Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

Elsewhere I had a thread about this subject- but I am no longer purple posting.
I thought maybe someone who reads this can comment on what they think.
I was looking at a plan of the Scrovegni Chapel in Italy( originally posted by Le Pendu) ... index.html
Look to the depictions of Vice and Virtue and the way the Church is laid out

- at the same time I was
trying to work out a circular pattern of the 22 atouts of the Noblet. Any Tarot de Marseille would suffice though.
It started with a comment that one place in the sequence was known for sure and that was the Hanged Man at Card 12.
So I put a triangle on Him. Temperance is a Virtue so I put a square on her at Card 14.
Then I saw an ancient woodblock of Christ standing and around was the four Apostles as their symbols.

To put it all in context, I saw these illuminations of the Church personified.

The Pattern that emerged was one of a Tripartite pattern- The Church Personified- The Virtues and The Vices-The Communion of Saints- very similar to the Scrovegni Chapel paintings by Giotto. This is the result of many years of trying to extricate myself from occult Tarot- and finally finding Tarot of Marseille five years ago. I have wanted Tarot to be anything but Christian- and finally have had to admit to Tarot's undeniable atmosphere of Birth. :roll:

1..... The Bateleur/Magician Mercury- The Clergy
II......The Papesse -Charity/Charitas, selfless Love
III.....The Empress-Vanity/Envy Selfishness
IV.....The Emperor Mars- The Church Building (Romanesque) Warriors of God Headquarters
V...... The Pope- Faith
VI. .... The Lovers- Infidelity
VII.... The Chariot -Venus -Living Saints in Love/Agape-active Church in it's Ark (body of the Church)
VIII.... Justice - Justice
IX.......Hermite/Ermite - Injustice
X........W.O.F. Earth- The Hub of the Church/Under the Dome
XI.......Strength/Fortitude- stet
XII......The Hanged Man- Inconstancy/disloyalty
XIII.....Death Saturn- The Harvester- The Saints dead, waiting in Purgatory
XIV......Temperance- stet
XV......The Devil- Wrath
XVI.....The Tower Jupiter- The Tabernacle/ Jupiters/Jove's Bolt of Lightening
XVII....The Star- Hope
XVIII...The Moon- Despair
XIX......The Sun Sun The Altar rails/Altar/Rose window


XXI.....The World- Prudence
0.........The Fool- Foolishness
The blue Highlight are the Church personified. This was a common artistic device as you can see by the illuminations link.
I always thought the World was the quintessence card, but it is not- it is Judgment, in my view. After every Church Personified card you have the Virtues and the Vices.
To understand the Moon as Despair- not as the Moon, you need to look at the Nuremberg Chronicle at the Omens, where it depicts the odd appearing sun with dew drops and the Moon with Moon dogs- the Days of Despair.
The Chronicle often depicts atmospheric/meteorological phenomena, such as these Moon Dogs and Sun Dogs. A modern, scientific explanation (the Chronicle simply describes the appearance of the phenomena and what people believed it foretold) follows:

Sun dogs, also called mock suns, are colored, luminous spots caused by the refraction of light by six-sided ice crystals in the atmosphere. These bright spots form in the solar halo at points that are 22 degrees on either side of the sun and at the same elevation as the sun. The rarer moon dogs occur for the same reason, but only during a very bright full moon.

The Hermite/Ermite as Injustice is how the Church saw Heresy as Injustice (a whole thread by itself) and the Ermites that had private chapels that the Church wanted open to the public- so confiscated them and re built larger Churches on the sites. See the History of the Scrovegni Chapel and it's original Ermite owners.
To round the whole thing- I personally believe the sequence of Tarot was the description of the 9th article of the Apostles Creed (The Old Roman Rule of Faith). This was a basic pictorial creed and was recited in Latin, by those who were to be baptised. So the blue Highlighted cards are pictorial of the Communion of Saints.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.

To follow the rule of Faith one must be Virtuous and overcome Vice.
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

I was lucky to see a cartilla (well a reproduction I think) a fore runner to a Catechism. I have been searching for some years now on the web for this example of cards, that were used as a Catechism prior to the 14th Century.
Here is an excerpt from a publication by Giovanni Lajolo of the Vatican City Catechism Board.
Origin of the word

It derives from "catechesis ", a word which the ancient Greeks used in reference to the theatre and which means "to make resound like an echo"1. This word, which appears neither in the Old Testament nor in the Gospels, was taken up by the nascent Church to indicate the primordial duty to make disciples (cf. Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Letters). The proclamation of salvation was to be consolidated, the deeds and the work had to provoke an "echo" in the mind and in the heart of the listeners, to transform all their life. The "book" which, as time went by, became the normal aid for this duty was called Catechism.
What is a catechism?
In a more common sense, a so-called text is that which contains the fundamental Christian truths, formulated in a clear way so that their understanding, apprehension and lively reception are made easier.
A book with various titles and sub-titles It is to be recalled that throughout the centuries various titles were used, together with or in place of that of catechism: for example, " Christian Doctrine", "Compendium of the Faith", "Cartilla", the catechism texts were sub-titled "Major", "Minor", "Parvus", etc... These vary partially either in their structure or in their particular aspect which they underline, but, because of their contents and finality, enter in the general category of catechisms.
Were they always books?

Almost always, though in a reduced number of copies prior to the invention of printing. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, to make good for the lack of manual copies, the system of "tablets" was used; on these " tablets " the truths of the faith and the prayers were inscribed and were put in a place in the house or Church where they could be easily seen, so that everybody could understand their content. In other times, they were "illustrated catechisms" which served not only the illiterate but also the whole community as didactic aids.
Since when do Catechisms exist?
In a wide sense, they are found since ancient times. Here several stages are to be pointed out in a historical trajectory which reaches the actual form. In this rapid overlook reference is made only to some salient examples, although it would be important to underline the multiple and varied composition—throughout all the centuries—of these means of catechesis.

In Syria, at the end of the first century, the "Didaché" or "Doctrine of the Apostles" was compiled. It was a guide to instruct those who were preparing to be baptised as well as to dispose all the life of the community according to a scheme of the "two ways", that of "life" and that of "death".

In the beginning of the V Century, an exceptional author, St Augustine, on the request of a catechist, writes 27 chapters in which he tries to help deepen the faith of those Christians who, though educated in profane knowledge, were "rude" in the religious one. Thus he entitles his work De catechizandis rudibus.5 He begins with the history of salvation which culminates in the charity brought by Jesus Christ, who through his Resurrection gives joy to the catechist and the one being catechized. As all the works of St Augustine, even this one has remained of interest.

In the IX century, Alcuino, the great promoter of the cultural Renaissance during the time of Charles the Great, is attributed the redaction of Disputatio puerorum per interrogationes et responsiones6 (an exposition for children in questions and answers). It includes sacred history and the doctrine on the Sacraments, the Creed and the Our Father. The title indicates already its method and is a forerunner of modern catechisms. It was widely used until the XII century. The vernacular language was used for the catechesis of this period.
Other works, such as the "Lucidari" and "Septenari"8, adopted different schemes but they aimed always at the same aim: catechizing. These latter works spread widely and made use of the original method of comparing or contrasting seven parts: the seven requests of the Our Father, in relation to the seven Beatitudes and to the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Or else, the seven principal virtues contrasted to the seven capital vices.
In the middle of the XIII Century St Thomas Aquinas—widely known for this theological works—preached in a simple style and in a popular language. Thus short works with a scheme which will be proper of catechisms cropped up: that which one is to believe (Creed); that which one is to hope (Our Father); that which one is to do (the Commandments); grace for all the Christian life (the Sacraments).
Properly called Catechisms
In the XIV Century (1357), the Archbishop of York published the " Lay Folks Catechism10 which included the Creed, the Sacraments, the two precepts of charity, the seven capital sins and the seven fundamental virtues. For the first time the name Catechism was explicitly used. It was published in two languages, Latin and English, for popular use. Already several other times catechetical works were written in the vernacular language for those people who did not normally use Latin.
Later on, in 1368, the text of the First Canon of the Synod of Lavaur (Narbonne)11 is yet again a Catechismus Maior, for the clerics. Its catechistical aim appears clear through its contents and the need of its apprehension. It was used to teach the people on Sundays and on Feast days.
In the XV Century an important decree of the Council of Tortosa in 1429 prescribed the redaction of "a brief and useful summary of the Christian Doctrine ..." which was also called the "brief compendium". These titles appear here as synonyms of catechism.
Peter Canisius wrote Catechismus Major and it was very popular and copied with pictures in the 16th Century
as did another Jesuit called Robert Bellarmine Disputationes de Controversis
as did Martin Luther.
I would really like to see again the Cartilla printed in Woodblock technique that was popular about the time of Isidore the Farmer in the 12th Century whose Catechism the cartilla was anecdotally attributed to. Has anyone seen it? I should go raid SteveM's bookshelf :o ~Lorredan~
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

Here is a description of a Cartilla and example card- the one I saw had the Creed on it and the 7 Vices and 7 Virtues
The primer may have resembled one brought out anonymously in 1549, the full title of which may be translated as "Primer: and Christian Doctrine: so that children and other persons not well instructed in our Holy Faith may learn. In which briefly is contained everything that a Christian is obligated to know, believe and do, and what he should avoid in order not to sin." On the first two pages, the primer presented the alphabet and then syllabic combinations of letters. Immediately following that was a catechism. The teacher began by asking, "Child, are you a Christian? What is the sign of a Christian?" Then came instructions on how to cross and bless oneself. The author tried to instill basic understanding together with the prayers. For example, when crossing himself, the child touched his head, lips, and breast, because by virtue of the cross, the child's mind would be freed from evil thoughts, his mouth from bad words, and his breast from evil deeds. Before memorizing the Lord's Prayer, the child learned that when he recited the prayer he was talking to God, who resided both in heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament at church. Similarly, the Virgin Mary was "a very beautiful lady who is the mother of God and is in heaven." In the next breath, in order to combat the popular idolization of images of Mary, the child learned that the statue of Mary that was at the altar "is the image and semblance of she who is in heaven; by means of this we are reminded of she who is in heaven." At this point, other cartillas might follow with the remainder of the essential prayers- the Creed, Salve Regina, Confiteor, and the Ten Commandments. The author, however, preferred to lead the child through the Christian day, teaching him how to rise in the morning, praise God, go to church, and attend Mass. Then came the Fourteen Articles of Faith, the Creed, the Ten Commandments and the rest of the doctrine.

The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22


9th article of the creed Question and answer in Spanish Catechism -English translated from Latin.
In answer to why the Emperor (Card 4) may be considered the Building of the Church.
20 Q: And why is the true Church called Roman?

A: The true Church is called Roman, because the four marks of Unity, Sanctity, Catholicity and Apostolicity are found in that Church alone which acknowledges as Head the Bishop of Rome, the Successor of St. Peter.
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

I have an Angel on my side. Thank you for translating image site into actual picture.
The Tower.

Here is a modern tabernacle derived from the HUGE ones in the 14th Century. The shape is there- the size has diminished. It is now on the altar instead of beside or North of the altar. ... rnacle.JPG
Here is a fifteenth century one. ... storen.jpg

The preferred container of The Bread of Communion had the form of a (usually gold) dove within a (usually silver) tower. There is mention of a gift of these two vessels, both of gold and adorned with 250 white pearls, that the Emperor Constantine gave to Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and of silver towers and golden doves given to particular churches by Pope Innocent I and Pope Hilary.
Then in the 14th Century special stone constructions for the Eucharistic bread began to be built, In German and Netherlands churches of the period, such structures can still be seen: tall towers, known in German as Sakramentshäuser, in Dutch as sacramentstorens, usually placed to the north of the altar and often reaching almost to the ceiling. In Italy they were known as Tabernaculum. They were in use until the mid-nineteenth century.
Here is an ornate one, but they were usually plain stone towers with a crown pediment on top. ... fig049.jpg.
Beside them hung from the ceiling and later standing on the floor was the eternal flame indicating God's presence.
To show in image the falling figures was an acceptable device to indicate that the 'house' of God was now where God was when the miracle of the Eucharist was complete. God was in there- all else was out and the eternal flame was burning. That miracle was that now communion was available in the form of Hosts (God's Grace - the body and Blood) for all the faithful. It was like the image of a seed pod bursting forth with seeds of Grace.

The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

Thanks for these Lorredan,

I've long been hopeful of some find that has more explicit correlation between trump sequence (or even a major portion of the sequence) and an illuminated (or at least illustrated) manuscript will be found that antedates the 15th century. Quite frankly, it seems ever more remote as time moves on - or perhaps I'm just giving up that hope.

Part of the problem with illustrated catechism - or perhaps not 'problem, but distinction - is that their imagery and content appears to have little, if anything, that clearly overlaps with the trump sequence. Even the virtues and vices appear to be distinct to what we find in tarot. And yet they of course permeate the worldview of the times, so in that sense some overlap is bound to occur.

Even recently, I was hopeful that perhaps some ivory carvings (many of which a small and joined segments each about the size of a tarot card) may somehow reflect trumps - but again I have yet to see some that truly do that... and I have by now had the opportunity of seeing a reasonable amount in various Museums and Cathedral 'treasuries'.

To show what I mean, here's the latest photo I took at the Vatican only last week (flash was not permitted, and the lighting was relatively poor - so managed reasonably well without a tripod):


Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

If you look at the Noblet Papesse Card 2 you will see behind the Papesse a Baldachinum -

This was a dome-like canopy in Fabric, (it was unfurled like a curtain) wood, stone, or metal, erected over the high altar of larger churches, generally supported on four columns, though sometimes suspended by chains from the roof. Other forms will be noted in tracing the cause of its history. The name is late medieval, baldacchino, from Baldocco, Italian form of Bagdad whence came the precious cloths of which in their later development these canopies were made. It was called earlier ciborium, from the Greek kiborion (the globular seed-pod of the lotus, used as a drinking-cup) because of the similarity of its dome top to an inverted cup. The early history of the baldachinum is obscure, but it probably originated in the desire to give to the primitive altar table a more dignified and beautiful architectural setting. The arcosolium altars of the catacombs perhaps foreshadow this tendency. With the construction or adaptation of the larger church edifices of the fourth century, the baldachinum became their architectural centre, emphasizing the importance of the sacrificial table as the centre of Christian worship. Thus, while the altar retained its primitive simplicity of form and proportions, the baldachinum gave it the architectural importance which its surroundings demanded. By its dais-like effect, it designated the altar as a throne of honour. It was also lowered over the Tabernacle.
On the Papesse card there is an insinuation of a dove on the Baldachino. Mary the Virgin was known as the first Tabernacle, as within her she held God. In early times, as I said above, the bread was in a dove shaped container/vessel within the Tabernacle.In my musing of the sequence of 22 cards, I have her as Charitas- Charity- Love- Unselfishness.
This, in this scheme, fits well. This is Love- the Papesse, and also Wisdom, to partake of the Eucharist- the Bread of life and Love.
This Virtue of Charity/agape is countered by the Vice Envy/Vanity/Selfishness- and is in this diagram the Empress card 3. I originally thought that the Empress indicated the Holy water font- but discarded this idea once I had the diagram of 3- Vice/ Virtue/Communion of Saints. If I move her the scheme falls over. If you were to consider the base side of her nature, you get Vain glory or Vanity. Take the Emperor as the Building or the Church itself- the Empress is a opposite of his fourness- she is -dis-Unity, Worldly not Saintly, -non-Catholic - in other words Selfish and outside the Church. The Empress represents wealth that should belong to the Church, and a symbol of envy, by not being in the Church. (Badly worded, but I am no Teilhard de Chardin ) I hope you get my drift.
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

Ah jmd! Yes I am in agreement with you. I search and search and nothing clear springs forth. Tarot is the magic rabbit- that is nowhere but everywhere. I have the sneaking suspicion that some anonymous printer grabbed at left overs on the cutting table and shuffled them together and said to his boss the Printmaster "Will these do?" The Boss said "if you can get them in some sort of logical order - like those games Happy Families- I think we will have a winner" The Printer added "better chuck out the Holy pictures or they will tax us out of existence, just keep the ones that are Maybe/might be Holy"
Goodness gracious, if I could back in time I would box their ears for not having a journal of why!
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Musing Upon the Sequence of 22

Going to investigate this some more- but generally this is a thought why Tarot cards may look somewhat sacred- but not enough to upset the punter.

Basically General domestic tax- that is general excise or consumption tax, generated more revenue than a tariff.
You paid a Tariff for raw material, but value added or manufactured items were taxed at 10% generally before the Renaissance- with one big exception! Works for the Church- like sacred literature, holy pictures, indulgences were not taxed. So if you sent printed cards from say, Spain to France- they had a tariff going in but no tax- but if they were sacred rather than secular - no tariff or tax. Maybe- just maybe, the reason that Tarot is not mentioned is because they were somewhat 'sacred' or the Printing house could get away with it. I bet if they could they would. In Italy you paid the tax to the guild and the guild paid the State- but if you were making 'holy pictures' for example you only paid the tariff on the raw materials that came in. I bet there were a few scams going down as to what was Church educational and what was not. I will have to find someone that knows about Historic tax laws, and what happened before double entry bookkeeping. Be back in 2020 on this I guess :o ~Lorredan~
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts