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Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 04:33
by Yngwë Yngweron
By applying the Tarot de Marseilles pattern to the Hebrew alphabet (and its corresponding attribution of zodiac, planets & elements) we find certain numerological features in tune with our systems of measurement for time, sound & light. By interweaving figurate forms across dimensions, the major arcana encodes a harmony of numbers in proportion with the regular solids, vesica piscis, & great pyramid at giza.

[author's note: there are some obvious errors in this post which I've chosen to leave uncorrected as they amply demonstrate the distillation process required to find our 'hidden stone'. They are 'rectified' in the following post.]

127 = the sum of major arcana corresponding to the zodiac
73 = the sum of digital roots of major arcana corresponding to the zodiac

127 : 73 ≈ √3

73 = star dodecagon
127 = projection of 6th cube (6x6x6=216) into centered hexagonal figurate [3d:2d]
216 = number of degrees between earth-venus conjunctions
216 = 3rd heptacontatrigonal (73-gonal) number
216º x5 = earth:venus synodic pentagram = 365 x8
73 x5 = 365
73 x8 = 584

kilometers:miles = 5:8

1 mile = 5280 feet
528 = 32nd Triangular number
32 = sum of major arcana corresponding to 3 elements

Taking a spherical model of Earth & joining another sphere thru its’ northern hemisphere to form vesica piscis (≈ √3) gives their intersection at 30ºN (location of Great Pyramid: rise=14, run=11 [14:11 = 1.272727....], base=1760 royal cubits [1 mile = 1760 yards]).
Distance, in miles, from Giza to ‘axis’ = 3430

343 = cube 7x7x7
343 = speed of sound in meters per second

343 - 216 = 127


72 = volume of Tetrahedron within Cube 6x6x6
72 = sum of major arcana corresponding to planets
18 = sum of digital roots of major arcana corresponding to planets = 6+6+6

XIX = 1 Metonic cycle

73 +19
92 = 8th pentagon

92 x 127 = 32 years (4 earth-venus synodic pentagrams : 2 earth-mars heptagrams)

32nd vertebrae counted up from bottom:

20 = tooth:

127 +1 = 7 octaves
73 +1 = 666/9

32 + 19 = 51 x 3 = 153
72 - 19 = 53 x 5 = 265

265/153 ≈ √3 = vesica piscis

231 = sum of major arcana
21st triangle
11th hexagon
7th octahedron (13 courses)

middle C = (Φ x10)² Hz

6th octahedron (11 courses)

299,792,458 = c = speed of light in meters per second
1296000 / π = number of square degrees in a whole sphere

c / 1296000 = 231.321....

θ = 2π : 3

Prime Meridian

Posted: 28 Apr 2010, 20:22
by Yngwë Yngweron
"If one proceeded to announce that there is still nowadays a work of the former Egyptians, one of their books that escaped the flames that devoured their superb libraries, and which contains their purest doctrines on interesting subjects, everyone who heard, undoubtedly, would hasten to study such an invaluable book, such a marvel. If one also said that this book is very widespread in most of Europe, that for a number of centuries it has been in the hands of everyone, the surprise would be certain to increase. Would it not reach its height, if one gave assurances that no one ever suspected that it was Egyptian; that those who possessed it did not value it, that nobody ever sought to decipher a sheet of it; that the fruit of an exquisite wisdom is regarded as a cluster of extravagant figures which do not mean anything by themselves? Would it not be thought that the speaker wanted to amuse himself, and played on the credulity of his listeners?"
-Antoine Court de Gébelin, 1781

An erroneous assumption frequently made by historians of Tarot regards the eponymous claim to Egyptian origin as synonymous with the telling of fortunes or trade in charms - enterprises with a reputation for con-artists and quacks who, preying upon superstitions of the naive, successfully co-opted the card games of Tarot under dubious mystical pretenses.

However, applying the Tarot de Marseilles pattern to the Hebrew alphabet, One obtains a numerological artifice in tune with mathematical constants specific to proportions and harmonics evident at the intersection of acoustic space, the regular solids, and planetary synodic cycles. To such degree that chances of it merely being a ‘fluke’ approach astronomical magnitudes; thereby suggesting the enumeration traditionally ascribed the kabbalist system of gematria may actually be a blind whose decryption key is provided by what has come to be recognized as the ‘standard’ Tarot pattern.

The mathematical constants encoded in the application of the Tarot de Marseilles cypher [FOOL] to the sequence of Hebrew letters also casts the Great Pyramid as key stone to a sacred geometry writ large across the solar system. By connecting the locus & proportions of this monument to that of a vesica pisces superimposed over the Earth, we access practical Knowledge of the rationale behind ancient builders’ methods for establishing our units of measure. This is accomplished, in part, by calculating the combinatorial permutations for the value of The Sun (XIX) with the sums and digital root sums of the other major arcana as grouped by element, planet & zodiac.

127 = the sum of major arcana corresponding to the zodiac
73 = the sum of digital roots of major arcana corresponding to the zodiac

127 : 73 ≈ √3

72 = volume of Tetrahedron within Cube 6x6x6
72 = sum of major arcana corresponding to planets
72 = 360 / 5

32 + 19 = 51 x 3 = 153
72 - 19 = 53 x 5 = 265

265/153 ≈ √3 = vesica piscis

32 = sum of major arcana corresponding to 3 elements
5 = sum of digital roots corresponding to elements
37 = 32 + 5 = 666 / 6+6+6
18 = sum of digital roots of major arcana corresponding to planets

XIX years + 5 days = 1 Metonic cycle

23 = 18+5
23 x 127 = days in 1 earth-venus synodic pentagram = (73 x40) +1 ... andala.jpg

73 +19
92 = 8th pentagonal number
92 x 127 = 32 years (4 earth-venus pentagrams : 2 earth-mars heptagrams = tetraktys) ... 3-2018.png

127 +1 = 7 octaves (128:1)
73 +1 = 666/9

73 x5 = 365
73 x8 = 584
"The basic points of ancient metrology were reconstructed in the seventeenth century by two successive holders of the Saville Chair of Astronomy at Oxford, John Greaves (1602-1652) and Eduard Bernard (1638-1697). Their work is connected with the development of the ideas of Newton, who also was interested in ancient metrology. The achievement of these two scholars, men of extraordinary encyclopedic learning and of more than human capacity for work, was such that Christian Eisenschmidt as early as 1701 could say, with reason, that to write about metrology after Bernard was like writing the Iliad after Homer. The modern study of metrology was initiated by Böckh, who amplified the work of his predecessors by taking Greek inscriptions as his main starting point. Bernard had also been active as an editor of Greek inscriptions, but his information in this area was necessarily limited; he relied mainly on Greek and Oriental literary sources, many of which he discovered himself through his activity as a collector of ancient manuscripts. Following the principles already formulated by Greaves, Böckh stressed two main points. The first, that there was one single system of metrology, which had been developed in Egypt and completed in Assyria by connecting the Egyptian units of length, volume, and weight with units of time and with angular measurements; this system was received as a unified whole by the Greeks. The second, that the system developed by the Egyptians was conceived like the French metric system, in that the unit of length, by being cubed, gives the unit of volume, which, filled with water, is the unit of weight. On a different level, Böckh was one of the figures mainly responsible for the establishment at the beginning of the nineteenth century of the concept of philologia, the concept that classical culture is characterized by certain general basic ideas and that these can be best approached by the development of specialized branches of investigation, each with its own methodology. One of these branches is metrology, which Böckh established as a formal discipline. Up to the end of the nineteenth century, generations of scholars pursued metrological investigations accepting the basic structure outlined by Böckh."
- Livio C. Stecchini

Taking a spherical model of Earth & joining another sphere thru its’ northern hemisphere to form, in cross-section, the vesica piscis, gives the intersection of spheres at 30º north: latitude of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The angular measurement defining the height & slope of any pyramid, what the ancient Egyptians called the Seked, is the ratio of its’ Run (center of base side to center of base) to its’ Rise (center of base to apex). By utilizing the seked proportion used for the Great Pyramid, the perimeter of any square pyramid base will always equal the circumference of a circle with radius equal to that pyramid’s height.

Rise= 28 digits (7 palms) = 1 cubit
Run= 22 digits (5 palms, 2 digits)
28/22 = 14/11 = 1.272727....

With respect to the Qabalist schema of projecting octahedral symmetry unto a plane, generating the architecture to the Tree of Life, there exists an intimate relationship between the 11th ‘point’ of this matrix (Da’at) and its’ XIVth ‘path’ -+---> One of ‘central’ importance to the Great Work thru its’ completion of a matrix for the vesica piscis (265:153) ... an0039.gif

127 = orthographic projection of 7³ with centered hexagonal symmetry [3d:2d = 343 : 127 ]
3430 = Distance, in nautical miles, from Giza to Earth’s polar axis = 10 cubes of 7
1 nautical mile = 1 arc minute of latitude
By these projective proportions, the tip of a pyramidion atop the Great Pyramid could be ‘seen’ to have touched the central point of an 11th Cube (counting 10 x 7³ from the axis). Tracing a geodesic of 12 hours, this radius then gives a diameter derived from 22 ‘cubes’ of 7 (22:7 ≈ π) which, by proportion, would be equivalent in 'length' to a chain of 21 octahedrons of 7

231 = octahedron of 7
343 = cube of 7

343 = 7x7x7
127 = sum of zodiac major arcana = 7th centered hexagon
216 = 6x6x6

231 inches³ = 128 fluid ounces (128:1 = 7 octaves ≈ 12 perfect fifths) = 1 US Gallon
231 = sum of major arcana = 7th octahedron [13:8]
I46 = 127 + XIX = 6th octahedron [11:8]
85 = 231 - 146 = 5th octahedron [9:8]
perfect fifth - perfect fourth = 9/8 pythagorean whole tone

44 = 4th Octahedron [7:8]
Great Pyramid base side length = 440 royal cubits
Great Pyramid base perimeter = 1760 royal cubits
176 = 11th Pentagon = 8th Octagon [11:8 :: 5:8 ≈ √2 :: Φ]
176 = sum of 7th Octahedron courses 1 thru 8 = 231 - 5th square pyramid
176 = days in Mercury spin:orbit (3:2) resonance

XIX = 3rd Octahedron [5:8] = 3rd centered hexagon (the Flower of Life)
127th Triangle = 8128 = 4th Perfect Number
7th Triangle = 28 = 2nd Perfect Number

4th Triangle = tetraktys
21st Triangle = 231
32nd Triangle = 528
36th Triangle = 666

231 x11 ≈ days in mercury:earth synodic cycle of 22 conjunctions 115.88 days apart = 7 earth years
1 nautical mile = 1.15 miles
22:7 ≈ π

1 mile:
5280 feet = 10x 528
1760 yards = 10x 176
63360 inches = 10x 36th Dodecagon

The length of apex [A] to the center of the Great Pyramid’s base divided by the length of its’ apex [A] to the floor of the King’s Chamber [C] = √2
AB/AC ≈ ♎:♌ = diabolus in musica

1 meter
=distance traveled by sound 1/343th of second in a zero-dispersion medium.
=distance trave11ed by light 1/299,792,458th of second
299,792,458 = c = speed of light in meters per second
1296000 / π = number of square degrees in whole sphere

c / 1296000 = 231.321....

4π = area of whole sphere in steradians
θ = 2π : 3


Nothing is a secret key of this Law...

Octahedral Numbers: 1, 6, 19, 44, 85, 146, 231...
231 = 7th Octahedron (13:8 = 13 courses : 8 sides)
models octave scale distances of 0-12 halftones...
[0] unison (1:1)
---------neutral third (³√2)
[5] perfect fourth (4:3)
♊ <--------------------------------------√2 ≈ 11/8 diabolus in musica 7/5
[7] perfect fifth (3:2)
---------neutral sixth (Φ ≈ 13:8 = tridecimal neutral sixth)
[12] octave (2:1) ... ar.svg.png

...and subdivides into fibonacci seq. <21 at 8th & 11th courses:
1 ----- [1] 1
4 ----- [2] 5
9 ----- [3] 14
16 --- [4] 30
25 --- [5] 55
36 --- [6] 91
49 --- [7] 140
36 --- [8] 176
---------------------------- 3:2 mercury spin:orbit resonance
25 --- [9] 201
16 -- [10] 6³ +1
---------------------------- 5:8:13 earth-venus synodic pentagram
9 --- [11] 15² +1
4 --- [12] 230
1 --- [13] 231

15 partitions 176 ways = 16 x11
16 partitions 231 ways = 21 x11

146 = 6th Octahedron (11 courses : 8 sides)
[11:8] undecimal tritone ≈ √2
I46 = 127 + XIX
models 11-octave scale centered on middle C

11 (octaves) x 12 (halftones) = 132
1.32 ≈ Plastic Number = ( x³ = x+1)
Cˌˌˌ = [(10x Φ )²]:32 Hz
Cˌˌ = [(10x Φ )²]:16 Hz
Cˌ = [(10x Φ )²]:8 Hz
C = [(10x Φ )²]:4 Hz
c = [(10x Φ )²]:2 Hz
c′ = (10x Φ )² Hz = 261.803...
c′′= 2[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′= 4[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′′= 8[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′′′= 16[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′′′′= 32[(10x Φ )²] Hz
2.61 ≈ Golden Ratio² = (x² = x+1)

231 - 146 = 146 - 61
85 = 5th Octahedron (9 courses : 8 sides)
[9:8] major second (whole tone)
9/8 = difference between Perfect Fifth & Perfect Fourth

[0] unison (1:1)
[5] perfect fourth (4:3)
♊ } 9:8 = 3/2 - 4/3
[7] perfect fifth (3:2)
[12] octave (2:1)

Believing their more ancient predecessors’ skill and knowledge superior to their own, many of the greatest minds lifting Europe out of the Dark Ages looked to antiquity for the advancement of the arts & sciences. Many regarded their own innovations as rediscovering methods already known to ‘the ancients’ - a prisca sapientia alluded to in geometric proof and monumental architecture.

Taking the above into consideration, the enumeration of Hebrew letters 0-21 appears to be a cypher (Fool) for accessing an esoteric doctrine embedded within the Qabalah - One which integrates arithmetic, geometry, music & astronomy within a pattern writ large across the heavens and woven recursively into the fabric of a11 being. From a certain perspective it also explains how the Pythagorean tetraktys serves as a shorthand for the kerukeion (Caduceus) - what the Orphic Hymns called “a blameless TooL for peace.”

Whether having been utilized for millenia as an allegorical key to nature’s mysteries or devised by enlightenment polymaths for our mutual amusement, this ‘secret’ hidden in plain sight can provide both a powerful means of comprehending the application of Numbers in the phenomenal world & a unifying paradigm for the whole of humanity.

Being in sync with mathematical constants specific to proportions and harmonics articulated at the intersection of acoustic space, the regular solids, and planetary synodic cycles, this ciphertext presents us with an Aenigma in which the doctrine of prisca sapientia finds its quintessence - a poiesis of memory whose method of loci mnemonic embodies an immortal paradigm of unity implicit in Nature’s design. Rather than occupy such a hidden position within the esoteric traditions of our culture, this paradigm may serve to reconcile divisions running deep in the undercurrents of human society & self-identity.

Whether this System was indeed utilized by the ancient practitioners of hermetic tradition, it is easy to see why those initiated into its use have believed it to be the Book of Thoth at the root of all human understanding. In this respect, their adoption of standardized units in tune with the architecture of this codex makes perfect sense. But, to admit that is to concede an occult function behind the structure and iconography of Tarot - a subject which neither historians nor occultists seem very eager to discuss.

“1 1” ... piscis.gif
XX (dens):

We may recognize the value of discovering these patterns for oneself, but there are compelling reasons for dispelling the secrecy which has long enshrouded this System for so long.
Let it come forth again by Day and illuminate our world. ... re=related

"Strong Flow"

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 00:10
by Yngwë Yngweron
Mind if play through?

Lion---->Serpent ... ugiens.jpg

Image ... eEYESi.jpg
All it takes is 'forethought' & a sharp EYE.