Helmet with Triumphal function


"Theatre of war
by Christine Thomson

In the race to dominate the world, sixteenth-century rulers, both Christian and Ottoman, took their military rivalry onto the streets in glorious cavalcades evoking the triumphal processions of Ancient Rome. Christine Thomson is dazzled by the splendour of a spectacular renaissance

Suleyman's sensational helmet was made in response to engravings of the Holy Roman Emporer's coronation. It earned him the epithat 'The Magnificent'"
http://www.cornucopia.net/magazine/arti ... re-of-war/

Re: Helmet with Triumphal function

Another triumphal hat of the same man ...


http://www.cornucopia.net/library/_made ... 398_80.jpg
Suleiman the Magnificent, the most extraordinary of all Ottoman sultans, led his army as far as the gates of Vienna, made himself master of the Mediterranean, and established his court in Baghdad. He regarded it as his duty to extend the boundaries of Islam farther and farther, and the Christian world could not agree to unite against him: Charles the Fifth was forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Constantinople, while His Most Christian Majesty Francis the First allied himself with the Grand Turk.
‘The Shadow of God on Earth’, Suleiman ruled the state firmly with the help of his viziers. His empire spread over three continents, populated by more than 30,000,000 inhabitants, among whom nearly all of the races and religions of mankind represented. There was no hereditary nobility. The government administration, remarkably organised, was completely in the hands of the Christians who had converted to Islam, and the elite of that group, having been given honours and wealth, were the sultan’s devoted slaves, faithful unto death.
Prospering under a well-directed, authoritarian economy, Suleiman’s reign marked the apogee of Ottoman power. City and country alike experienced unprecedented economic and demographic growth. Istanbul was the largest city in the world, enjoying a remarkable renaissance of arts and letters, a mighty capital, the seat of the Seraglio and dark intrigue.
Biography ...


... attributed to Titian c. 1530