Again: When you throw a new subject like "The Cary Yale" into the discussion it would be polite to provide links with visual evidence of "the strength card" to make it easy for readers to get what you are talking about. I provided this content normally in my threads and comments already so that you could go there + copy the info to paste it here.3. [ ... ] The Cary Yale also shows a woman in the strength card but i still dont get it.
" ... still dont get ..."
Similar assumptions + strategies that you came up with may very well have played a part in the thought process of the spectator.4. Ive been thinking about possibilities for the 9 pairs-18 cards.
[... ]
Why + in what context would you mention the Enneagram - that you refer to as a "a sufi symbol" here?4. [ ... ]
-Another idea is the enneagram, a sufi symbol. Not sure what to make of it yet.
I only provide facts here that throw some light on the situation I found so that you + every other reader can catch up. Translating Arabic texts + even more so poems - into English is a very difficult task that comes with a lot of obstacles + cultural baggage – so don't be too judgemental on BOTH parties.5. In the link about Rubaiyat-e-Ganjifa viewtopic.php?p=21328#p21328
that you gave earlier, you also link to a pdf with irreligious verses in the masnavi https://aalequtub.files.wordpress.com/2 ... verses.pdf
My first thought was, these people (who wrote the pdf) only think their religion is worthwhile, and they reject anything that gives any value to anything else.
As i continued reading, my thoughts changed to, these westerners shamelessly modify ancient texts for their own agenda.
Indeed: This supposedly wrong Rumi quote would be considered a blasphemy – but other Sufis have been accused of such in other contexts too + died for it under torture (Al-Hallaj - 26 March 922 CE for ex.)Later you say
Remember the supposedly wrong Rumi quote ...
"We have picked the essence of the Koran, throwing away the skin to the dogs."
Take it now as a “working hypothesis” that only the first 78 surahs are of importance for the much later conception of the Tarot.
I think you mean that the first 78 surahs are the essense of the Koran, and the rest is the skin to throw to the dogs, and that these fake verses in Masnavi are not (all?) fake. Curiously the verses after 78 are really short, so by removing them you dont miss much of the books volume. Just like throwing away the skin to the dogs, and keeping the bones and marrow.
YES – you got that right. I explained the "why“ already above.23 Al-Mu’minoun (the Believers) should be the Ace of Cups ...
37 As-saffat should be Ace of Swords right? And 51 Adh-Dhariyat should be Ace of Wands.
Correct again! I made a deliberate mistake there to see if you look for yourself.30 Ar-Rum (the Romans) is about the importance of remembering - so that the future may be revealed - similar to the assumption that the 6 of Cups refers to the past and the consequences in the present ...
And shouldnt 30 be Eight of Cups? Or are they not in perfect order?
The pips are not easy to connect to some meaning since they just show shapes, how would one approach this problem?
Again: I'm just providing factual information here – otherwise no Paul Foster Case would have had to explain WHAT AEW did when he changed the numerals + so the places in the succession of The Great Secrets of his own Tarot deck + WHY AEW did it.6.
obviously bc AEW also swapped VIII & XI without any real reason other than his own personal ones which he kept a secret.
According to Paul Foster Case, his (Waite's) reason was astrological. By putting Strength on 8 you have Leo, followed by Virgo/Hermit as 9. 10 would be connected with planet Jupiter and a double hebrew letter, then 11 Justice/Libra so you create a chain of successive Zodiac signs. This system of connection (with hebrew letters, zodiacs, planets and letter words) does not seem coherent overall to my eyes, some connections-explanations seem very weak or non existent.
You may be implying that AEW swapped the cards for another reason altogether.
Oops! I see i mistyped world as via instead of populus, while i already know the geomantic associations really well. Sorry for the confusion i created.The 2 angels are identified as POPULUS ( = people bc they are 2)
The 1 OTHER angel (as in ALONE + on his WAY) is identified as VIA - have a look please.
LAETITIA has no business here bc it already identified elsewhere - have a look please.
Sorry for the omission.Just to get this out of the way bc you did not react to my question whether the "star counting" on the SB XXI turned out to your satisfaction ...
---------------------But the SB Tarot is not the subject here + I suppose we can lay this to rest for now?
What i didnt get is why this strength card (Tarot de Marseille and Cary Yale) has a woman who destroys the geomantic model. But then you saidBUT you should really tell us what you ... " ... still dont get ...
So OK i get it nowI'did not find evidence for a structure or system based on the 16 geomantic characters in the historic Tarot de Marseille Type II decks I studied - instead the best ones + here especially the "said « ARNOULT 1748 » ... hold hints to the system of 18 in 9 pairs that we are in the process of establishing now.
Well, you already had pointed out which one is the ace of cups and king of coins, so i just made a list following the logical order 1-10 JKQK. Just 2 suits were missing to be identified. Surah 37 felt more like swords to me and 51 more like wands but it was just intuition and it looks like i got lucky.YES – you got that right. I explained the "why“ already above.
But thank you for this contribution.
Please explain HOW you came to that conclusion!?
This is fascinating!Sooo ... the picture changed the CARD – 2 Great Secrets are involved – BUT their NUMERALS are completely correct
Im still pondering this problem. It is quite hard.Let's skip these assumptions + try to approach the situation like it presents itself here on this depiction - on this subject of the PMB V-S Tarot + the information we obtained so far in a logical + observant manner ...
The popess is a bridge between this world and the other, you have said something along these lines elsewhere. She has the book of knowledge.WHO now in the PMB V-S Tarot could possibly know about another “elevated” reality + might have the MEANS + the KNOWLEDGE to get there ...
I understand that some pairs will remain but in a new system, some new pairs will be formed.The 9 pairs made from 18 are natives of the city + some have to be cut + assembled a-new ...
The only square i see stand out is the tub in judgement, and its pink like the castle. God has the means and knowledge to get me there?If you trust your most basic instincts you may find the solution to your problem when you have another LOOK at the 22 + even the 16 should hold it already because 1 square is among them + stands out.
It is also interesting how the woman in "star" has the same blue dress with stars decoration as "temperance".WHO now in the PMB V-S Tarot could possibly know about another “elevated” reality + might have the MEANS + the KNOWLEDGE to get there ...
i think of the “Portrait of Charles V on horseback” of titian,“The red of the sash and the horse's caparison symbolize the Catholic faith”,Our Lady 、saint、and jesus also use the red and blue ,mean nature and divine nature? I'm not sure ,but it must be about the faith or religion,I thought about it again the Dante, Hercules——Samson——jesus,may be relevant?georgetrismegistos wrote: 06 Jan 2024, 19:06
It is also interesting how the woman in "star" has the same blue dress with stars decoration as "temperance".
"Temperance" and "strength", as a pair on the geomantic model, have their connection emphasized with their clothes colors. Red shoes/socks and arms, and a blue outfit.
"Star" has different shoe color and a cloth that is half covering the arms which may be de-emphasizing them? And the arms are fully blue.
"Moon" has the colors reversed and no shoes.
Is this a signal that those 4 cards are on the island? Sun, moon, star and temperance (also as stars on this layer)?
We could say they are in an elevated reality, and people have been obsessing over astrology for millennia.