Re: Research For Players of 'Grumpy Birds'

debra wrote:Isn't that you, Huck, talking to Adam McLean? I thought it was you.
I agree with Adam on that thread. No matter.

I rescue injured and sick wild birds. When they're grumpy it's because they're in pain.
No. ... it's only a German like me. ... :-) ... Here are many of them.

I thought, that "Grumpy Birds" is a memory game

But I see ...


Bird wakes up feeling grumpy. Too grumpy to eat or play -- too grumpy even to fly. "Looks like I'm walking today," says Bird. He walks past Sheep, who offers to keep him company. He walks past Rabbit, who also could use a walk. Raccoon, Beaver, and Fox join in, too.

Before he knows it, a little exercise and companionship help Bird shake his bad mood. This winsome, refreshingly original picture book is sure to help kids (and grown-ups) giggle away theirs, too!
... :-) ... Petrarca for beginners ...

Re: Research For Players of 'Grumpy Birds'

In New Zealand The mobile phone game "Angry Birds" is called "Grumpy Birds" in TV ads about been bullied.
The little green pigs get sick of it, and if they are interested in Tarot The Grumpy birds soon knock the Joy out of it.- Google 'Angry Birds'
The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Re: Research For Players of 'Grumpy Birds'

Huck wrote: No. ... it's only a German like me. ... :-) ... Here are many of them.
LOL :ymhug:

eta: Lorredan thanks for explaining about the birds. I'm so unhip, I didn't realize.
I can be grumpy but why smash people who disagree--that's so disagreeable. Let a thousand flowers bloom etc.

I have some experience in trying to change people's minds. Ridicule is among the tactics that doesn't work.