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Re: The Pope with the donkey /"Oldest Tarot"; theme lotboo

Posted: 08 Mar 2017, 23:16
by Huck
Research for the situation "1327 in Olmütz"

I find these pictures to "Olmützer Losbuch" ...



... given to pinterest by Darren Worley (he seems to cooperate with Marco Ponzi)

I found the file "SpisyFF_131-1968-1_10.pdf" (if you want to get it, search for this file at the search engine). It's an addition to the text of Zatocil and it contains pictures to the text. 4 of the pictures show pages of the Olmützer Losbuch.


Cover of the Olmützer lot book


Inside of the cover with a wheel mechanism to cast the lost, identical to one of the pictures above.


4 wise men.


Example of the animal pages of the Olmützer lot book. The animal shall be an owl.


The year "1327" (given to the Olmützer Losbuch by an unknown writer in 19th century) gives the event, that Olmütz got a new bishop.

Image ... tz&f=false
The book-text is only a preview-edition and includes not the details.

Bishop Konrad von Olmütz (died 1326,bishop since 1316)

Bishop Hinek von Duba (born 1296, installed as bishop 26 September 1327, died 1333) = Heinrich Berka von Dubá ... _Dub%C3%A1 ... _Dub%C3%A9

Family "Berka von Duba"

Mathias Berka baut 1116 den Tollenstein aus
Qual von Berka war 1226 königlich böhmischer Oberlandesjägermeister
Peter Berka von Duba war 1235 Oberster Ordensmeister der Tempelherren in Böhmen. Baute 1253 das Annakloster (7)
Hynek von Duba (auch de Dubena), Burggraf von Prag, errichtete den Hradschin (tschechisch Hradany), Truchseß des Königs von Böhmen 1276-1288
Hinko von Duba 1289-1293 Oberstlandkämmerer, 1294 -1295 Burggraf von Taus, 1303-1309 Oberstburggraf zu Prag , gest. vor 1316
Hinko Berka von Duba Oberstburggraf gest. 1348
Hinko I.., Herr auf Burg Hohnstein (Sächsische Schweiz) Oberstburggraf bis 1351; gest. 1361
Heinrich III. Berka von Dubá, Bischof von Olmütz. Der Papst entsprach einer Bitte des Königs und verlieh Heinrich das Bistum Olmütz unmittelbar nach Konrads Tod 1326, obwohl Heinrich erst zum Priester geweiht werden musste. Heinrich starb 1333 in Prag und wurde im Veitsdom beigesetzt.
1337 Hinko I gründet Weißwasser
Castle Hohnstein ...

... according German wiki first mentioned in 1353

List of Burggrafen in Prague ... n_von_Prag
... no name is given for 1314-1351

Possibly a lot of things about the family are confused, cause the later "Berken" family became promoter of the Hussites. ... ba&f=false


Olmütz was an important place for Jews. 32 and 22 (as they appear in this lot book question) are numbers of the Sepher Yetzirah. Possibly the author of the text had a Jewish background. As many lot books are said to have an Eastern background, it wouldn't be a surprise, if the original author of this lot book genre came from this direction.

Jews in Olmütz ... tz-maehren


A theater play from 19th century Prague ... ... ka&f=false
about "Henry the Lion" ...
... uses a (positive) figure "Hugo Berka von der Duba".

I couldn't find such a person, possibly Hinko (or similar) was interpreted as Hugo. Generally it is assumed, that the family had a German, not a Slavic background, although they were already a long time in the Bohemian region.

Re: The Pope with the donkey / "Oldest Tarot"; theme lotbook

Posted: 09 Dec 2020, 11:45
by Huck
Reference to the thread "The Minchiate Zodiac Order"
post #10


A list of links to lot books by wikisourceücher


Complex text to the lot books with 32 animals ...

Re: The Pope with the donkey / "Oldest Tarot"; theme lotbook

Posted: 08 Jan 2023, 13:18
by Huck
Phaeded a half year ago presented a geomantic lotbook at ...
Actually it is a book with a lot of astronomical texts and a small part of geomancy

The complete text is called Vienna MS 2382 and it was produced for King Wenzel in 1392-1392 ... c-2016.pdf
This Pdf describes the text. This is an overview at the start ...
Vindob 2352
Michael Scot, Liber de signis et imaginibus celi (De noticia ordinum stellarum)
Alfonsine Tables
Canones tabularum

ff. 1r-31v Michael Scot, Liber de signis et imaginibus celi
ff. 1r-4v De noticia ordinum stellarum fixarum celi seu ymaginum 48 que a
philosophis veraciter dinoscuntur .... non simul omnes et eadem hora.
Phylosophi quidam multis experimentis noverunt celum esse stallatum
ordinabiliter – secundum quod nobis melius videbitur insignire. (= M.
Scot, Liber de signis et imaginibus celi, ed. ACKERMANN 2013, pp. 106-
ff. 4v-26r De noticia doctrine qua insinuatur quando unum quodque signum de
numero 12 oritur et occidit ... in omni parte mundi. Omnes ymagines
numero 48 totum celum comprehendunt – in tela sunt due et hec est
forma sui in aspectus celo. (= M. Scot, Liber de signis et imaginibus celi,
ed. ACKERMANN 2013, pp. 130-251.)
ff. 26r-31v De noticia figuracionis planetarum prout pinguntur. Luminaria
firmamenti sunt multa – et aves dirune odiunt nocturnas ut patet in
nocticorace, etc. (= M. Scot, Liber de signis et imaginibus celi, ed.
ACKERMANN 2013, pp. 252-281.)
ff. 32r-33v blank
ff. 34r-51r Incipiunt canones thabularum Alfoncii regis. Tempus est mensura motis — sicut in
coniunccionibus planetarum ut dictum est infra, etc. (= explanation of Alphonsine
Tables by Johannes Dank)
ff. 51v-52v Section on the seven planets and the winds
ff. 53r-80v Tabule illustris regis Alfoncii
ff. 81r-83r blank
fol. 83v Tabulae in a later hand (ascribed to Haller, see provenance notes below)
ff. 84r-95r Geomantic texts attributed to ps. Socrates Basileus

ff. 95r-96v Onomatomantia
ff. 97r-98v blank
fol. 99r Astronomical rota
fol. 99v blank
ff. 100r-101v Nomina stellarum fixarum 1e et 2e magnitudinis (with indications that the current year is
1357 re: differences from Alfonso X el Sabio)
fol. 101v magical prayers
ff. 102v-103r blank
for additional information about the contents, see ACKERMANN 2013, pp. 534-37 and BLUME — HAFFNER
— METZGER 2016, II, i , pp. 215-20 (no. 13).
In the later text of the pdf it refers to page Folio 83v ...
fol. 83v A geomantic table in a later hand (ascribed to the later owner, Wilhelm IV Haller (cf.
CERMANN 2014, p. 135, fig. 18), therefore dating to between 1506 and Haller's death in 1534 [my note: this is a a handwritten note in a much worse style and belongs to an addition from another hand , which refers to the common 16 geomantic figures]
Fortune and her wheel.
fol.92v Three roundels illustrating prophets and their prophecies
fol.93r fol. 93v fol. 94r
fol.93r Three roundels illustrating prophets and their prophecies
fol. 93v Three roundels illustrating prophets and their prophecies
fol. 94r Three roundels illustrating prophets and their prophecies
fol. 94v fol. 95r fol. 99r
fol. 94v Three roundels illustrating prophets and their prophecies
fol. 95r A final roundel illustrating prophets and their prophecies
fol. 99r A zodiacal rota with the planets in layers. Aries and Taurus face the same direction, Taurus is full, The
Gemini are 2 babies Cancer is a crayfish, Sagittarius has only two equine legs. The Moon and Sun have

As far I understand it, it is a sort of common geomancy involved. There is not much text and the text is difficult to read, so I have too much difficulties to understand it. The complete text of the book has many pictures and this makes it attractive.

pope/donkey and emperor/hare

Posted: 27 Mar 2023, 13:50
by Huck
Some material about the Osterhase
Birth of the Easter Rabbit ...âques

Ostara and the Hare: Not Ancient, but Not As Modern As Some Skeptics Think
April 28, 2016 by Stephen Winick ... -the-hare/


Grabow, Meister Bertram, 1379 ... there is also a hare, close to the eyes .... hm, 3 hares and a cock at the opposite
Creation of the animals
Image ... A14309.jpg


3 hares everywhere, three hares with 3 ears



Hare representations in Königslutter in the time of Emperor Lothar III ... el-auf.php



Also here ... ... igslutter/

pope/donkey and emperor/hare

Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 04:37
by Huck
Collection to the theme "Easter Bunny" (= Osterhase)

Ambrosius von Mailand ( c. 339 – c. 397)

Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Karlsruhe
Bände 20 – 22
Von Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Karlsruhe · 1908
Ambrosius von Mailand feiert die keusche Witwentrauer der Turteltaube und hält den Seidenspinner, den Vogel Phönix, das Chamäleon und den Schneehasen für Vorbilder der Unsterblichkeit der Seele.
automatic translation
Ambrose of Milan celebrates the chaste widowhood of the turtledove and holds the silkworm, the phoenix bird, the chameleon and the snow hare as models of the immortality of the soul. ... frontcover

Hieronymus or Jerome (385) about Klippschiefer/Rock hyraxes ... eschichte/
Der Osterhase und das Christentum
Der Hase ist sowohl in Kunst allgemein als auch in gezielt christlichen Darstellungen zu finden. Eine eigentlich falsch übersetzte Bibelstelle gilt als Grund für die hohe Symbolkraft des Hasen in der Religion.
Im Buch der Sprichwörter in der Bibel wird von einem hilflosen Tier erzählt, das sich zum Schutz in Felsen versteckt. Bei den Tieren handelt es sich um Klippschliefer. Klippschliefer sind etwa so groß wie Kaninchen, sehen aber eher Meerschweinchen oder Murmeltieren ähnlich.
Das hebräische Wort für Klippschliefer lautet „schafan“. Als Hieronymus ab dem Jahr 385 das Alte Testament ins Lateinische übersetzte, benutzte er für „schafan“ das Wort „lepusculus“. Lepusculus bedeutet jedoch „Häschen“. Dieser Übersetzungsfehler legte den Grundstein für die Hasensymbolik im Christentum.
automatic translation
The Easter Bunny and Christianity
The hare can be found both in art in general and in specifically Christian depictions. A passage from the Bible that was actually translated incorrectly is considered to be the reason for the high symbolic power of the rabbit in religion.The book of Proverbs in the Bible tells of a helpless animal hiding in rocks for protection. The animals are rock hyraxes. Rock hyraxes are about the size of rabbits, but look more like guinea pigs or marmots.
The Hebrew word for rock hyrax is shaphan. When Jerome translated the Old Testament into Latin from the year 385, he used the word "lepusculus" for "schafan". However, Lepusculus means "bunny". This translation error laid the foundation for the hare symbolism in Christianity.
Image ... ersion=NIV .... no. 18
18 The high mountains belong to the wild goats;
the crags are a refuge for the hyrax.
In my opinion It's hardly imaginable, that this humble error caused a foundation of anything, at least not for the easter bunny. And I've also doubts, that hares are very enthusiastic about high mountains.


Bede's Names for English Months

English wiki

German wiki .... ( ..... (705) .... (725) with chapter 15 and the English month names
.... ..., (project De temporum ratione)
.... .... (content)

Latin version of chapter 15
Caput XV:
De mensibus Anglorum

Antiqui autem Anglorum populi (neque enim mihi congruum videtur, aliarum gentium annalem observantiam dicere, et meae reticere) iuxta cursum lunae suos menses computavere; unde et a luna Hebraeorum et Graecorum more nomen accipiunt. Si quidem apud eos luna mona, mensis monath appellatur. Primusque eorum mensis, quidem Latini Januarium vocant, dicitur Giuli. Deinde Februarius Sol-monath, Martius Rhed-monath, Aprilis Eostur-monath, Maius Thrimylchi, Junius Lida, Julius similiter Lida, Augustus Vueod-monath, September Haleg-monath, Oktober Vuinter-fylleth, November Blod-monath, December Giuli, eodem Januarius nomine, vocatur. Incipiebant autem annum ab octavo Calendarum Januariarum die, ubi nunc natale Domini celebramus. Et ipsam noctem nunc nobis sacrosanctum, tunc gentili vocabulo Modranicht, id est, matrum noctem, appellabant, ob causam, ut suspicamur. ceremoniarum quas in ea pervigiles agebant. Et quotiescunque communis esset annus, ternos menses lunares singulis anni temporibus dabant. Cum vero embolismus, hoc est, XIII mensium lunarium annus occurreret, superfluum mensem aestati apponebant, ita ut tunc tres menses simul Lida nomine vocarentur, et ob id annus ille Thri-lidi cognominabatur, habens IV menses aestatis, ternos ut semper temporum caeterorum. Item principaliter annum totum in duo tempora, hyemis, videlicet, et aestatis dispartiebant, sex illos menses quibus longiores noctibus dies sunt aestati tribuendo, sex reliquos hyemi. Unde et mensem quo hyemalia tempora incipiebant Vuinter-fylleth appellabant, composito nomine ab hyeme et plenilunio, quia videlicet a plenilunio eiusdem mensis hyems sortiretur initium. Nec ab re est si et caetera mensium eorum quid significent nomina interpretari curemus. Menses Giuli a conversione solis in auctum diei, quia unus eorum praecedit, alius subsequitur, nomina accipiunt. Sol-monath dici potest mensis placentarum, quas in eo diis suis offerebant; Rhed-monath a deo illorum Rheda, cui in illo sacrificabant, nominatur; Eostur-monath, qui nunc paschalis mensis interpretetur, quondam a dea illorum quae Eostre vocabatur, et cui in illo festa celebrabant, nomen habuit, a cuius nomine nunc paschale tempus cognominant; consueto antiquae observationis vocabulo gaudia novae solemnitatis vocantes. Tri-milchi dicebatur, quod tribus vicibus in eo per diem pecora mulgebantur. Talis enim erat quondam ubertas Britanniae, vel Germaniae, de qua in Britanniam natio intravit Anglorum. Lida dicitur blandus, sive navigabilis, quod in utroque mense et blanda sit serenitas aurarum, et navigari soleant aequora. Vueod-monath mensis zizaniorum, quod ea tempestate maxime abundent. Halegh-monath mensis sacrorum. Vuinter-fylleth potest dici composito novo nomine hyemeplenilunium. Blot-monath mensis immolationum, quia in ea pecora quae occisuri erant diis suis voverent. Gratias tibi, bone Jesu, qui nos, ab his vanis avertens, tibi sacrificia laudis offere donasti.
Automatic translation
About the English months[/b]
But the ancient people of the English (for it does not seem appropriate to me to say the annals of other nations, and to withhold mine) counted their months according to the course of the moon; whence they take their name from the moon, according to the custom of the Hebrews and Greeks. If, indeed, among them the moon is a moon, the month is called monath. And the first of their months, indeed the Latins call January, is called Giuli. Then February Sol-monath, March Rhed-monath, Aprilis Eostur-monath, Maius Thrimylchi, Junius Lida, Julius likewise Lida, Augustus Vueodmonath, September Halegmonath, Oktober Vuinterfylleth, November Blodmonath, December Juli , by the same name January, is called. And the night itself, which is now sacred to us, was then called by the Gentiles by the term Modranicht, that is, the mother night, for the reason that we suspect it. of the ceremonies which the watchmen performed in it. And whenever there was a common year, they gave three lunar months to each season of the year. But when the embolism, that is, when the 13th lunar month occurred in a lunar year, they added an extra month to the summer, so that then three months together were called by the name of Lida, and for that reason that year was known as Thri-lidis, having 4 summer months, three as always in the other seasons. Also, in the main, they divided the whole year into two seasons, namely, winter and summer, assigning those six months in which the nights and days are longer to summer, and the remaining six to winter. Hence the month in which the winter season began was called Vuinterfylleth, a compound name from the winter and the full moon, because it was the full moon of the same month that marked the beginning of the winter. Nor is it out of the question if we take care to interpret the names of the rest of their months as well. The Julian months, from the revolution of the sun to the length of the day, because one of them precedes and another follows, receive names. Solmonath may be called the month of cakes, which they offered to their gods in it; Rhed-monath is named after their god Rheda, to whom they sacrificed there; Eostur-month, which is now interpreted as the Easter month, once by the goddess of those who Eostre it was called, and the festival they celebrated in it had a name, from which name they now call the Easter season; calling the joys of the new solemnity by the usual term of the ancient observance. It was called the tri-milchi, because the cattle were milked in it three times a day. For such was once the wealth of Britain, or of Germany, that the nation of the English entered into Britain. Lida is said to be pleasant, or navigable, because in both months the calmness of the winds is pleasant, and the seas are used to sail. Vueod-month of the month of weeds, which are most abundant in that weather. Haleghmonath, the holy month. Vuinterfylleth can be said to be a composite of the new name of the winter full moon. Blotmonath, the month of sacrifices, because in it the cattle that were to be killed were vowed to their gods. Thank you, good Jesus, who, turning us away from these vain things, gave you sacrifices of praise. ..... (English tanslation of a part)
15. The English Months

In olden time the English people -- for it did not seem fitting to me that I should speak of other people's observance of the year and yet be silent about my own nation's -- calculated their months according to the course of the moon. Hence, after the manner of the Greeks and the Romans (the months) take their name from the Moon, for the Moon is called mona and the month monath.
The first month, which the Latins call January, is Giuli; February is called Solmonath; March Hrethmonath; April, Eosturmonath; May, Thrimilchi; June, Litha; July, also Litha; August, Weodmonath; September, Halegmonath; October, Winterfilleth; November, Blodmonath; December, Giuli, the same name by which January is called. ...
Nor is it irrelevant if we take the time to translate the names of the other months. ... Hrethmonath is named for their goddess Hretha, to whom they sacrificed at this time. Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated "Paschal month", and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance. Thrimilchi was so called because in that month the cattle were milked three times a day...

Deutsche Mythologie
by Jacob Grimm
Dietrich, 1835 - 710 Seiten ... 20&f=false

Jacob Grimm noted 1835 the word "Ostara" as a reaction of the text of Beda Venerabilis (De temporum ratione)


The Grimm Wörterbuch has a lot of articles, which present the word "Ostern" in connection to other words. One expression is the word Osterspiel or Osterspil. This means a sort of theatre play with contains the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, riding on a donkey.
Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm (¹DWB)

mhd. ôsterspil, spiel (in oder auszer der kirche) zur osterfeier. vergl. myth.⁴ 651: theatrum, ubi fiunt osterspil Dief. 574ᶜ; auch das die predicanten exempel haben, die schlefferlichen menschen zuͦ erwecken und lüstig zuͦ hören machen, auch das sie osterspil haben zuͦ ostern. Pauli 14 Öst.; es ist nichts dann ein osterspil. Keisersberg has im pfeffer d 2ᵃ; kurzweil, so wir vasnachtspil, osterspil und dergleichen haiszen. Aventin. 4, 506, 9; es ist ein gewonheit hie, das buͦren alwegen zuͦ ostern in der nacht ein osterspil machen, wie unser her entstet usz dem grab. Eulensp. 18, 13 neudruck; osterspil der Franken. da gibt etwan ein reicher zwen fladen, den einen den jungen knaben, den andern den jungen meidlin, umb dise auf einer wissen vor aller menge zuͦ lauffen. Frank weltb. 51ᵃ; wie er (ain wunderbarlicher pfaff) zu Hainstetten ein osterspill hab halten wollen und die historiam des palmtags, wie der herr Christus uf aim esel zu Jerusalem ingeritten, spilen. Zimm. chron.² 2, 469, 28. vgl. 567, 40. 3, 376, 18. Alemannia 10, 201ᵃ;
(der nollbruder) fiel an den rück
in die kirchen, so lang er was,
des lacht alles volk uber d'masz
und im der schwank recht wol gefiel,
hilten es für ein osterspil.

German Monatsnamen

"Monatsnamen" (names of German months) in old German times ... ... onate.html
also at ... namen.html

The name "Ostarmanoth" existed in c.800 by the author Einhard in "Vita Karoli Magni"


Month April in Palazzo Schifanoia in Ferrara, Francesco del Cossa c1470 (with a lot of hares)


The German word "Osten"
Italian = Este
French = Est
Spanish = Est
English = East

The German word "Ostern"
English = Easter
Italian, French, Spanish and many others = Words, which start with a "P" as many other languages (exceptions are Poland, Hungary, Czech)

Wikipedia Eos, Aurora, Thesan (goddess of morning dawn, when the sun starts in the East) ... Etrurien


Wikipedia Astarte


Loth le Prous ... legendary king of Lothian in the northern part of Northumbria. Loth is brother-in-law of King Arthur by marriage with a sister of Arthur ... (c.995 - c.1055), wrote about King Arthur ... written around 1036



There's a raven in the foreground of the picture and it seems, that the animal in the background is a hare. The shield shall be from the heraldry of King Lot (or Loth), who shall have been brother-in-law to King Arthur in the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth by marriage with a sister of Arthur. Loth is father of the famous hero Gawain.



Lepus (= Hare), Star constellation

Lepus is close to the famous Orion constellation. Canis Maior (big dog) and Canis Minor (small dog) are also close. In the star picture mythology the idea was formed, that Orion was a hunter and his both dogs attempt to capture the hare.
Image ... d-company/



The name Österreich (German name for English Austria)
Herkunft: um 996 n. Chr. als Ostarrîchi bezeichnet, was sich wahrscheinlich aus der damaligen Bezeichnung für Osten und dem Begriff für „eingegrenztes Gebiet“ (-rîchi) ableitet.
Origin: referred to around 996 AD as Ostarrîchi, which probably derives from the term for east [German: Osten] and the term for “enclosed area” (-rîchi).

Maria with Hare or Rabbit
Tizian: Die Madonna mit dem Kaninchen, Szene: Maria mit Christuskind, Hl. Katharina und Hl. Johannes der Täufer. um 1530, Öl auf Leinwand, 71 × 85 cm. Paris, Musée du Louvre. Kommentar: Auftraggeber: Frederico Gonzaga, Herzog von Mantua. Land: Italien. Stil: Renaissance.

Albrecht Dürer


Martin Schongauer

Osterhase ... from The Pope with the donkey

Posted: 20 Apr 2023, 09:07
by Huck
Material to the star constellation "Hare" or "Hase"

Pauly-Wissowa "Hase": mainly about Hunting,2_2477.png




"Lepusculus Domini, Erotic Hare, Meister Lampe" Zur Rolle des Hasen in der Kulturgeschichte (dissertation by BIRGIT GEHRISCH 2005), p. 35 ... -06-30.pdf
Der Hase als eigenständige Sternengruppe wird erstmals von Eudoxos im 4. Jh. v. Chr. erwähnt. Es ist anzunehmen, dass dieses Bild des südlichen Sternenhimmels die Schöpfung eines griechischen Astronomen ist, nachdem die Sage, dass Orion dem Großen Bären oder dem Löwen nachsetzte, erloschen war.
translated to ...
The hare as an independent group of stars is first mentioned by Eudoxus in the 4th century BC. It is believed that this picture of the southern sky is the creation of a Greek astronomer after the legend of Orion chasing the Great Dipper or the Lion had died out.
Biography of Eudoxus (the relevant text is "Phenomena", which is extant only by a work of Aratos of Soloi)
Biography of Aratus
The translated Aratus text in a version of
[338] Beneath both feet of Orion is the Hare [Lepus] pursued continually through all time, while Sirius behind for ever borne as in pursuit. Close behind he rises and as he sets he eyes the setting Hare.
[367] Other stars, mean in size and feeble in splendour, wheel between the Rudder of Argo and Cetus, and beneath the grey Hare’s sides they are set without a name. For they are not set like the limbs of a fashioned figure, such as, many in number, fare in order along their constant paths, as the years are fulfilled – stars, which someone of the men that are no more noted and marked how to group in figures and call all by a single name. For it had passed his skill to know each single star or name them one by one. Many are they on every hand and of many the magnitudes and colours are the same, while all go circling round. Wherefore he deemed fit to group the stars in companies, so that in order, set each by other, they might form figures. Hence the constellations got their names, and now no longer does any star rise a marvel from beneath the horizon. Now the other stars are grouped in clear figures and brightly shine, but those beneath the hunted Hare are all clad in mist and nameless in their course.
[501] But there is another circle [Tropic of Capricorn] to match in the South. It cuts through the middle of Aegoceros, the feet of Hydrochoüs, and the tail of the sea-monster, Cetus, and on it is the Hare. It claims no great share of the Dog, but only the space that he occupies with his feet. In it is Argo and the mighty back of the Centaur, the sting of Scorpio, and the Bow of the bright Archer. This circle the sun passes last as he is southward borne from the bright north, and here is the Turning-point of the sun in winter. Three parts of eight of his course are above and five below the horizon.
[590] At the coming of the Lion [Leo] those constellations wholly set, which were setting when the Crab rose, and with them sets the Eagle. But the Phantom On His Knees winks all save knee and left foot beneath the stormy ocean. Up rises the Hydra’s head and the bright-eyed Hare and Procyon and the forefeet of the flaming dog.
[665] At the coming of the Bow [Saggitarius] up rises the coil of the Serpent and the body of Ophiuchus. Their heads the rising of the Scorpion himself brings and raises even the hands of Ophiuchus and the foremost coil of the star-bespangled Serpent. Then emerge from below some parts of Engonasin, who ever rises feet-foremost, to wit, his legs, wiast, all his breast, his shoulder with his right hand; but his other hand and his head arise with the rising Bow and the Archer. With them the Lyre of Hermes and Cepheus to his breast drive up from the Eastern Ocean, what time all the rays of the mighty Dog are sinking and all of Orion setting, yea, all the Hare, which the Dog pursues in an unending race. But not yet depart the Kids of the Charioteer and the Arm-borne (Olenian) Goat; by his great hand they shine, and are eminent beyond all his other limbs in raising storms, when they fare with the sun.
This are the passages of the text, in which the word "Hare" appears.
Well, I don't claim, that I understand these passages. Possibly the Eudoxus interpretation of the star constellations isn't totally identical to that, what later became the 48 old standard star pictures with Ptolemy in c150 AD.


Babylonian Astronomy
SIBA.ZI.AN.NA = Orion = "der treue Himmelshirte" = "the faithful shepherd of heaven"
KAK.TAG.GA = Sirius
(Hare is not mentioned) ... Astrolab_B ... tar-names/



Egyptian astronomy (from various sources)

Orion = Osiris, very important Egyptian god
Sirius (Hundsstern, part of Canis Maior) = Isis, very important Egyptian goddess
Procryon (part of Canis Minor) = Anubis, God of Death (?)
Hare = ???????? boat of Osiris .... ????? .... Anubis
Procyon also had canine associations in ancient Egypt, where the star was connected to the mythological figure of Anubis. ... esser-dog/
Im alten Ägyptern stellte das Sternbild den Totengott Anubis dar, eine menschliche Gestalt mit Hundekopf. Einer anderen Deutung nach handelte es sich um das Boot des Gottes Osiris.
translated: In ancient Egypt, the constellation represented the god of the dead, Anubis, a human figure with a dog's head. According to another interpretation, it was the boat of the god Osiris.

There are contradictions in the web.
I'm not sure, that this "Egyptian astrology" is older than the work of Eudoxos.
Eudoxus lived (* 397/390 BC, † 345/338) short before the wars of Alexander the Great (334 BC - 323).After that there was a close connection between Greek and Egyption cultural development.

The largest star of the star constellation Lepus = Hare has the Arabian name Arneb (الأرنب, or al-arnab ‚the Hare‘). This name didn't exist in 300 BC, but much later in 6th or 7th century AD. They learned it from a Nestorian christian and from Greek manuscripts (at least I've read this story).

Re: The Pope with the donkey / "Oldest Tarot"; theme lotbook

Posted: 21 Apr 2023, 14:50
by Huck
There is a hare:

Image ... _Bakay.jpg

Gate deities of the underworld
An hare-headed underworld deity armed with enormous knifes, from the Papyrus of Bakay. ... underworld

Artist: Anonym (Ägypten)
Title: Book of the Dead of the Royal nanny Bakay (Kay).
Date: 2nd half 15th century BC (18th dynasty)
Material: Papyrus
Size: 967 × 35,5 cm
Location: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

Orion in the Iliad .... The Pope with the donkey ...

Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 22:04
by Huck
Homer, Iliad, book 18, 485 ... card%3D462

Description of the shield of Achilles, which contains pictures of star constellations inclusive the figure of Orion:
Five were the layers of the shield itself; and on it he wrought many curious devices with cunning skill. Therein he wrought the earth, therein the heavens therein the sea, and the unwearied sun, and the moon at the full, [485] and therein all the constellations wherewith heaven is crowned—the Pleiades, and the Hyades and the mighty Orion, and the Bear, that men call also the Wain, that circleth ever in her place, and watcheth Orion, and alone hath no part in the baths of Ocean.

Oldest star chart found (BBC article 2003)

The carvings have been interpreted as a star map, the object (it shall be Orion) was found in Germany (? Achtal = Ach valley is actually in Western part of Austria) and was estimated at an age of 32500 years.
The tiny sliver of mammoth tusk contains a carving of a man-like figure with arms and legs outstretched in the same pose as the stars of Orion.


The Mysteries of Mithras and Identity of Orion ... 9c5c284a66
A theory, which links Orion with Mithras ...
The principle evidence for the identification of Mithras with Orion comes in the fact that the rich symbolism of the Mithraic temples is almost wholly astrological. The central figures of the bull-slaying scene are almost always shown surrounded by a supporting cast; a dog, a snake, a raven, a scorpion and a pair of twins, and sometimes, a lion and a cupbearer pouring water, all presided over in the upper corners by the sun and moon. These, as it’s postulated, correspond to a sort of star map; the dog being Canis Minor, the snake being Hydra, the raven being Corvus, the scorpion being Scorpio, the twins being Gemini, the lion being Leo and the cupbearer being Aquarius. Together with Mithras and the bull, the first four make up a map of their region of the sky, while Leo and Aquarius, holding opposite spots on the zodiac, may represent Mithras’ mastery of all twelve signs. And, indeed, all twelve figures of the zodiac are found on statues, floor mosaics and walls of Mithraic temples, along with paintings of stars on the walls and covering Mithras’ cloak. It seems clear, but still, there’s more.


(fresco of Mithraic bull-slaying, Mithraeum of Marino, Italy) ... _Mithraeum

Re: The Pope with the donkey / "Oldest Tarot" ; theme lotboo

Posted: 27 Apr 2023, 03:59
by Huck

This was a post of mine in the thread in the year 2017 .... viewtopic.php?p=19163#p19163 ... (#89 07 Mar 2017)
The interesting name is raven of Oswald of Northumbria
Huck wrote: 07 Mar 2017, 22:24 In the German wiki-article to Ludwig III ....
[ ... r_Palatine ]
... the information is given, that a "Sittichgesellschaft" (parrot or parakeet society) was founded by the foes of Ludwig VII the Bearded ...
[ ... of_Bavaria ]
[ https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.go ... r_pto=wapp ... translated from German wiki ]
... against him. Elector Palatine Louis III participated.
The Parakeet Society was a union of the enemies of Louis VII the Bearded, duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt .
It was founded on April 17, 1414 by his cousin, duke Henry XVI of Bavaria-Landshut.
[ ... of_Bavaria ]
The other members of the society were Ernest of Bavaria-Munich, ...
[,_Duke_of_Bavaria ]
... his brother William III
[ ... of_Bavaria ]
... and John, Count Palatine of Neumarkt.
[,_Cou ... f_Neumarkt ]

On February 16, 1415, Frederick of Nuremberg ...
[ ... randenburg ]
... and Elector Palatine Louis III became members of the society. Its members met on July 8, 1415 at the Council of Constance and turned the society into a union for mutual defense against Louis VII, the League of Constance, to persist until Louis’ death.
All the members of the Parakeet Society were princes. The symbol of the society, the parakeet, was intended to make fun of Louis’ coat of arms, which showed the raven of Oswald of Northumbria.

I've improved the text with links to the various person.

As already reported Ludwig III von der Pfalz had been the owner of a 32-animals lot book. The earliest producer of the lot book system with 22 animals isn't known, but likely from the same region.
Parrot or Parakeet and the raven are figures in these systems, the raven has in any case a great importance in the 22-animals-version.

Ludwig VII the Bearded adapted the raven of Oswald of Northumbria at least in 1413. The Parrot society was founded in 1414. The conflict endured a long time, at its height it was open war.
Full picture: ... Oswald.jpg
Saint Oswald with raven
Ingoldstadt exhibition with a raven motif of Ludwig VII (difficult to discover) ... dw7-16.htm

A funeral object made for Ludwig VII with 2 birds (possibly ravens) ... 9d2e02fd16

Oswald raven ... ... OA.svg.png

The following was a part of a post of mine recently .... viewtopic.php?p=25732#p25732 .... (from #95 31 Mar 2023)
The interesting part is the raven and hare of King Loth
Loth le Prous ... legendary king of Lothian in the northern part of Northumbria. Loth is brother-in-law of King Arthur by marriage with a sister of Arthur ... (c.995 - c.1055), wrote about King Arthur ... written around 1036



There's a raven in the foreground of the picture and it seems, that the animal in the background is a hare. The shield shall be from the heraldry of King Lot (or Loth), who shall have been brother-in-law to King Arthur in the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth by marriage with a sister of Arthur. Loth is father of the famous hero Gawain.
Oswald of Northumbria was involved in the Christianization of Northumbria, which became interesting in the life of Beda Venerabiles, who reported a list with 12 old pagan month names. (672/73 - 735) (c604 - 641/42)
Oswald soon came to be regarded as a saint. Bede says that the spot where he died came to be associated with miracles, and people took dirt from the site, which led to a hole being dug as deep as a man's height.[6] Reginald of Durham recounts another miracle, saying that his right arm was taken by a bird (perhaps a raven) to an ash tree, which gave the tree ageless vigour; when the bird dropped the arm onto the ground, a spring emerged from the ground. Both the tree and the spring were, according to Reginald, subsequently associated with healing miracles.[30][31] Aspects of the legend have been considered to have pagan overtones or influences[31]—this may represent a fusion of his status as a traditional Germanic warrior-king with Christianity. The name of the site, Oswestry, or "Oswald's Tree", is generally thought to be derived from Oswald's death there and the legends surrounding it.[26] His feast day is 5 August. The cult surrounding him even gained prominence in parts of continental Europe; cf. Ožbalt in Slovenia.
Da er im Kampf gegen das letzte heidnische Reich der Angelsachsen starb, galt er als Märtyrer und wurde als Heiliger verehrt. Unmittelbar nach seinem Tod wurde über Wunder an seinem Todesort berichtet. Zentrum des Oswaldkultes wurde das Kloster Bardney in Lindsey,[1] doch verbreitete er sich bald auch in Irland und Kontinentaleuropa, insbesondere in Flandern, Deutschland und Österreich.[5] Zahlreiche Kirchen in England und auf dem Kontinent wurden Oswald geweiht.[14]
Oswald ist Schutzpatron für Stadt und Kanton Zug, der englischen Könige, der Kreuzfahrer, der Schnitter und des Viehs. Er wird angerufen zum Schutz vor der Pest. Er zählt in manchen Regionen zu den Vierzehn Nothelfern.[17] Sein Festtag ist in der katholischen und anglikanischen[17] Kirche der 5. August. In Evesham und Gloucester wird der Translatio am 8. Oktober gedacht.[14]
Sein Bruder Oswiu und dessen Tochter Osthryth[18] bargen die sterblichen Überreste und begruben den Torso im Kloster Bardney in Lindsey.[11] Im Jahr 909 sollen einige Reliquien aus Bardney von Æthelred, dem Ealdorman von Mercia, und seiner Frau Æthelflæd nach St. Peter's in Gloucester überführt worden sein.
Der Kopf wurde ins Kloster Lindisfarne gebracht. Er wurde von Bischof Eardulf von Lindisfarne 875 nach langer Irrfahrt vor dänischen Wikingern im Sarg von St. Cuthbert nach Chester-le-Street in Sicherheit gebracht. Cuthbert wird deswegen manchmal mit dem Kopf Oswalds dargestellt.[11] Bischof Aldhun von Durham überführte 995 Cuthberts Gebeine und Oswalds Kopf von Chester nach Durham und weihte 998 eine steinerne Kirche als Ruhestätte des heiligen Cuthbert.[11] 1104 wurde Cuthberts Grab erneut geöffnet und sein Leib in die neuerbaute Durham Cathedral umgebettet.[11] Als das Grab 1826/1827 erneut geöffnet wurde, soll Oswalds Schädel noch darin gewesen sein.[19]
Teilreliquien des Kopfes befinden sich in Echternach, Hildesheim und im Paderborner Dom.[14] Im rheinland-pfälzischen Boßweiler, Diözese Speyer, existiert eine bereits im Mittelalter nachgewiesene Wallfahrt, mit Wallfahrtskirche und Schädelreliquie (Teilstück) des hl. Oswald.[20]
Ein Arm gelangte zunächst in die Hauptstadt Bamburgh, wurde aber später nach Ely überführt. Der andere Arm soll in Gloucester oder Durham sein.[14]
Der Heilige wird dargestellt mit Ornat und Insignien eines Königs, über ihm eine Taube, Sonne auf der Brust, mit Raben oder einem goldenen Hirsch.[17] In seiner Hand hält er ein pyxisartiges Gefäß (vielleicht ein Arzneigefäß).[21]
.... translated to ...
Since he died fighting the last pagan empire of the Anglo-Saxons, he was considered a martyr and venerated as a saint. Immediately after his death, miracles were reported at the place where he died. The center of the Oswald cult became Bardney Abbey in Lindsey,[1] but it soon spread to Ireland and continental Europe, particularly Flanders, Germany and Austria.[5] Numerous churches in England and on the Continent were dedicated to Oswald.[14]
Oswald is the patron saint of the city and canton of Zug, the English kings, the crusaders, the reapers and cattle. He is invoked to protect against the plague. In some regions he is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.[17] His feast day is August 5th in the Catholic and Anglican[17] Churches. In Evesham and Gloucester, the Translatio is commemorated on October 8.[14]
His brother Oswiu and his daughter Osthryth[18] recovered the remains and buried the torso at Bardney Abbey in Lindsey.[11] In 909 some relics from Bardney are said to have been carried to St Peter's in Gloucester by Æthelred, the Ealdorman of Mercia, and his wife Æthelflæd.[19]
The head was taken to Lindisfarne Monastery. He was brought to safety by Bishop Eardulf of Lindisfarne in 875 after a long odyssey from Danish Vikings in a coffin from St. Cuthbert to Chester-le-Street. Cuthbert is therefore sometimes depicted with the head of Oswald.[11] Bishop Aldhun of Durham transferred Cuthbert's bones and Oswald's head from Chester to Durham in 995 and dedicated a stone church as Saint Cuthbert's resting place in 998.[11] In 1104 Cuthbert's tomb was reopened and his body was reburied in the newly built Durham Cathedral.[11] When the tomb was reopened in 1826/1827, Oswald's skull is said to have still been in it.[19]
Partial relics of the head are in Echternach, Hildesheim and in Paderborn Cathedral.[14] In Boßweiler, Rhineland-Palatinate, in the Speyer diocese, there is a pilgrimage that has been documented since the Middle Ages, with a pilgrimage church and a skull relic (part) of St. Oswald.[20]
One arm first made its way to the capital, Bamburgh, but was later transferred to Ely. The other arm is said to be in Gloucester or Durham.[14]
The saint is depicted with the regalia and insignia of a king, above him a dove, sun on breast, with ravens or a golden stag.[17] In his hand he holds a pyxis-like vessel (perhaps a medicine jar).[21]
The christianzation in Northumbria had consequences in 8th century in Germany. ... geschichte
Nicht erst Karl der Große (747/748–814) führte Kriege gegen die Sachsen. In der ersten Hälfte des 8. Jahrhunderts zogen der fränkische Hausmeier Karl Martell und seine Söhne mehr als zehnmal gegen die Sachsen. Im Lauf des 7. Jahrhunderts hatten die sächsischen Falen das heutige Westfalen in Besitz genommen – zu nennen ist hier Radbod (Radboudus) –, ohne wie die Franken einen Reichsverband unter einem König zu bilden. Das fränkische Königtum legte kurz nach 700 an seinen Grenzen Großburgen an, von denen die Büraburg bei Fritzlar, ab 742 Bischofssitz, und der Christenberg bei Marburg die herausragenden sind. In gleicher Weise wurde die thüringisch-sächsische Grenze gesichert. Bereits im 7. Jahrhundert entstanden in Hessen Burganlagen, die mit der fränkischen Herrschaft in Verbindung zu bringen sind.
Die Burgen des 8. Jahrhunderts in sächsischem Besitz sind vor allem aus den fränkischen Schriftquellen bekannt, so die 743 von den Franken eroberte Hoohseoburg im sächsisch-thüringischen Grenzraum, die unter dem Befehl des Sachsen Theoderich stand. Die dauernden Streitigkeiten zwischen christlichen Franken und heidnischen Sachsen, die sich nur zögernd und mit Widerstand dem Christentum öffneten,[2] boten schließlich den Anlass zu den großen Sachsenkriegen 772 bis 804. Auslöser für den ersten Krieg war die Plünderung und Niederbrennung der Kirche von Deventer Mitte Januar 772 durch sächsische Plünderer.
... translated to ...
Not only Charlemagne (747/748-814) waged wars against the Saxons. In the first half of the 8th century, the Frankish mayor Karl Martell and his sons marched against the Saxons more than ten times. In the course of the 7th century, the Saxon Falen took possession of today's Westphalia - Radbod (Radboudus) is a good example here - without forming an imperial association under a king like the Franks did. Shortly after 700, the Frankish kingdom built large castles on its borders, of which the Büraburg near Fritzlar, bishop's seat from 742, and the Christenberg near Marburg are the outstanding ones. The Thuringian-Saxon border was secured in the same way. As early as the 7th century, castles were built in Hesse that are associated with Frankish rule.
The castles of the 8th century owned by Saxons are mainly known from Frankish written sources, such as Hoohseoburg in the Saxon-Thuringian border area, which was conquered by the Franks in 743 and was under the command of Saxon Theodoric. The ongoing disputes between Christian Franks and pagan Saxons, who only hesitantly and with resistance opened up to Christianity[2] finally gave rise to the great Saxon Wars from 772 to 804. The trigger for the first war was the looting and burning down of the church in Deventer Mid-January 772 by Saxon raiders. ... father of Karl Martell ... first wife of Pepin ... he_palace)


About Heinrich der Reiche ... _1450.html

About Ludwig VII der Bärtige

About Friedrich (Nürnberg)

About Ernst ... _1447.html

Re: The Pope with the donkey / "Oldest Tarot"; theme lotbook

Posted: 29 Apr 2023, 08:37
by Huck
I should note in this thread, that I once arranged another thread, in which I collected important links to lot books.

Lot book collection (in work) ; theme lotbook
... arranged since 2017.
It contains links to a work, which appeared in 2018, which should be known for the understandment of this thread:

viewtopic.php?p=22131#p22131 .... #6 in the thread, written 2020
A very big lot book collection (Deutschsprachige Losbücher, lots of links) was done by Marco Heiles (2018) ...

A dissertation of the author:
Marco Heiles, Das Losbuch. Manuskriptologie einer Textsorte des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 83), Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau 2018. ISBN 978-3-412-50904-0.
A short description of the text with content and abstract: ... NT/content

A reduced google.books version: ... &q&f=false