4 Moors

Occasionally one is a little blind ...
... but this evolved as side path point to Ross' statement:

"The four Moors didn't come into the Bolognese decks until 1725."

and my reply:
Independent of the Dummett/McLeod observation of 1725 one can state, that in 1507 three "strange accidents" run together.

1. Four moors
2. a 19-person demonstration of a Florentian Caritas figure inside carnival, which has No. 19 in Minchiate
3. An event very near to the "objective relevant" political change in Bologna 1506

Three "strange accidents" at one spot are a little much ... at least one should ask for possibilities, that might explain this condition as a "normal action". For instance the possibility exists, that the activity of 1725 (changing papi to moors) might have been a reminiscence to something, which already happened earlier ... perhaps already in 1507 papi might have been changed to moors for a short time, so that Bolognese card maker turned "not recorded" back to the earlier solution in 1725
The moorish factor - Moors on playing cards:





4 Moors in the Master PW deck.
In the research of Master PW's background it has developed, that he probably worked for Emperor Maximilian between 1495-1500 and especially worked for Empress Bianca Maria Sforza, cause as it seems that he lost his occupation, when Maximilian shortened the money for the Empress and sent a lot of the Empress' court entourage back home.

So the 5x14-deck of Master PW has as background the knowledge of Bianca Maria Sforza about playing cards ... which she, a very special fan of playing cards, probably developed at the court of Milan.

Re: 4 Moors

In the Aeneis edition of Apollonio di Giovanni I found some pictures of the winds and I found, that the look "moorish".

Interestingly the number of the winds (which are presented at 4 following pages of the manuscript) shows variations:

... ooops, I'd miscounted, next try ....

Re: 4 Moors



Linkes Relief der Hofgesellschaft: Links der Kaiser, in der Mitte Bianca Maria Sforza, rechts die damals schon verstorbene Maria von Burgund mit spitzer Burgunderhaube. Der Kaiser ist im Profil mit der typischen Nase und dem Haarschnitt dargestellt. Bianca Maria Sforza hält einen goldenen Apfel in ihrer Rechten, Siegespreis für den besten Tänzer.
Rechtes Relief der Hofgesellschaft: Es zeigt den Kaiser frontal, mit Zepter und Schriftrolle, zwischen Höfling und Hofnarr.Innsbruck (Goldenes Dachl, Moreskentänzer)
Die anderen acht Reliefs stellen Moreskentänzer dar. Dieser maurische (arabische) Tanz kam aus Spanien und war zur Zeit Maximilians sehr beliebt. Es ging um eine möglichst starke Verrenkung der Glieder.
source: http://www.bildungsservice.at/innsbruck ... chl_01.htm

At the top left Maximilian with Bianca Maria Sforza (holds an apple) and his first wife Maria of Burgund. At the top right the emperor with a courtier and his Fool.
Below: two of totally 8 reliefs showing Moresken or Mauresken dancers, whereby this dancing is called "very popular in the time of Maximilian". It should have been a rather wild dance similar to the modern free-style ... :-) ... the dance was imported from Spain, and Spain got it from the "Mauren".

Big picture of the complete building with Mauresken dancer details:
http://acrossthewater.ca/wp-content/upl ... chl_pc.jpg

Re: 4 Moors

Good, the 4 moors once had been a replacement of the 4 papi ...
Perhaps it's valuable to think about the 4 papi first.


That's an ivory chess figure of a bishop, long before the start of the Tarocchi development, 12th century, assumed to be English. source

Chess had Bishop-Queen-King-Bishop in it's appearance, though in the Cessolis interpretation the bishop became a sort of royal adviser, mostly presented in a sitting form ... as King + Queen.


But, here is a nice link:
http://www.chess-theory.com/encprd03713 ... s_arts.php
many pictures, old chess figures






This were also bishops, though obviously elephants, Europe 11th century ... but elephants weren't real in Europe, so it mutated to a bishop or adviser. Or "Old", or "Elder", another name.

So there were very early bishops in the chess game, though not always.

What was the problem? Chess had King + Queen, but when early Trionfi cards advanced to Emperor and Empress, something had to happen with the bishop. The normal next higher social position would have been Pope, but there two bishops ... and two popes, that would be scandalous. Schisma. A Pope with Papessa is also blasphemous or near to it. At least a reason to have different opinions about it. How to develop a logical Tarot without getting beaten for it.

One solution: Keep the Papessa ...
2 Papessa - 3 Empress - 4 Emperor - 5 Pope
So done in the 14 Bembo cards ... in later Milan (Sforza-Visconti)

Second solution: avoid the Empress ... then you don't need a Papessa
King becomes Emperor
Queen becomes Pope
The bishops advance to adviser forms (traitor and "Old" = Father Time)
So done in the Charles VI Tarot ... in Florence (which is near to Pope and Rome)

3rd solution: Pope is higher ranked than Emperor and Queen and Papessa are avoided ... women are only used outside of human hierarchy
so done in the Mantegna Tarocchi ... in Rome

4th solution: make them all equal rank, call them "Papi"
so done in Bologna

5th solution: make them all Moors ... :-)

... Isn't life funny?


Re: 4 Moors

In other topics....


Ross G. R. Caldwell wrote:
The four Moors didn't come into the Bolognese decks until 1725.
The replacement of the 'Papi' by 'Mori' came about in 1725 by the intervention of the Papal Legate, Cardinal Ruffo. At that time, Bologna, although very proud of its ancient liberties, fell within the Papal States, but, by an agreement of 1447, enjoyed considerable autonomy. In 1725 Canon Luigi Montieri of Bologna produced a geographical Tarocchino pack: the body of each trump card gave geographical information ... What annoyed the Legate, Cardinal Ruffo, was that on the Matto Bologna was described as having a "mixed government" (governo misto). Ruffo ordered Montieri's pack publicly burned; Montieri and everyone concerned with its production were arrested. However the Legate quickly came to realise that to proceed against them on this ground would arous deep resentment in the city. He therefore had the prisoners rapidly released, and, to save face, demanded instead that the four 'Papi' be replaced by four Moorish satraps, and the Angel by a Lady (Dama). The first change was accepted, though the second was ignored, and Montieri's pack was reissued with the Moors instead of 'Papi'; moreover, Moors were henceforth used in all Bolognese Tarot packs.
(Dummett and McLeod, "History of Games Played with the Tarot Pack" (Mellen Press, 2004) pp. 263-264)
mmfilesi wrote:
Hi friends,

Giordano Berti have another version about this:

Nel 1725 il sacerdote Luigio Montieri produsse, a scopo didattico, un mazzo di Tarocchi che portava su ogni Trionfo alcune brevi informazioni geografiche e politiche relative agli Stati europei. Il mazzo era accompagnato da un libretto intitolato L'utile col diletto, ossia geografia intrecciata nel Gioco dei Tarocchi, con le insegne degli Illustrissimi ed Eccelsi Signori Gonfalonieri ed Anziani di Bologna dal 1670 al 1725.

Nel Trionfo 21, il Matto, sono descritti sei tipi di governo a cui erano sottoposti i vari Stati europei. Il sesto tipo definito "misto", aveva come unico rappresentante la città di Bologna. Difatti a quell'epoca Bologna era parte integrante dello Stato della Chiesa, ma godeva di larga autonomia: in base ad un accordo del 1447, il legato pontificio svolgeva le funzioni di governatore, ma il suo potere era limitato dal Senato cittadino, liberamente eletto. Ciò nonostante, l'affermazione di Montieri suscittò le ire del legato pontificio, il cardinale Ruffo, che fece arrestare il sacerdote e tutti i collaboratori coinvolti nella pubblicazione, compreso lo stampatore Lelio Dalla Volpe e i suoi operai. In seguito a un editto del 12 diciembre, tutte le copie sequestrate vennero date alle fiamme e gli eventuali possessori furono inviati a consegnare i mazzi alla cancelleria criminale; sette anni di galera era la pena prevista in caso di inadempienza. A quel punto i senatori di Bologna decisero di agire con diplomazia e fermezza per riaffermare i propi diritti. Il conte Filippo Aldrovandi fu inviato in missione diplomatica a Roma, presso il segretario di Stato vaticano: sinillinamente, prospettò di credere che si fosse alla vigilia di "cualche straordinario avvenimento capace di coinvolgere l'intera popolazione". Tre giorni più tardi tutti gli arrestati furono rilasciati, ma la condanna del mazzo rimase e non fu più possibile darlo alle stampe.

Agli inizi del Novecento, uno storico bolognese ricstruì l'intera vicenda e ipotizzò che in quell'ocasione, nel 1725, fu deciso di imporre la presenza di quattro Moretti al posto della "tettrachia" classica [22]. Tuttavia si tratta di una congettura errata, perché gia nel mazzo di Montieri ci sono i quattor Moretti. Fu propio il sacerdote ad adottare per primo questi personaggi; come spiegava egli stesso nel libretto allegato al mazzo, "vi sono cambiati i quattro Papi in quattro Strapi, e questi fanno lo stesso gioco dei Papi, cioè uno prende l'altro". Da allora, i frabricanti bolognesi hano mantenuto le figure dei Mori sia nel mazzo "castrato" sia in quello completo di 78 carte, la fisionomia dei quali ricalca sostanzialmente quella del Tarocco Dalla Torre.

Foot note: 22 > G. B., Il governo misto in Bologna dal 1507 al 17897 e le carte da gioco del can. Montieri, in Atti e memorie di Storia Patria per la Romagna, serie 3, XXVII, 1909. La Biblioteca Comunale dell Archiginnasio conserva due esemplari dei Tarocchini di Montieri, completi di mazzo, libretto, custodia originale e bando del cardinale Ruffo.

Giordano Berti. Storia dei Tarocchi. Mondadori, 2007. 66-67.
Huck wrote:Long before 1725 and the priest Montieri the Master PW had 4 Moors in his deck and also French cards showed Moors and the Moro's Milan had a moorish faible, and the most exalted dance of the time was the Moreske.
And Alfonso d'Este's is said to have shown the dark face of his great-grandma and one of the Medici is said to have been dark, too, and Shakespeare found Othello "based on the Italian short story "Un Capitano Moro" ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio, a disciple of Boccaccio, first published in 1565" (wiki) an interesting topic. Griraldo Cinthio lived 1504-1573, a little late for a "disciple of Boccacchio".

http://www.clicknotes.com/othello/Osource.html .... Othello by Cinthio
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: 4 Moors

Great article, thanks Huck.

a) We need find it:
La Biblioteca Comunale dell Archiginnasio conserva due esemplari dei Tarocchini di Montieri, completi di mazzo, libretto, custodia originale e bando del cardinale Ruffo.
To check if Luigio Montieri says where he take the "inspiration" for Moretti.

b) Sorry, I dont know much about Minchiate... who are the first document or deck when appears Granduka, West Emperor and East Emperor? do you know?
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: 4 Moors

mmfilesi wrote:Great article, thanks Huck.

a) We need find it:
La Biblioteca Comunale dell Archiginnasio conserva due esemplari dei Tarocchini di Montieri, completi di mazzo, libretto, custodia originale e bando del cardinale Ruffo.
Isn't it that, what is presented by Andrea Vitali, " Il Tarocchino di Bologna", p. 38-41 ? The most of it are words, and the words are to learn the geographique world ... at the top is a humble painting. The 4 moors are all identical. They are not really dark colored, but have turbans like the Osmans. And the Osmans possess "America La Settentrionale, Africa, Asia" as number 18, 19 and 20, and Europe in its parts as Nr. 5 (is this to anger the pope. who earlier had Nr. 5 with some irony ?)

To check if Luigio Montieri says where he take the "inspiration" for Moretti.

b) Sorry, I dont know much about Minchiate... who are the first document or deck when appears Granduka, West Emperor and East Emperor? do you know?

Surely not before a Grand duke existed in Florence ... .-) ... Some indication, which cards were then inside, is a sex poem with prostitutes, which you find reported here typing "Michelangelo", possibly "Germini" in the local search engine. Around 1550, probably 1552.

The Minchiate as a word for a game existed in 1466, reappeared 1471 and 1477 as an official "allowance". Likely it was "burnt" in 1497 and 1498 by Savonarola fans.
Last edited by Huck on 19 Aug 2010, 21:28, edited 1 time in total.

Re: 4 Moors

In "Il Mondo e l'angelo", pág: 272 et passim, Dummett said about very interesting Roman deck:
[...] Si tratta di una coppia di fogli incompleti non tagliati del British Museum, opera di un fabbricante che aveva scelto per la ditta il nome "alla Colonna". Il British Museum ha un'altra coppia di fogli incompleti per un mazzo normale molto simile alla prima e sicuramente opera dello stesso fabricante, datati 1613. Esiste inoltre una coppia di fogli non tagliati per un mazzo con semi francesi e recanti il nome "alla Colonna", e la data 1612, scoperti da Vittoriano Facco nel Gabinetto delle Stampe a Roma. Il 2 di Spade sulla prima di queste tre coppie di fogli reca la scritta "Alla colona in Piazza Nicosia"- e quindi dobbiamo collocare a Roma il fabbricante "alla Colonna"; in base alle date della seconda e della terza coppia, dovremmo asegnare anche la prima alla seconda decade del XVII secolo [...].
We have only 4 trionfi: 10, chariot, 11 Fortune, 6 Love and... :) 5 Sultano (moro):
Well... the argument of Dummet are little confused... But this songs as arround 1633 we can have one Moro replaced a Pope.
Surely not before a Grand duke existed in Florence
:) , yes, yes... 1569. Well... maybe it was the reward for the papal bull sanctioning the Grand Duchy ... I dont know. I need investigate this further.
is a sex poem with prostitutes,
yes, friend, I know... But is not cleary the name of trionfi:

http://www.tretre.it/dk/menu/accademia- ... html#c1190
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: 4 Moors

mmfilesi wrote: yes, friend, I know... But is not cleary the name of trionfi:

http://www.tretre.it/dk/menu/accademia- ... html#c1190
That's an interesting observation with the sultan in the Colonna card and a similar feature in the Bologna from 1725.

... good, that I don't feel responsible for things, which happened long after 1500 ... :-)

I don't understand the last passage. I think, that Minchiate is clearly not the name of Trionf, anyway, but it's possible, that two rather different names were used for the Game. Karnöffel and Keysergame, also rather different as name.