Re: News and Updates

I stumbled about this remark of Karin Schneider for Cgm 403, an old German manuscript. ... en&f=false


She describes two playing cards of the "Master of 1462" in the book, one a nude woman with a Rose and a bandarole, the other an Unter with an animal.

I searched for this card ... and found ..


at https://21stcenturyrenaissanceprintmake ... t-a-press/

The large picture of it is rather nice:
https://21stcenturyrenaissanceprintmake ... raving.jpg

The author of the webpage gives ..
Master with the Banderoles / Meister mit den Bandrollen
Das Mädchen mit der Rose und die Spielkarte Hirsch-Unter
Germany c1465

4 playing cards of Israel Meckenhem (copies of Master ES)


Big pictures:
http://www.virtuelles-kupferstichkabine ... en&reset=1&

Some other cards and playing card scenes at ...
http://www.virtuelles-kupferstichkabine ... _=1&vzk_=1&


Meister der Weibermacht ...


... and a lot of other things to find ... ... Bibliothek

Schaffhausen: 92 playing cards found in book binding

In 2007/2007 playing cards have been found in Schaffhausen A pdf-file from 2015 with some pictures is available in the web (about 12 pages) ...

... if you put the title in a search engine, you should get it.

An earlier report to the finding is here: ... einsleder/

The cards are from 16th century.

Re: News and Updates

Renaissance Splendors of the Northern Italian Courts
March 31–June 21, 2015, GETTY CENTER

The Renaissance courts of northern Italy, among the wealthiest and most sophisticated in Europe, attracted innovative artists who created objects of remarkable beauty. Princes and courtiers offered painters and illuminators favorable contracts and social prestige in return for lavishly decorated panels and books. These works prominently displayed their owners' scholarly learning, religious devotion, and elite status. Drawn primarily from the Getty Museum's permanent collection of manuscripts, this exhibition celebrates the magnificent illuminations that emerged from this courtly context—an array of visual riches fit for the highest-ranking members of Renaissance society.

Accompanying the show is an online virtual exhibition, produced in collaboration with institutions in Ferrara, Mantua, Milan, Venice, and Verona, that allows visitors to view additional illuminated manuscripts by artists active in the northern Italian courts as well as items owned by various patrons who lived there.

online virtual exhibition: https://northern-italian-renaissance-ma ...

Re: News and Updates

Franco Pratesi has published a few new articles, returning to very old dates of playing card history. The oldest "new result" is likely a first notice about playing cards in Prato in 1384.

1384: Prato – Prime notizie sui naibi
(Die XIII Novembris.) Item bampnat et praeconiet quod nulla persona audeat
vel praesumat ludere vel iocare ad naibios vel ad ludum naibiorum et ad
sequentiam seu chavalettam sub poena sui arbitrii.
The other articles:

4/07. 1401: Firenze – Dadi, cialde e bericuocoli. (09.06.2015)

4/08. 1400-01: Bologna – Giochi di fanciulle. (11.06.2015)

4/09. 1542: Arrone – Trionfi grandi. (13.06.2015)

4/10. 1463-1503: Prato – Le leggi sul gioco. (15.06.2015)

4/11. Prato − Naibi all’inizio del Quattrocento. (17.06.2015)

4/13. 1405: Firenze – Condanne del Capitano per carte o naibi. (03.07.2015)

Re: News and Updates

Franco Pratesi has found 3 new appearances of the word "naibi" in cases of the justice ... all in the year 1398.

1398: Firenze – Primi naibi nei Libri del Giglio
9 gennaio 1398 (Libro N. 3 c. 41r – fra le condanne del Capitano):
Meo di Nanni da Siena fu trovato giuchare anaibj. pagho adj 18 di
giennaio L.10.

21 settembre 1398 (Libro N. 3 c. 84v fra le condanne
dell’Esecutore): Per Giuliano di Checho popolo S.ta Lucia dognissanti
preso per giuocho anaibj. pagho adj 19 dottobre L.10.

11 novembre 1398 (Libro N. 3 c. 86r fra le condanne
dell’Esecutore): Antonio di Francecoleso(?) popolo San Friano preso
a giucho di naibj. pagho L.10 questo(?) di 29 di marzo 1399

Re: News and Updates

Further findings of Franco Pratesi in Florence from similar sources as before.

1388-1396: Firenze − Condanne per naibi da parte dell’Esecutore
"19.12.1388. (N. 1050, c. 107r): Cherricus Michaelis de Salseburge de
Alamania inventus fuit per militem et familiam praesentis domini Executoris
ludere ad ludum naiborum contra formam statutorun communis Florentiae."
Franco's comment:
"Questa cattura indicata espressamente per il gioco di naibi presenta più punti
degni di nota. La data appare assai precoce e ci dimostra che allora le leggi
che vietavano i naibi erano già fatte rispettare. Su quanto lo fossero ci
rimangono dei dubbi. Il punto notevole qui è che viene catturato un
“alemanno” di Salisburgo, e che questo rappresenta il solo giocatore
catturato. Non si può certo pensare che fosse stato preso mentre con le carte
da gioco faceva un solitario! Allora forse, coi giocatori fiorentini la famiglia
dell’esecutore era pronta a chiudere un occhio."


"22.11.1394 (N. 1242, c. 29v) : Nicholaus Ser Anthonij populi S.ti
Johannis de Florentia repertus fuit per militem et familiam predicti(?)
domini executoris ludere ad ludum nayborum seu cartarum contra formam
(…) statutorum… "


"20.01.1395 (N. 1242, c. 31v): Grassus Grassi ferrator populi S.te Lucie
de Magnolis de Florentia repertus fuit per me notarium( ?) et familiam
predictam ludere ad ludum cartarum seu nayborum contra formam
statutorum et ordinament(orum) dictis communis… "


"25.12.1395 (N. 1276, c. 44v): Bertus(?) Zenobij de populi S.te Marie
Maioris de Florentia - Andreas (+++) - repert(i?) per familiam domini
executoris ludere ad ludum naiborum contra formam statutorum communis


"18.11.1396 (N. 1309, c. 24r): Johannes a Ture(?) stipendiarius inventus
fuit per familiam domini executoris ludere ad carticulas contra formam
statutorum communis Florentiae et captus fuit familiam dicti domini
Executoris. − Nannes Becholj(?) stipendiarius de civitate Castelli inventus
fuit per familiam domini Executoris ludere as carticulas contra formam
statutorum communis Florentiae et captus fuit per Anthonium de

Re: News and Updates / Germini in 1506

Franco Pratesi has published in the IPCS-issue 44/1 an article ...

1499-1506: Firenze - Nuove informazioni sulle carte fiorentine

The topic are 2 documents found by Lorenzo Böninger, likely the author of a work "Die Deutsche Einwanderung Nach Florenz Im Spätmittelalter" (2006). One is from 1499, the second is from December 1506.

Franco gives the location as ...
ASFI, Inventario N 35
ASFI, Mercanzia, 11585
c.117v and c. 119r
(if I understand that correctly)

Böninger found two inventories, one reporting the possessions [added: in a case of garnishment] of a cardmaker "Sinibaldo (= Giovanbattista) di Francesco Monaldi chartaro" (in this only "3 paio di forme a da fare charte" are of interest, confirming the idea, that this might be a playing card producer) and a second case of garnishment with much more details, in which the word "germini" appears twice and additional to that a "1 paio di tr(i)onfi alla franc(i)osa non finiti", which I interpret as an "unfinished French Trionfi deck", this likely owned by the same man now called "Giovanbattista di Francesco Monaldi" (an alternative would be, that Sinibaldo and Giovanbattista were brothers).

Franco's article is in Italian language, so I've my trouble to understand all details of his explanations. It's clear, that this is the oldest "Germini" note now, after the finding of "Germini" a few years ago in 1517 and 1519.

A second revolutionary condition can be associated with the "unfinished French Trionfi deck", which would confirm that there were French Trionfi decks in 1506 and curiously it seems, that a Florentine cardmaker attempted to reproduce these.

The both notes are given by Franco as follows:

Document 1499:

Document 1506:

Discussions to this new interesting details better at the thread "Germini - Florentine-French Trionfi 1506" ...

John of Rheinfelden text is online ; Basel 1429

John of Rheinfelden's text is online in the Basel edition of 1429. "Online since 06/25/2015".
F IV 43
Manuscript Title:
Johannes von Rheinfelden, Tractatus de moribus et disciplina humanae conversationis: id est ludus cartularum moralisatus

Caption: Paper · 190 ff. · 21 x 15 cm · Basel · 1429
[190 Folio pages]

Language: Latin

Manuscript Summary: In his extensive Tractatus de moribus et disciplina humanae conversationis, the oldest description of playing cards known in Europe, Johannes von Rheinfelden explains not only the rules of play, but in addition he explicates the characters of the figures as well as the entire social order, based on the relation of the cards to one another. Konrad Schlatter, since 1428 confessor and later prior of the cloister of the Dominican nuns St. Maria Magdalena “in den Steinen”, left this treatise to the sisters for their moral edification. (gam/flr)
According ...
... the cloister of the Dominican nuns St. Maria Magdalena “in den Steinen” had been an installation for earlier prostitutes (at least in the beginning of the order).
Die Frauen klagten ihm [Rudolf of Worms] ihre Not und versicherte, dass sie nicht aus Bosheit sondern aus Not diesem Broterwerb nachgingen. Gäbe er ihnen Obdach und Nahrung, dann wären sie gerne bereit sich nicht länger als Prostituierte zu verdingen. [1] Er war nicht der erste Geistliche der sich dieser Thematik annahm. Bereits der Gründer des Ordens der Prediger, der heilige Dominikus (eigentlich Domingo de Guzmán, ca 1170-1221), hatte 1215 ein Reuerinnenkloster gegründet.

In diesem bald wieder aufgelösten Frauenkonvent sollten bekehrte Dirnen unter der Aufsicht der Dominikaner ein gottgefälliges Leben führen. Diesem Gedanken folgend, gründete Rudolf den Orden der Magdalenerinnen, der im [b]Juni 1227[/b] den Segen von Papst Gregor IX. (ca 1167-1241) erhielt. [2] Die Patronin des Ordens war die heilige Maria Magdalena, die bekehrte Sünderin aus dem neuen Testament. Kurze Zeit später wurde in Basel ein Kloster dieses Ordens gegründet.
Rudolf of Worms got the allowance to build the Order of the Magdalenarinnen in the year 1227. Short after this the cloister in Basel was founded.
German Wiki states, that Rudolf founded the order in Worms first. The article says, that this happened in the year 1224. Strassburg followed 1225, Basel is noted for 1230.

An interesting detail in the article:
Die Frauenwirte könnten wegen ihrer Vermögen vornehm auftreten. Niemand könne äusserlich erkennen was für Leute sie wirklich seien. Der Rat beschloss daher, das innerhalb von zwei Wochen jeder diese Herren einen gelben Kugelhut mit drei aufgenähten Spielwürfeln zu tragen hätten. Wer sich dem widersetzte, sollte der Stadt verwiesen werden. [53] Die Kennzeichnung von Randgruppen über verordnete Kleidung war im Mittelalter üblich, wie auch das Beispiel der Juden belegt.
The pimps ["Frauenwirte"] in Basel got the duty to carry a yellow "Kugelhut" (ball-hat or globe-hat). The hat was decorated with 3 dice (? pictures of dice or real dice). This was ruled (likely) in 1417.

The person of Konrad Schlatter is described here:
Schlatter, Konrad
Died 1458 Basel, Kloster St. Maria Magdalena an den Steinen in Basel, vermutlich von Basel. S. ist
wahrscheinlich identisch mit dem 1393 erw. Dominikaner Conrad Slader aus dem observanten Colmarer
Predigerkonvent und nicht mit dem gleichnamigen, 1424 bezeugten Kaplan am Basler Münster. Eine
Schwester von S. war Nonne im reformierten Kloster an den Steinen, wo S. ab 1428 als Beichtvater, ab 1433
als Vikar wirkte. S. beteiligte sich 1429 an der Reform des Predigerkonvents in Basel und 1439 an jener des
Berner Dominikanerinnenklosters St. Michael in der Insel. Er war 1435-36, 1439, 1443, 1445, 1447-48 und
1454 Prior des Basler Konvents. Mehrere Predigten von S. sind überliefert.

The text of the online edition is difficult to read, I would say.

Re: News and Updates

Ross G. R. Caldwell wrote:Thank you very much for this notice, Huck.

It is a pity that the book cannot be downloaded entirely - only one page at a time.

Yes, it is difficult to read. I am impatient for Arne Jönsson's edition. Perhaps in the meantime we can use his notes in Schweizer Spielkarten I to find images of the pages he refers to.
Jönssen has only quotes, no page numbers. So the search might be difficult.

I've looked up the pages, which look unusual, either for red starting letters, paintings or free place ...


Perhaps it's possible to realize a sort of "content". John was translated by Bond ...
And in this treatise I propose to do three things: first, to describe the game of cards in itself, as to the matter and mode of playing it; second, to moralize the game, or teach noblemen the rule of life; and third, to instruct the people themselves, or inform them of the way of labouring virtuously. Wherefore it seemed to me that the present treatise ought to be entitled 'De Moribus et Disciplina Humane Conversationis.' For the first part will have six chapters. In the first will be stated the subject of the game and the diversity of instruments. In the second will be set forth that in this game there is a moral action of virtues and vices. In the third it will be suggested that it is of service for mental relief and rest to the tired. In the fourth it will be shown that it is useful for idle persons, and may be a comfort to them. In the fifth will be treated the state of the world, as it is, in respect to morals. In the sixth will be demonstrated the aliquot parts of the number sixty, and the properties of numbers.
Maybe there are 3 parts, and the first has six chapters. The last of these 6 chapters treats the number 60 ... at 28v, 28r and 27v are curious paintings, which look, as if he talks there about the number 60.

Bond notes in this context ...
The first chapter treats "de materia ludi et de diversitate instrutnentorum," and contains all that directly bears upon the game. It is as follows:
This sentence " de materia .." appears at 3r in red.

Michael's presentations to the text ...

Michael J. Hurst
Brother John's Tractatus de Moribus ... ribus.html
also at bottom of page (February 6, 2010 Addendum: History of Playing-Cards; original article of E.A. Bond) ... death.html