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Re: Game of Tarot at reasonable price!

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 00:26
by Robert
EUGIM wrote:Okay,many thanks Bob...

Your welcome eugim!
*robert* :)

'early' sheet inclusive of astrological and Alef-Beit markings

Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 12:51
by Marcei
I am scratching my head in astonishment at the vintage Tarot sheet that Eugim included in his post! I have never seen this sheet before and wonder why it has appeared nowhere else. Is this something that recently came to light? These cards are beautiful, and I certainly expect to see some serious discussion in the coming weeks. —Marcei

Re: Game of Tarot at reasonable price!

Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 13:50
Hello Marcei and welcome here.
Well I have any idea about them,just only found them.

My best.

'early' sheet inclusive of astrological and Alef-Beit markings

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 02:15
by Marcei
Eugim, did you notice the Hebrew letter attributions as well as zodiac and planetary symbols? The resolution is poor, but one can see the actual English phonetic spelling of the Hebrew letter names on most of the cards. I think this is a fascinating sheet! —Marcei

Re: Game of Tarot at reasonable price!

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 02:25
Hello Marcei:
I only showed it as an odd example.
I don t believe in a link between Qabbalah and Tarot.

My best.

Re: Game of Tarot at reasonable price!

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 04:56
by Marcei
Still, Eugim, is it not interesting that this may be rare physical evidence that others were making that connection at an early date?

There are some other interesting anomalies here in that this set of images seems to include versions of the cards not seen before. For example,The Reaper is shown with what appears to be caskets,The Devil is shown in flames with a female counterpart in the background, The Tower shows a strike from the sun unaccompanied by flames or smoke and, amazingly, no hail or rocks. Also, The Judgment shows a male divinity figure between the angels. If all of that isn't enough to peak your interest, there is the fact that these cards have titles!

If these sheets are not forgeries, then they are really unique. Also of interest, is the fact that these images were apparently hand colored rather than stencil colored. This must be recently made. Best to you, —Marcei

PS. Ok, Eugim, I've got it. You're joking—you made these sheets!