Re: La Rove De Fortvne

* Thanks you JMD.

- Is as if the X card,leaving aside LE MAT and the XXI card,divide the sequence in two rows.
So to I X and X to XX.
-Leaving this wheel of ignorance we can reach the next row from XI to XX and then once lessons was learned,arrived at XXI,the celestial wheel.
Thus X card is a depiction of the ours terrestrial wheel.

. I remember here when Jesus said "My world is not from this world".
That is for me the essence of the XXI card.

Au revoir...
The Universe is like a Mamushka.

Re: La Rove De Fortvne

Like the Sphinx both ape and ass as well as being associated with ignorance and folly are equated with the devil.
EUGIM wrote:
-Leaving this wheel of ignorance we can reach the next row from XI to XX and then once lessons was learned,arrived at XXI,the celestial wheel.
Yes, the Wheel of Ignorance could be seen as representing this world, the world after the fall, in relation to XXI, paradise restored, the new jerusalem, the world to come.

Re: La Rove De Fortvne

EUGIM wrote:Stevie: I am not agree regarding the gryphon you called the sphinx.
...the creature simply looks more like a Sphinx than a Griffin.

Gryphus significat sapientiam jungendam fortitudini, sed sapientiam debere praeire, fortitudinem sequi.
Last edited by SteveM on 24 May 2009, 02:11, edited 1 time in total.

Re: La Rove De Fortvne

EUGIM wrote:* Steve: The beast has not boobs and I know that sphinx also have them like Salma Hayek...
As you know Eugim I have already answered this objection many times. Not all Sphinxes are portrayed with 'boobs' as in the French Mannerist style of sphinx. They are not even always shown with the body of a lion -or even as female:


The Riddle of the Sphinx: with Man as baby on all fours, as adult and with stick in background.

Re: La Rove De Fortvne

EUGIM wrote:* So you are right Stevie !

- Sphinx with such huge bobs are a frenchie invention...
The so called 'French' Mannerist style of Sphinx (aka:the one's with big boobs) is not actually a 'frenchie invention'. The model for the French Mannerist sphinx is one from the "Golden House" of Nero unearthed in Rome in the fifteenth century, and first appeared in France with Italian artists of the School of Fontainebleau in the late 1520's.

See for example, Wikipedia entry: