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Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 07:29
by mmfilesi
Goood Morning, friend!!!

Two cuestions:

a) Kaplan (I. 103) said this collection have 6 cards: Popess, Emperor, 7 staves, 8-2-ace coins. But Dummet (Il Mondo, 58) said they are five, whithout Popess. Anyone know why? Maybe him consider the Popess a fake?

b) Anyone have the Popess in color?

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:11
by Ross G. R. Caldwell

That's the best I have.

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:13
by mmfilesi
Thanks a lot friend %%- %%- !

I cant understand well, the habit is black or brown?

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:16
by Ross G. R. Caldwell
mmfilesi wrote:Thanks a lot friend %%- %%- !

I cant understand well, the habit is black or brown?
I can't tell either - the picture is actually very small, I'm trying to find the larger one I took it from.

I think she is still a nun though - black would be a Dominican, maybe Augustinian.

Kaplan vol. II also has the "Lombardy I" cards, which shows a Popess like this.

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:29
by Ross G. R. Caldwell ... rtarot.jpg

Dummett says it shouldn't be grouped with the other five because it is slightly smaller and has a red back, while the other five have black backs (Game of Tarot p. 72 (no. 13)).

Neither Kaplan nor Dummett says what the colour of the Popess' habit is. Provisionally, I'll go with black.

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:42
by Ross G. R. Caldwell
Dummett discussess this card in Il Mondo e l'Angelo, p. 61 (number 7).

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:44
by mmfilesi
Thanks friend. :) :) :)

Kaplan said:
The Popess, in monastic robes, stis on a gold bench set on a trapezoizal platform. She wears a tripe tiara on her head over a white wimple with fringed edges. Her rope sash has three knots just beyond the eyelet, four knots hanging in the middle, and two knots at the end. In her right hand, the Popess holds a thin scepter topped with a Maltese cross, and on her left knee she balances an ornately bound leather book. In the foreground, near the plataform, appear the outlines of flora. This card is strikingly similar to the card of the same title in the Pierpont Morgan-Bergamo pack, with the exception that on the lombardy I card the book pages have red edges instead of gold edges. Also the facial features are somewhat severe on the Popess in the Lombardy I group, as compared with the tranquil expression of the Pierpont Morgan Popess.
(II. 13)

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 08:49
by mmfilesi
Dummett discussess this card in Il Mondo e l'Angelo, p. 61 (number 7).

The cite is:

(7) Due carte isolate dovrebbero probabilmente essere ragruppate insieme. Una è una Pappessa nella Collezione Fournier a Vitoria. Questa carta fu acquistata nello stesso periodo e dallo stesso antiquario delle cinque carte descritte in (5), ma è leggermente, se pur visibilmente, più piccola -mm. 170x85; il dorso è rosso, invece che nero (18). É una copia della Papessa del mazzo Visconti-Sforza, se pur non identica: la tiara della Papessa, su questa carta, sporge dalla testa.

[Note: Kaplan, erroneamente raggruppa questa carta insieme con le altre cinquie, con el dorso nero]

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 09:57
by mmfilesi
What type of cross is? Is Greek or Malta? I cant understand well.

Re: Collection Fournier

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 10:14
by Ross G. R. Caldwell
mmfilesi wrote:What type of cross is? Is Greek or Malta? I cant understand well.
It would seem to have three points at the end of each equal arm, so Greek.

But such details don't mean anything. The Pope and Popess both have the same cross in the Visconti Sforza.