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Florence 1814: Restoration, also for playing cards, pp. 3-4

CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS POST, TRANSLATION OF, now with pp. 3-4. 3 Once said Figures have been printed, he [each manufacturer] can take them to his own factory to be colored according to the model (Note 10) that will be given to him by the Office, but before this, the n...

Florence 1814: Restoration, also for playing cards, pp. 1-2

Now I am posting a translation of another of Franco's essays, this one posted January 2, 2024, at I undertook it before the rest of the 2023 pieces because it continues the narrative from the preceding essays already translated above, in particular from the reform of...

Re: Petrarca Trionfi poem motifs in early Trionfi decks

Sorry for the late reply, Phaeded. My available time has been devoted to Franco's latest posts on But at the moment my email isn't working properly, our main means of communication. But THF is. It seems to me that the minchiate angel is offering the viewer a choice - the arrow of death or...

Re: Petrarca Trionfi poem motifs in early Trionfi decks

In this post I am going over again Death and Fame. Below are the Robertet illustrations (I have deleted the poems above and below) 24461DeathFameDET.jpg Regarding the Robertet illustrator's presentation of Death as the three Fates rather than ...

Re: Petrarca Trionfi poem motifs in early Trionfi decks

Phaeded: I am not clear about which crown you are talking about in the CY, as there are two of them - one in her hand and one above the scene. I am talking about the one in her hand. She seems to be offering it to someone, probably the knight below. I think the crown in the minchiate card is also be...

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