
Search found 200 matches

Re: SOS!!!!!!!!!

I have the same problem with Avast's Web Shield. This is the message that appears (I hope you can access it): AvastMessage.jpg If you try to access the site again after that, you don't see that message, you just see an error message in your browser that says that the site is not secure. But if you t...

Re: The order of trumps

For more information about that Rovereto deck, see: Peter Blaas, “Spielkarten Aus Alt-Tirol Teil 3: In Museen Außerhalb Tirols,” Talon 14 (2005), p 32. Available online at: There are many cards that survive from earlier dec...

Re: The order of trumps

A bit of quick googling found a couple of examples of the basic Bentivoglio arms (the "red saw" with the other diagonal half in yellow) with a panther (or at least something that looks like it could be a panther) atop the crest:

Re: The order of trumps

The Palazzo Poggi fresco by Niccolò dell'Abate looks like another case of the same misnaming phenomenon that happened with the Casa Borromeo fresco in Milan: an image that was never intended to be interpreted as people playing tarot was later called something like The Tarot Players— I giocatori di t...

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