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"Trionfi" as carnival festivities in Pavia (1435 ?)

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 00:33
by Huck
I got a contact to Detlef Markmann, author of a dissertation in 1998 called "Kontinuität und Innovation am ferraresischen Hof zur Zeit Leonello d´Estes (1407-1450)". His work was based on studies, which he made at a stay at Ferrara 1991-95.
It contains a longer article about playing cards in Ferrara, mainly based on Franceschini material. Ortalli had published his "Prince and the playing cards" in 1996. Markmann didn't know this publication. His own report to Ferrarese playing cards is rather good (pages 187 - 203; especially as one has to consider, that there are not really useful books about Tarot History in German language; but, anyway, dissertations usually don't reach the common Tarot market).

Ortalli's work in this aspect is naturally better. But I found one note ...
Am 23. September 1457 erhielt Don Messore eine Lira und 17 Soldi, um die Zutaten für die Farbenherstellung der carte da triumphi einzukaufen.(note 1115)

My translation:
At 23 September 1457 Don Messore got one Lira and 17 Soldi to buy material needed to produce the colors of carte da triumphi.

Note 1115:
„(...) A don Messore prete adi 23 de septembre libre una, soldi decesepte marchesani; portò contanti Iacomo da Modena suo famio, per comprare roba da fare tinta da dessignare carte da triumphi per uso del prefato nostro Signore.“
Franceschini, 1993, 824 f.
This should be a note, which was overlooked by Ortalli (I hope, I'm right with this, if somebody finds reason to correct me, it's quite okay), and consequently, we also didn't find it. So, for us, it's a new Trionfi note. Don Messore had already appeared in the small "mass production" of Trionfi cards 1454.

The book of Detlef Markmann (Ferrara in the time of Leonello) is rather good and contains a lot of information, which one likely gets not everywhere. For instance:
Leonello had 6 sons.
The letter of Guarino about the Muses ... which according Guarino should look quite different as how they usually look like.
And much more.


This short note captured my special interest. In the chapter "4.2.4 Musik und Theater" ...
"Ein weiterer Autor war Ugolino Pisani aus Parma, der in der Tradition der Goliarden stand und bereits einige szenische Aufzüge und trionfi, die besonders im Karneval beliebt waren, an der Universität von Pavia veranstaltet hatte. Ugolino Pisani wurde an den ferraresischen Hof eingeladen.
Seine Stücke schienen aber nicht den höfischen Geschmack in Ferrara zu treffen.
Sie waren zu grob, zu zotig und zu vulgär."

Goliards, see ...

My translation:
"A further author had been Ugolino Pisani from Parma, who stood in in the tradition of the Goliards and he had organized theater scenes and "Trionfi" at the university of Pavia, which were loved especially during carnival time. Ugolino Pisani was also invited at th Ferrarese court. His plays, however, didn't meet the taste of the Ferrarese court. They were too rough, with too much sex and had too much vulgarity."

Markmann gives as his source: Antonia Tissoni Benvenuti, „Il teatro di corte,“ in: L'epoca delle signorie. Le corti (Le dedi della cultura nell'Emilia Romagna), Milano 1985, 211-237.
Ugolino Pisani

A man with the habits of a Fool ... naturally of interest for us, cause the Fool is an important figure in the Tarot game. Ugolino Pisani was part of a longer discussion between Ross and me about Alberti, Decembrio and a few others ... ... ht=ugolino
(all posts)

The visit of Ugolino to Ferrara (above mentioned for 1437) was reported by Angelo Decembrio (brother of Pier Candid Decembrio) in his "Politiae literariae", reported in this German text (p. 75-76) ... &q&f=false
The text, which Ugolino presented in Ferrara, is mentioned as "de coquinaria confabulatione" by Decembrio, but it should have been also running under different names.

At an old collection about poets from Parma of the year 1827 I found these notes to Ugolino Pisani ...
Memorie degli scrittori e letterati parmigiani raccolte dal padre Ireneo Affò e continuate da Angelo Pezzana. Tomo sesto [-settimo ed ultimo]: 6.2. 6.2.1
1827 - 458 pages ... &q&f=false




This text is difficult for my poor Italian and Latin. The first 2 pages are clear, cause these relate to the comedy ...
Philogenia ... or "Philogenia et Epiphebus"(by Ugolino) ... &q&f=false
... in which a poor girl is passed from one lover to the next and from this to the next and to the role of a wife of a peasant. Nothing, which indicates a "triumphal procession".
A desription was found here: ... &q&f=false

The 3rd page presents the text in question:
I find the words "curru triumphalis" in the context of the mentioned text "de coquinaria confabulatione", which might be also named "Repetitio egregii Zanini Coqui magistrandi" (otherwise also "Repetitio magistri Zanini coqui"), whereby Zanini is a cook and the comedy is about a talk between instruments in the kitchen (as desribed by the German text to Angelo Decembrio). Which also doesn't sound like the place for a triumphal procession, but a cook might be easily an innkeeper and the innkeeper was a name for the Bagatello in Tarot. And there are these words, which I don't understand in the context, "curru triumphalis".

The text was object to a recent (1982) edition with "Due commedie umanistiche pavesi: Ianus sacerdos - Repetitio magistri Zanini coqui" by Paolo Viti. ... edir_esc=y
I find no text of it, which is online. "Ianus sacerdos" is given as a text of an anonymous. gives this:
PISANI, Ugolino
Enciclopedia Italiana (1935)
di Remigio Sabbadini
PISANI, Ugolino. - Nacque a Parma al principio del sec. XV; morì appena quarantenne. Fu uno dei più bizzarri spiriti del suo tempo; viaggiatore, soldato, giurista, poeta, autore di commedie, musicista. Nella prima gioventù percorse la Penisola Balcanica in cerca di avventure. Studiò giurisprudenza a Pavia nel 1435, si laureò a Bologna nel 1437. Militò sotto le insegne di Alfonso d'Aragona (1439-40), alla cui corte s'incontrò con L. Valla e l'ebbe maestro di greco; nel 1441 intervenne al concilio di Basilea, dove parteggiò per l'antipapa Felice V. Scrisse la commedia Repetitio Zanini, recitata nel 1435 dagli studenti di Pavia; nel 1437 ne presentò un elegante esemplare a Leonello d'Este. Si hanno di lui, inoltre, due lettere e numerose postille autografe a un manoscritto ȧmbrosiano latino di opere aristoteliche.
Bibl.: R. Sabbadini, Saggi e testi uman., Roma 1933, pp. 113-19.