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Allegories of human life

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 21:29
by marco
I would like to collect here a few images that qualify as "allegories of human life" (a theme that many have recognized in the trump sequence).

From another thread:
marco wrote:Following Michael Hurst's mention of "Le Barerie del Mondo", I found this engraving by Cristofano Bertelli (active 1550 - 1599) which is clearly related to Fanti's frontispiece.
If you follow the link, you should be able to zoom in and read the text.


The naked woman on the right is Nature. She generates the new born men who climb a ladder in order to enter life, which is represented by a globe (actually an analogue of the Wheel of Fortune) turned by an Angel and a Devil. Emperors and Popes can be seen on this globe. Death and Time “extract” the souls of the dead from the globe, passing them through a sieve and assigning them to Devils or Angels.
The center is occupied by a depiction of the torments of the damned. Allegories of Virtues and Vices appear at the left and right of the main scene respectively.
The blessed are allowed to climb the mountain that leads to Jesus Christ (upper left).

This 1552 engraving also seems interesting but I only found this very poor image.
From what I understand, it was printed in Venice and it is signed "LV". It seems to be a variant of the Tabula Cebetis, but unluckily the details are completely unreadable.

The title is: "Image, representation and discourse about moral and Christian life. So that the World may know it and love it".

The top banner is made up of two quotes from Petrarch:


"Each has his fate from the day of his birth" (Canzoniere 303) and "divine mercies never come too late" (Triumph of Eternity, line 13).
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