Re: Joseph Henri Rochias ( 1816 )

EUGIM wrote:Robert,your words were very interesting.
Regarding to Noblet,I sincerely don t guess what those red spots are.

-Insist about Bourlion when you talks about the shape of the wings,more closer than Conver,just I think.
*The shape and measurement of the genitals are also much closer.
Yes, that's what I was saying last night... that Tarot de Marseille I and Tarot de Marseille II have different styles of wings and for sure the Rochias is like the Tarot de Marseille II there, (and in most of the cards).

I like this card very much, I wonder why it is so different?

Re: Joseph Henri Rochias ( 1816 )

EUGIM wrote:Robert : So the deck we are looking at images from, at least according to my book, is not J.H. Rochias, but rather Jacques Rochias fils from 1782.

-Of course could be the same mould !
Just may be and worth an investigation !
No, they're not. They are different. I can see both of them right in front of me and the J.H. is not from the same mould.

I do think the J.H. IS from the same mould of #2 deck, also by Jacques Rochais fils, but unknown date sometime in late 18th century.