
Search found 26 matches: tara

Searched query: tara

Re: Temperance

... at 7...etc. So I read the whole essay starting with Ross who says 'Tarochus' was a word for 'idiot' right down to Professor Jaques May who said 'Tara' means the Jewish Queen Esther which means 'Star'. Now fundamentalists Christians believe the Bible was written by God, so it would follow that ...

Re: That Word Again...Tarot

... Milan or Bologna. Other writers believe it comes from the Arabic word طرق turuq, which means 'ways'. Alternatively, it may be from the Arabic ترك taraka, 'to leave, abandon, omit, leave behind'.According to a French etymology, the Italian tarocco derived from Arabic طرح ṭarḥ,'rejection; subtraction, ...

Re: Tharochus Bacchus est

... seem implausible to me, the first because it is wildly speculative and has no positive support, while the two preferred etymologies - from tara (deduction, discard), or taroch , have positive evidence for them (particularly the second). The French-invasion theory is implausible because ...

Re: Fame riddle

... And why it was repeated by Menestrier 1704? Ross recently stated: There is also the tara (French tare) theory. This explanation goes back as far as the venerable Menestrier, in 1704. "As it was the Germans who first invented woodcut ...

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