Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

Well, continued with chess. :)

It’s the turn of Michelino’s decks.


Player 1

a1 > Tower: 14. Eolus
a2 > knight: 10. Mars
a3 > Bishop: 6. Neptun
a4 > Queen: 2. Juno
a5 > King: 1. Jupiter
a6 > Bishop: 5. Apollo
a7 > knight: 9. Mercury
a8 > Tower: 13. Hercules

Player 2

a1 > Tower: 16. Cupido
a2 > knight: 12. Ceres
a3 > Bishop: 8. Bacchus
a4 > Queen: 4. Venus
a5 > King: 3. Pallas
a6 > Bishop: 7. Diana
a7 > knight: 11. Vesta
a8 > Tower: 15. Daphne


Do you know if exists a relationship with this scheme?

1. Aquisitio | 2. Amisio | 3. Letitia | 4. Tristitia
5. Fortuna Maior | 6. F. Minor | 7. Coiunctio | 8. Carcer
9. Albus | 10. Rubeus | 11. Puella | 12. Puer
13. Populus | 14. Vía | 15. Caput | 16. Cauda
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

Well, it's more like (though it's not clear, if this is the only possible version):

Chess officers
1 Female, 7 Male (Queen + 7 others) as in the Master Ingold game and in usual chess

a1 > Tower: 14. Eolus
b1 > knight: 10. Mars
c1 > Bishop: 6. Neptun
d1 > Queen: 2. Juno
e1 > King: 1. Jupiter
f1 > Bishop: 5. Apollo
g1 > knight: 9. Mercury
h1 > Tower: 13. Hercules

Chess Pawns
6 Female, 2 (Cupido 7 Bacchus) a little bit half male / half female

a2 > Tower-pawn: 16. Cupido
b2 > knight-pawn: 12. Ceres
c2 > Bishop-pawn: 8. Bacchus
d2 > Queen-pawn: 4. Venus
e2 > King-pawn: 3. Pallas
f2 > Bishop-pawn: 7. Diana
g2 > knight-pawn: 11. Vesta
h2 > Tower-pawn: 15. Daphne

We have the development, that the Cary-Yale follows later, and this has (in the theory of the reconstruction) the pawns all female, connected to 7 virtues with Love (= Cupido). So it makes sense to assume, that something similar had existed before.

The clear dominant idea had been to fill the position 16-5 with the 12 gods of the Olymps, which are reached by Heracles as the "13th god".
... .-) ... Greek gods developed their character in antique minds, when chess wasn't known. Medieval attempts to connect both symbol systems naturally had difficulties.

Geomancy very easily is connected to chess:

1111 = King
2222 = Queen

1221 = Rook
2112 = Rook

1212 = Knight
2121 = Knight

1122 = Bishop
2211 = Bishop

4 Pawns =

4 Pawns =

... just for mathematical reasons. However, there seems no confirmation outside in a text, that chess and geomancy was really connected in the 14th century minds (not everybody thinks in the mathematical way). Also we observe, that chess players experimented, changed the size of the boards, altered the number of figures, made variations in the rules, had different start positions.

Evrart da Conty had 16 other gods and another row, clearly dominated by the planets gods (which are the top 7 of his row) and also he felt it necessary to fulfill the chess dream with definitions from the Roman de la rose. Why not? This chess symbols enrichment game was a discussion and card designers fulfilled different visions of a possible allegory.
There is no truth in such mental games, there was just the game of building an analogy between different systems, occasionally "elegant" and "understandable by our modern mind" and occasionally "strange" and "not understandable".

Well ...
Filippo Maria seems to have followed the JvR version with 60 cards. If its arrangement aimed mainly on chess, why didn't he chose 64 cards instead?
The JvR deck was somehow a court deck, but it reached the popular market. In the later Bohemian Hofämterspiel we find 6 court cards instead of the 5 in the JvR deck? Are we sure, that JvR did see the original version? Perhaps the original court deck version had 6 court cards (and with this totally 64 cards), but this was not given to the public market. In that case the "Fools were hidden" ... and only used for the private amusement o the highest nobility.
Only the Emperor was allowed to hunt with eagles ... and below this there was a strong hierarchy, which rank of persons was allowed to use special birds. And if somebody acted against these rules, there were strong prohibitions and penalties, even death was possible.
How was the case with the use of cards? Were everybody allowed to play with the same decks? At least there might have been attempts to secure some place of "splendid isolation" for the noble spirits, not reachable to the common citizen.
Well ... idle human behavior. Some classes preferred to have special rights. And so we might have an "unknown factor" in our considerations and no way to get information about it.

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

Thanks Huck. As always, very friendly.

Well I thought that the chess figures are god . The court cards can be the pawns. That is, if the game is to hunt the virgin, its necesary are not in the same player, but opposing players.

Maybe it's more reasonable in a geomantic scheme (Petrus Albanus)

In normal order by numeration:

1. Aquisitio - 1. Jupiter
2. Amisio - 2. Juno
3. Letitia - 3. Pallas
4. Tristitia - 4. Venus
5. Fortuna Maior - 5. Apollo
6. F. Minor - 6. Neptun
7. Coiunctio - 7. Diana
8. Carcer - 8. Bacchus
9. Albus - 9. Mercury
10. Rubeus - 10. Mars
11. Puella - 11. Vesta
12. Puer - 12. Ceres
13. Populus - 13. Hercules
14. Vía - 14. Eolus
15. Caput - 15. Daphne
16. Cauda - 16. Cupido
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When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

The structural (mathematical) similarity between chess and geomancy is simple given ...

However, the ideological content of geomancy in the medieval world seems to be questionable, especially its mix with 7 planets, Western astrology etc.. I don't claim to understand this content and its development ... and I think it troublesome to gain reliable information about it.

So ... from my side no comment ... .-) ... various things at the model, which is given as "general model of geomancy" I simply take as not very logical.

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

This post its dedicated to Huck.

Chess, Geomantia, and a deck with Gods Part I of II

I dont know its correct or not, but its interesting this soup: chess and geomantia. Well...

a) Premise 1. Filippo Maria made the deck of the gods without geomantic purposes. He gived great importance to divination and would not employ a game for something so important to him. Thats mind, its a game, not mantic system.

b) Premise 2. Filippo Maria loved the geomantia. He had many books in his library about geomantia and his biographers agree that he was very superstitious. This means that their perception of the world, their view of reality is influenced by mantic model. Ok?

c) Premise 3. If we want known what geomantia known Filippo, we can adoperate Petrus Albanus, a teacher of Pavia in century XIII. (NOT Agripa, its too later). Then I put a copy in my web for download.


1. In Geomantic we have 16 figures. In the Albano Schema:
g1.jpg g1.jpg Viewed 13979 times 29.56 KiB
More clear:
g2.gif g2.gif Viewed 13979 times 23.96 KiB
2. This figures are made of 4 positions binary:

Aquisitio: 1010
Amisio: 0101
Letitia: 0111
Tristitia: 1110
Fortuna Mayor: 1100
Fortuna Menor: 0011
Coiunctio: 1001
Carcer: 0110
Albus: 1101
Rubeus: 1011
Puella: 0100
Puer: 0010
Populus: 1111
Via: 0000
Caput Dragon: 1000
Cauda Dragon: 0001

3. Petrus Albanus said are figures fortunate, unfortunate, neutral but a little lucky, and a very bad neutral.
g3.gif g3.gif Viewed 13979 times 18.67 KiB
[continued in another post, thats its more clear]
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

4. Chess dasboard and binary numbers.

Only two files
g4.gif g4.gif Viewed 13977 times 8.77 KiB
Now we can put the figures of geomantia
g5.gif g5.gif Viewed 13977 times 20.7 KiB
:-? ... Not a pretty picture. It looks messy.

We will sort by opposite pairs (in Geomantia, the 16 figures are opposed of pairs)
g6.gif g6.gif Viewed 13977 times 20.94 KiB
Oh! that's better :)

[continued in another post]
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

5. Michelino deck.
g7.gif g7.gif Viewed 13975 times 7.52 KiB
Michelino deck in order the figures as said Petrus Albanus:
g8.gif g8.gif Viewed 13975 times 28.72 KiB
In our dasboard chess:
g9.gif g9.gif Viewed 13975 times 18.66 KiB
We can ordered in this way (I cant explain the cause in English, but I hope its clear) (Se van alternando en orden creciente a partir de la primera figura singular. Es decir, 3 - 1 (en árabe se escribe al revés), 3 - 1- 5, etcétera).
g10.gif g10.gif Viewed 13975 times 19.28 KiB
And the, we can put the pieces of chess:
End Part I. I take a ~o) and then explain the Part II: Dafne, the family and the judge
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: "The 5x14 Theory: An Investigation" part II

I fear for your sexual relationships, if you give Venus a correspondence to Tristitia
. ... :)

But maybe its not strange for Filippo ; )

Then I explain Peter.

Well, I continued with:

Part II. Dafne, the family and the judge

Sorry very much, but I need explain this in spanish. I cant explain in English. Its too complicated and longer.

1. ¿Cómo funciona la consulta geomántica?

Todo el sistema se basa en un sistema binario. El que consulta hace una pregunta concreta: ¿conviene ir a la guerra?, ¿mato a Lorenzo di Medici?, ¿me caso con María de Saboya?, ¿subo los impuestos de la lana? o cualquier otro asunto que se nos ocurra. Entonces, el mago realiza la consulta geomántica, que consiste en lo siguiente.

Tirando un dado o unas piedrecitas, haciendo marcas en la arena, dibujando en un papel o mediante cualquier sistema similar, el mago realiza una «tirada», la cual ofrece un resultado par o impar. Si es par son dos puntos y si es impar, un punto. Cuatro tiradas de este tipo, que pueden ser par o impar, forman una figura, la cual se dibuja poniendo de arriba abajo uno o dos puntos según corresponda. Este galimatías se entiende fácilmente con un ejemplo. Imaginemos que tiramos 4 veces un dado de seis caras y obtenemos este resultado:

Tirada 1: 3
Tirada 2: 2
Tirada 3: 5
Tirada 4: 4

Convertimos el resultado en posiciones binarias:

Tirada 1: 3 > Impar: 1 punto
Tirada 2: 2 > Par: 2 puntos
Tirada 3: 5 > Impar: 1 punto
Tirada 4: 4 > Par: 2 puntos

Si dibujamos la figura resultante quedaría algo así:
09_geom_1.gif 09_geom_1.gif Viewed 13970 times 833 Bytes
Sin embargo, en la geomántica occidental se prefiere centrar el punto, que así queda más bonito y permite relacionar las figuras con imágenes simbólicas más fácilmente, como veremos a continuación. Por lo tanto, vamos a dibujarlo así:
09_geom_2.gif 09_geom_2.gif Viewed 13970 times 839 Bytes
[Continued in anohter post]
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)