Re: News and Updates


Michael Dummett (1958), 33 years old

A rather detailed biography of Michael Dummett ... ... _1925-2011
Michael Anthony Eardley Dummett was born in London in 1925. His father, George Dummett, was a silk merchant ....
Considering, that some silk dealers were active in early Trionfi card sales, that's somehow interesting.
In September 1939 (just after the onset of World War II) Dummett began his secondary education, as a Scholar at Winchester College. After a compulsory year on the classics ladder, he opted for science, but was “deeply disappointed” by it and switched to history. In 1943 he obtained a history scholarship to Christ Church, Oxford, but now 18 and with the war still on, went into the Royal Artillery instead of Christ Church. He was sent on a six month “short course” in Edinburgh. While there he contacted the University Catholic Chaplaincy and underwent instruction by the Chaplain, Father Ivo Thomas, and was received into the Catholic Church in February 1944. After Basic Training he was transferred to the Intelligence Corps and sent to Bedford for a six month course of training to translate written Japanese, and then to the Wireless Experimental Centre outside Dehli, in which intercepted Japanese wireless message were translated. When the war with Japan ended, Dummett was sent to Malaya as part of Field Security. He wrote recently that “it must have been in Malaya that a passionate hatred of racism was first born in me. I learned of the means by which the British masters of pre-war colonial Malaya had maintained and acted out the myth of white racial superiority”, though Michael Screech remembers Dummett expressing anger about racism already when they were together on the Bedford course and at the Wireless Centre.

Dummett was demobilized in 1947, just in time to go up to Christ Church that year. He felt that after four years in the army he had forgotten much of the history he had learnt, and decided instead to read Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).
Well, an interesting read ...
Everyone who knew Dummett has vivid memories of his smoking, which for most of his life he did using a short cigarette holder into which a replaceable filter was fitted, though not initially, to judge by a recollection of him in his army days, tapping the end of his cigarette many times before lighting it, an action so characteristic that it came to be called “dummetting” by those around him.
And here's something to hear ... when Dummett met Wittgenstein ... nstein.mp3

Do you know, where the milk is? Dummett didn't ...
From: ... frege.html

Re: News and Updates

A new book (2013) ...

Religiosus Ludens: Das Spiel als kulturelles Phänomen in mittelalterlichen Klöstern und Orden (about games in cloisters)
Editor: Jörg Sonntag
Walter de Gruyter, Mar 27, 2013 - History - 300 pages

... with contributions of various authors in either German, English or French language. Between them Thierry Depaulis with an article, which - incomplete - starts at page 118 ... ... me&f=false
English language

Re: News and Updates

Interesting work in German language ...

Geschichte des Glücksspiels: vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg
by Manfred Zollinger
Böhlau Verlag Wien, Jan 1, 1997 - Gambling - 407 pages ... navlinks_s
is a historian who teaches Economic and Social History at WU. He is a prominent co-author of various exhibition catalogues on gambling, such as “Loteries en europe” (La Tour-de-Peilz 2012) and “Spiele der Stadt” (Vienna 2013). Presently he is writing a global history of lotteries. ... inger_info

Worldcat ... first_page

Re: News and Updates

Ausführliche Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie
founded by Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher
(1884 - 1937)

German Wikipedia offers a link list with online editions ... Mythologie
Die Bände erschienen in loser Folge in meist mehrjährigem Abstand im B. G. Teubner Verlag. Dennoch kam das Lexikon zum Abschluss. Nach Roschers Tod (1923) übernahm Konrat Ziegler die Herausgeberschaft.

Band 1, Abteilung 1: Aba–Evan (1886)
Band 1, Abteilung 2: Euxistratos–Hysiris. Vorläufige Nachträge zu Band 1 (1890)
Band 2, Abteilung 1: Iache–Kyzikos (1894)
Band 2, Abteilung 2: Laas–Myton (1897)
Band 3, Abteilung 1: Nabaiothes–Pasicharea (1902)
Band 3, Abteilung 2: Pasikrateia–Pyxios (1909)
Band 4: Qu–S (1909-1915)[1]
Band 5: T (1924)
Band 6: U–Zyrratêl sowie Nachträge: Abaios–Zwölfgötter, Acerbas–Telephos (1937)
Dazu erschienen vier Supplemente:

Karl Friedrich Bruchmann: Epitheta deorum quae apud poetas graecos leguntur, Leipzig 1893
Jesse Benedict Carter: Epitheta deorum quae apud poetas latinos leguntur, Leipzig 1902
Ernst Hugo Berger: Mythische Kosmographie der Griechen, Leipzig 1904
Otto Gruppe: Geschichte der Klassischen Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte, Leipzig 1921


Digitalisate der Bände im Internet Archive:
Bd. 1, Abt. 1: Aba–Evan
Bd. 1, Abt. 2: Euxistratos–Hysiris
Bd. 2, Abt. 1: Iache–Kyzikos
Bd. 2, Abt. 2: Laas–Myton
Bd. 3, Abt. 1: Nabaiothes – Pasicharea
Bd. 3, Abt. 2: Pasikrateia – Pyxios
Bd. 4: Qu – S
Bd. 5: T
Bd. 6: U – Z und Nachträge
Digitalisate der Supplemente (PDF; 103 MB) im Internet Archive
Links at the Wikipedia article.

This is a very big resource of excellent quality, in German language, written by various authors in the course of a half century.


Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft
founded by August Friedrich Pauly (1796–1845)
Expanded edition from 1893-1978 (organized by Georg Wissowa (1859–1931))

German Wikipedia offers a link list to online editions (incomplete, but already rather much): ... ssenschaft

The complete work looks like this:


The articles, which are included, are researchable in a comfortable manner. According the condition, that there are copyright problems, one finds "old articles", but less new articles. And one has better chances for words close to letter "A" and less chances for articles close to "Z" naturally.
This is a running and not finished project.
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) ist die umfangreichste Enzyklopädie zum Altertum.

Re: News and Updates ... John of Rheinfelden

British Library offers the page of their edition of the John of Rheinfelden text: ... llID=11447 ... llID=11447

The translation work of Arne Jönssen on the tractatus is still a project according ...
... prognosed for 2000-2017 in the year 2013.

Also here, presented under "present projects" ...

Re: News and Updates

Der Brandner Kaspar ...
... based on a Bavarian story of 1871. The old Brandner Kaspar cheats Death with much alcohol and a card-play. This causes a lot of trouble in the hierarchy of the heavens, but finally everybody is amused. Even in heaven card-playing has some distribution.


I wondered about the question, if there was ever a card game with "Saints". I met this ...

"Heilige Nachrichten-" jüdisches pädagogisches Abbildung-Kartenspiel ... B004RYZ6VS

Well, there are enough New Age productions like this ... ... 1401906061

This is from 1725:


... a younger date: "Les Saints Guerisseurs"


Some explanation cards explain, what these saints are good for, mostly in matters of health.


A Polish deck for France
Rencontre des Saints en Europe

A special deck
Les Chemins de Saint-Jacques
for pilgrims to Compostela
