Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

It seems, that the 22th poem in each astrological table isn't addressed by the 36 Spheres.

Naturally I didn't check, if this is true for all.

Likely we will find, that the first and possibly the last of the 74 tables isn't addressed either ??????

So there would be only 1512 used answers.

Well, should be checked a little bit. Possibly the astrological table Nr. 50 isn't used ???

But Sphera-1"Paradise" contains 74-Lichah, also Nr. 3 and Nr 38-39. So it isn't the last.

Sphera-2 Saturn contains 73 - 4 - 34 - 40 ...

So it seems, that the first and the second astrological table isn't used.

Sphera 3 Iove, should contain 72 - 5 ... if my idea is right ...

... and it contains 72 - 5 ... :-) ... looks like VICTORY ...

Nr. 1 Atlante delli astrologi principe
Nr. 2 Albategno astrologo

should be those, which aren't used

Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

... some tests are made and the scheme works, for more clarity:

3 + 36 Sphera - astrologi numbers 3-39 38-74
4 + 35 Sphera - astrologi numbers 4-40 37-73
5 + 34 Sphera - astrologi numbers 5-41 36-72
6 + 33 Sphera - astrologi numbers 6-42 35-71
7 + 32 Sphera - astrologi numbers 7-43 34-70
8 + 31 Sphera - astrologi numbers 8-44 33-69
9 + 30 Sphera - astrologi numbers 9-45 32-68

I detected one error in the text:
Haomar (in the text astrolog Nr. 34) should be Nr. 37
Vullelio (in the text astrolog Nr. 37) should be Nr. 34
... likely based on a simple printer mistake, who exchanged two pages in the layout process (the page numbers are correct).

Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

In pag. 13, Fanti corrected some printing errors:

Sphera Sagittario:

Under Isamine, where said figure 17, need said ¿12?
Lucopibia, is not 16, but 17
Colanica, is not 3, but 19
Magnate, where said Zibuto, need said Alchabitio
Banatia, where said Sybilla Europea need said Herichos

Sphera Capricornio:

Under Selia, where said Zael, need said Albuma(sar)
Under Hybernia, where said Nufil, need said Sybilla Phrygia

Sphera Ursa Magiore:

Under Titulcia, where said Sybilla Troiana, need said Ionanne
Under Caraca, where said Ioanne, need said Sybilla Troiana
Under Ispinio, where said Sybilla Troiana, need said Ionanne
Under Barnacis and Under Laminio, where said Ioanne, need said Sybilla Troiana

Sphera Auriga:
Under Concio, is not 4, but ¿17?
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When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte


I met the spanish version from 1528, "libro del juego de las suertes" ; I knew it had been talked about and wanted to reread the thread on the forum but couldn't find the reference with the title... in spanish.
Finally found this thread but i thought it might help someone as inatentive as I am to write here the title of the spanish translation : the name of its author is not mentionned on the cover.
Here is the link to the catalog record : ... 1=a4358168 (where Lorenzo Spirito is nevertheless mentionned, so you really need a master absentminded as I am to miss it), and here is a link to the digital version : http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.e ... ple_viewer


Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

Bertrand wrote:Hello,

I met the spanish version from 1528, "libro del juego de las suertes" ; I knew it had been talked about and wanted to reread the thread on the forum but couldn't find the reference with the title... in spanish.
Finally found this thread but i thought it might help someone as inatentive as I am to write here the title of the spanish translation : the name of its author is not mentionned on the cover.
Here is the link to the catalog record : ... 1=a4358168 (where Lorenzo Spirito is nevertheless mentionned, so you really need a master absentminded as I am to miss it), and here is a link to the digital version : http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.e ... ple_viewer

hi Bertrand ... Unluckily the second link doesn't work ????

Also very unlucky ...

... the original link to the pdf of the 1482 version(1st article to this thread) also has dropped out of existence.

I found here a version, which is announced as "Lorenzo Spirito" "1578" "Kurtzweill des Wurffelspiels"

I don't know,what this really is. It's true, that it is German language, also it's true, that (likely 20) kings are mentioned. But it are - at least partly - not the kings in the Lorenzo Spirito text, which I saw earlier.

I found here a version of 1551 ... it seems to have differences to the earlier version, but, as I noted earlier, already versions short time after 1482 had differences. ... A&2,2,,1,0

Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

Hello Huck,

sorry about the second link, you can find it by typing the title Libro de los juegos de las suertes in the search field at this url

Regarding the 1482 version, it's still available online, it was a bit tricky but I finally found the link thanks to what you posted earlier and a bit of googleing : ... a_1482.pdf
(if the link don't work I've saved a copy)

(by the way I posted about the spanish version on my blog, mainly about the peculiar design of the kings in this very version)

Hope that helps


Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

hi Bernard,

The new method to get the Spanish edition didn't work either (for me) ...

Anyway, it's very good, that you found the 1482 edition again, that's the most important.

As I've checked, that the 1551 edition has changed so much without any sensitive interest in the state of the original, I think, that only the 1482 edition could contain any hidden message of interest.

Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

Hey Huck - the first link to the spanish edition above works. It is a direct link to a pdf that loads very very slowly and it looks like nothing is happening. If you just let the page sit and load while doing something else, eventually it will appear as the full pdf. For some reason, the server is configured so that you cannot save the link from a menu choice though. You have to load it in browser window first.

The link to the biblio page has the link to the pdf on it, but it ends in .html, and says "viewer" in the url. Confusing. But give it a shot. The facsimile is nice and clean. Better than the Warburg version. But it is also solarized. The original Ulm version is the highest quality. But there are differences in the spanish version. It has an end plate with a hairy guy wielding a club, where the Ulm version just ends with text.
Deliver me from reasons why you'd rather cry - I'd rather fly...
Jim Morrison - The Crystal Ship

Re: Lorenzo de Spirito: Libro del Sorte

Comparing the Ulm version of 1482 with the Spanish of 1528, I see that there are many significant differences.

In the section with the dice that has a box with a picture in the center of each page, the creatures are not all the same. When they are, they are in a different order. I count 20 pages in this section for both editions.

The section with a big wheel on each page has different creatures in the middle and when they are the same they are in a different order. I count 20 of these in both editions.

The columnar text in the last section of the Spanish has a box with a picture in it for every page. They are similar to, but different from the Ulm, which has somewhat simpler illustrations.

The art in general is also very different between the 2 books.
Deliver me from reasons why you'd rather cry - I'd rather fly...
Jim Morrison - The Crystal Ship