked a Fool, just because the Bagatto is wearing fool's ears. Maybe the Rosenwald Fool looked like this "Ship of Fools" character, or maybe he was more of a madman, dressed in rags, or some other kind of Fool.

Re: The Children of the Planets

Have you ever managed to translate the text below the image? Usually there are just bad b/w images floating around of this one, but got a good shot of this one off BnF.

I can't even make out the spelling of some of the words, but something about when the 7 planets are gathered together and then to Saint Michael and with all the angels...I presume the theme to be some kind of Christian prayer/talisman against astral influences (Christian virtue over fortuna), but clearly clueless here text-wise:


Appreciate any help here.


Re: The Children of the Planets

viewtopic.php?p=15576#p15576 and likely also at other places

original ... /f395.item
F. 175v-197v. JOHANNES HARTLIEB, Mondwahrsagebuch : « Hjenoch volgent die acht und zwentzig mansyones lune…–…Aber den weltlichen monschen also vil gelobter ee etc. [D]is bůch hant gemacht die grossen Meister der astronomÿe und hand es transferiert uß caldeischer sprachen in dütsche sproch uß dem bůch der heilligen drÿ kunig. [D]ie es im anfang vor gottes geburt an dem gestirn gesehen habent und ist ein kostbarlicher schatz der natur mit wenig worten volendet ».
quoted from

author ...
various editions of the same work ...
for instance here ... image,info .... difficult to read.