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Re: Carnival collection

Posted: 30 May 2011, 15:23
by Huck
As the "oldest date" for the word "Fasching" is given a date at 11.11.1283 (11.11. is the annual begin of the time of carnival, still nowadays).
Im Bayerischen Staatsarchiv befindet sich eine Urkunde in der die Geburtsstunde der 5. Jahreszeit (Fasching, Fasnet, Fastnacht, Karneval) aufgezeichnet ist. Bischof Gottfried bestätigt 1283 der Loden- und Tuchmacherzunft den „vastchang“ - ein Fest, ein Umtrunk, in dem ein letztes Mal gefeiert werden darf, bevor am Aschermittwoch die Fastenzeit beginnt.
The guild of the Loden- and Tuchmacher (textile industry) of the city Passau gets the right of a "vastchang" - a drinking festivity before ash wednesday. Another report speaks for the same opportunity of the use of "Vastschang" and "Vaschanc".
The document is signed by bishop Gottfried of Passau.

Recently I talked about the origin of the 14 Nothelfer cult (in the context of the St. Vitus thread). There is an outstanding "first document" of 1284 (with insecurities) from Krems. The relevant active "Gottfried, bishop of Passau" is the same, who was active, when the Tuchmacher of Passau made their Fasching laws.
Huck wrote:************
A debated note of an author Anton Kerschbaumer "Geschichte der Stadt Krems" (1884) talks of a Nothelferaltar in Krems, 1284 (which would make it the oldest appearance).
Krems has as major church a St. Vitus church and belonged till 1271 to Bohemia ... in this time Krems was of greater importance than Vienna, which is 70 km to the East. The text is online, but disturbed, and I couldn't find the relevant passage. ... 00kersgoog
Gottfried, Bischof von Passau ... fried.html

The Regesten of King Rudolf report in 1273 about him:
Gottfried [von Osnabrück, zuerst notar, erscheint als protonotar am 16. oct. 1274], wird propst von [Maria Saal und] Passau, endlich im jahre 1283 bischof von Passau und stirbt 1285; vgl. schreiben k. Rudolfs über ihn vom oct. 1284
Gottfried is said, that he came "from Osnabrück" (Westphalia) and started to work as a notar, then as a protonotar at 16.10.1274, for King Rudolf, who had been chosen at 1st of October 1273 and was crowned 24th October 1273.

It's a curious accident to find in a research, which suspects, that St. Vitus dancing might have a context to the development of early Fastnacht twice the same person appears at very vital positions, first, as the person, who possibly established a first variant of the Nothelfer (to which St. Vitus belongs) in Krems 1284 (a St. Vitus city), and then second, as the person, who first used the word "Fasching" 1283 in Passau.
Precisely Gottfried was elected 10th of February 1283 and installed at 7th of March 1283 - the latter date was the Sunday after Fastnacht (ash Wednesday had been this year at 3rd of March). It was likely not appropriate, that Gottfried was installed at Fastnacht ... :-) ...

Anyway , there are some unknown insecurities about the 1284 note from Krems.

Re: Carnival collection

Posted: 22 May 2013, 08:28
by Huck

Between the Ordres of the Goliardia (a carnival organization in Italy) we find:

Summus Taroccorum Ordo Taurinensis (1976) (Haut Ordre des Tarots de Turin)

Collegio degli Arcani Maggiori (Collège des Arcanes Majeures)

... :-) ... there's naturally no guarantee, that it still exists.

Re: Carnival collection

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 10:09
by Huck
The thread ...
Moakley's book: text and discussion (started Feb 2017)
... refers frequently to the themes of carnival, starting here ...
... with interruptions.