Mitelli games collection

Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (Bologna, 1634 – 1718)

... made - beside a very beautiful Tarocchi game - a lot of other games.


So it may be of worth to understand a few of his other games. This seems to have been a huge collection. I've read, that he made 33 games ... dark I remember, that I've seen a higher number somewhere else.

I've made a lucky finding with ... type "mitelli" in the local search engine and you get a lot of games.

These games mostly are based on dice games. A big category are games with 20 figures, which on a way, which I don't understand, somehow operate with 3 dice. A few of them I detected already these days during the work at ..
..., there are noted already 3 of them, in this listing appear a few others.


I Tarocchini



22 Figures (21 dice results and one special "Fool") plus Fortuna


20-figure game (Occhi-eyes) ... 25540.html

20-figure-game (King of Persia) ... 25549.html

20-figure-game (?) with Castle ... 25544.html

20-figure-game Ventura ... 25548.html

20-figure game Donne ... _mit7a.jpg ... iblogptero
collection of Marco

20-figure-game soldiers ... 8_mit9.jpg ... iblogptero
collection of Marcos

20-figure-game ... 3_ampl.jpg ... iblogptero
collection of Marcos

20-figure-game "ZUGH D’ TVTT I ZUGH"
of special interest, as it hows 20 different games as motifs (the first in the upper left are playing cards) ... 25542.html

24-figure-game ... but it seems to be in essence the 20-figure-game, just 4 NULLA figures are added
Simona and Filippa ... 25535.html


21-figure-game Animals ... this is very similar to the 20-figure games, but it seems to be different. All 56 results of the throw with three dice are distributed to 21 figures. ... 25547.html#


21 figure-game (noses) ... played with 2 dice ... 25541.html


11-Figure-game Bernardina (played with two dice, NOT as the 20-figure games with 3 dice) ... 25534.html

11-figure-game "Tira e paga"


6-Figure-game Verita (played with one dice) ... 25543.html

Game of the Eagle (political satire) ... umpages=10


Game of the Turco (political satire) ... 25548.html


Il Gioco della Speranza (political satire 1699)
IL GIOCO DELLA / SPERANZA. - Gioco a tema politico, raffigura un soldato in cima ad una torre, con le regole del gioco inscritte al suo interno, che tiene 4 volatili con dei lacci, 4 figure ai suoi piedi e una quinta figura, il turco, alle sue spalle su di una collina. Legenda in basso, entro riquadri. ... 25550.html


Running game with 59 = 60 fields


24 hours

A collection of 24 pictures (a sort of profession collection or "lucky hours") as allegories for 24 hours with two special figures for time and death. ... elenco.htm

Image ... elenco.htm



Image ... da/114.htm


Professions of the streets in Bologna (1 city and 41 professions - (?) somehow related to Minchiate-structure ?)

Image ... elenco.htm



Allegories of youth and age


Image ... elenco.htm



Re: Mitelli games collection

Inside the jungle of the British Museum website I found this playing card game of Mitelli ... ... rentPage=1

The description gives the following info:
Print made by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli

Fanciful pack without suits: "Giuocco del Passa Tempo", a complete set of 40 playing-cards on four uncut sheets, with emblematical figures symbolising the Virtues, Vices, Temperaments, etc.


Inscription Content: No. 40 ("Il Tempo Passa") is lettered "Gioco del Passa Tempo. Giuseppe M. Mitelli I. e F.". No. 20 contains the rules of the game, with the artist's name and the date. No. 2 includes a jug printed with the date 1690.

Height: 320 millimetres (sheet (approx.))
Width: 440 millimetres (sheet (approx.))
Height: 130 millimetres (individual card)
Width: 65 millimetres (individual card)

Curator's comments
Nos. 1-20 are "triomfi" and Nos. 21-40 "cartaccie".
It seems to be a game, in which "Time" (card 40) plays against the "Turco" (card 1). In the world of the year 1690 Vienna had survived the siege of the Osmans in 1683 and the win at the second battle at Mohacs (1687) prepared a crisis of the Osman Empire. ... %281687%29

The war ended in 1699 and the Osmans had to agree in many losses.
... the League won the war in 1699 and forced the Ottoman Empire to sign the Treaty of Karlowitz.[4] The Ottomans ceded most of Hungary, Transylvania and Slavonia to the Habsburg Empire while Podolia returned to Poland. Most of Dalmatia passed to Venice, along with the Morea (the Peloponnesus peninsula), which the Ottomans regained in the Treaty of Passarowitz of 1718.

The rules are given at card 20, as it is said in the description. It's difficult to decipher the writing:


Re: Mitelli games collection

Hello Huck, here are my uncomplete transcription and translation:

Giuoco del passaTempo. Le Carte in tutto sono 40, li Trionfi sono 20 e le Cartazze 20. Li Trionfi si contano con il valore di cinque punti et accompagnati con una Cartazza, che vale un punto, si conta per sei punti. Il numero maggiore piglia sempre il minore. L'ultima carta e' il Turco che mai non piglia, ma quello che lo guadagna lo conta per sei punti. Quello che si salvarà la carta di Mangiabene in ultima pigliarà qual si sia Carta fuori che quella del Tempo, che piglia tutte; e sempre chi fa l'ultimo fa sei punti di più. La Carta del Tempo e quella della Virtù vagliono dieci punti l'una. Li Trionfi hanno per segno le stelle e le cartazze la macchie nere. Se non si vuol rispondere ai Trionfi, tanto se gli può dare una Cartazza. La Carta dell' Ingegno piglia quella del Silenzio, e quella del Silenzio piglia quella dell'Ingegno. Quello che farà più punti vincerà il giuoco, o vero chi arriverà prima a tanti punti quanti si pattuiranno vincerà pure il gioco et anche in molti altri modi si potrà giuocare come parerà al Giuocatore.
Il Tempo passa.

Game of the pass-time. In the whole, the are 40 cards: 20 Trumps and 20 Cartazze. The Trumps have the value of five points, and together with a Cartazza, having the value of one point, they are counted as six points. The higher number always takes the lower. The last card is the Turkish that never takes, but whoever takes it counts it as six points. Who saves the card of Mangiabene (Eatwell) for the last [trick] will take any card but Time, which takes all the others. Whoever takes the last trick always wins six extra points. The cards of Time and Virtue have the value of ten points each. The trumps are marked with a star and the Cartazze with a black spot. If one does not want follow a Trump [with another Trump] he can play a Cartazza. The card of Ingenuity takes that of Silence, and Silence takes that of Ingenuity. Whoever has more points wins the game, or who first reaches the agreed number of points wins the game, or it is possible to play in any other way the player wants.

Time passes.
Last edited by marco on 26 Jan 2012, 21:16, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Mitelli games collection

Huck, thanks for posting all these Mitelli images. The two Mitelli decks that I have are two of my favourites of all ofthe the decks I own, his artwork is so elegant, it's breathtaking.

I found that IL MENEGHELLO has published the Time Passes deck! ... ucts_id=82

Would be fun to have this someday, it's lovely and the game sounds fun and fairly easy to play.

Marco, thanks so much for the translation! It helps bring it to life.

Re: Mitelli games collection


found at ,,,
Titre : [Fragment de planche d'un jeu de coucou italien] : [jeu de cartes, estampe]
Auteur : Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria (1634?-1718). Graveur
Éditeur : [Mitelli] (Bologne ?)
Date d'édition : 1660-1690
Type : image fixe
Type : estampe
Langue : language.label.Sans contenu linguistique
Format : 1 planche : gravure à l'eau-forte coloriée ; 28,6 x 32,5 cm
Format : image/jpeg
Description : Ancien possesseur : Marteau, Georges (1858-1916). Ancien possesseur
Description : Référence bibliographique : Guibert, Georges Marteau, 39
Description : Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : JeuCart
Description : Carte à jouer
Droits : domaine public
Identifiant : ark:/12148/btv1b10510641q
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, RESERVE BOITE FOL-KH-167 (1BIS, 39)
Relation : Notice de recueil :
Relation : Appartient à : [Collection Georges Marteau. Recueil. Cartes à jouer]
Relation :
Provenance : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 08/06/2015

Re: Mitelli games collection

A nice version of "Giuoco del passa tempo" ... I guess it was earlier mentioned.

found at: ... w/f13.item
Titre : ....b.ita.Giuoco del passa tempo : [jeu de cartes, estampe] / Giuseppe M.a Mittelli inv. e. fece.
Titre : ....b.fre.[Jeu de passe-temps]
Auteur : Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria (1634?-1718). Graveur
Date d'édition : 1690
Type : image fixe
Type : estampe
Langue : zxx
Format : 40 cartes à jouer : gravure à l'eau-forte ; 13,9 x 7,8 cm
Format : image/jpeg
Description : Ancien possesseur : Marteau, Georges (1858-1916)
Description : Référence bibliographique : Guibert, Georges Marteau, 34-38
Description : Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : JeuCart
Droits : domaine public
Identifiant : ark:/12148/btv1b10510639w
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, RESERVE BOITE FOL-KH-167 (1BIS, 34-38)
Relation : Notice de recueil :
Relation : Appartient à : [Collection Georges Marteau. Recueil. Cartes à jouer]
Relation :
Provenance : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 10/11/2014

Re: Mitelli games collection

marco wrote: 25 Jan 2012, 23:03
Giuoco del passaTempo. Le Carte in tutto sono 40, li Trionfi sono 20 e le Cartazze 20. Li Trionfi si contano con il valore di cinque punti et accompagnati con una Cartazza, che vale un punto, si conta per sei punti. Il numero maggiore piglia sempre il minore. L'ultima carta e' il Turco che mai non piglia, ma quello che lo guadagna lo conta per sei punti. Quello che si salvarà la carta di Mangiabene in ultima pigliarà qual si sia Carta fuori che quella del Tempo, che piglia tutte; e sempre chi fa l'ultimo fa sei punti di più. La Carta del Tempo e quella della Virtù vagliono dieci punti l'una. Li Trionfi hanno per segno le stelle e le cartazze la macchie nere. Se non si vuol rispondere ai Trionfi, tanto se gli può dare una Cartazza. La Carta dell' Ingegno piglia quella del Silenzio, e quella del Silenzio piglia quella dell'Ingegno. Quello che farà più punti vincerà il giuoco, o vero chi arriverà prima a tanti punti quanti si pattuiranno vincerà pure il gioco et anche in molti altri modi si potrà giuocare come parerà al Giuocatore.
Il Tempo passa.

Game of the pass-time. In the whole, the are 40 cards: 20 Trumps and 20 Cartazze. The Trumps have the value of five points, and together with a Cartazza, having the value of one point, they are counted as six points. The higher number always takes the lower. The last card is the Turkish that never takes, but whoever takes it counts it as six points. Who saves the card of Mangiabene (Eatwell) for the last [trick] will take any card but Time, which takes all the others. Whoever takes the last trick always wins six extra points. The cards of Time and Virtue have the value of ten points each. The trumps are marked with a star and the Cartazze with a black spot. If one does not want follow a Trump [with another Trump] he can play a Cartazza. The card of Ingenuity takes that of Silence, and Silence takes that of Ingenuity. Whoever has more points wins the game, or who first reaches the agreed number of points wins the game, or it is possible to play in any other way the player wants.

Time passes.
So, from these brief rules can we say that:

The Turk card, in that it cannot take but is of high value is similar to the Fool of the Tarot [which is perhaps also suggested by its iconographical resemblance to the Ignorance card];

The Eats Well card [which, being among the bad cards, I imagine too well, i.e., gluttonously, is to be inferred], in that it is worth extra points if the person who has it can hold onto it till last, is similar to the Bateleur of the Tarot.

In that the Intelligence and Silence cards can take each other according to order of play, they are similar to the Four Papi/Moor rule of Tarocchini Bolognese.

In reference to the translation note: "Cartazza" is Emilian dialect [which includes Bolognese] for waste paper, used idiomatically of books to mean books of little value, and in gambling to mean bad cards, i.e., of little value. In that in this instance they carry representations of vices perhaps some intentional visual pun on 'bad cards'.

For "Cartazza" read cartaccia :

ps: The cards exist both as an uncut sheets & as mounted and cut cards with box at the BM -

The uncut sheets: ... -QWeEdAW0Q

The cards with a box: ... 6-0501-149