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Re: collection Fanti 1526

The scheme matches the order of the trumps from Devil to World/Angel as well -

Inferno - Devil
Elements - Fuoco, Saetta
Planets (Moon-Sun)
Paradise (World or Angel)

This is the way that both 16th century commentators understood the trump sequence as well - as a cosmological hierarchy.

Re: collection Fanti 1526

I'm surprised not to see Julius Caesar in there! For Saturn - Brutus, Crassus, Piccinino and Pompey - betrayers or betrayed. What is the point of having Brutus and Crassus if Caesar is not mentioned? Or is it just unnecessary? Maybe Sigismondo Fanti was one of those who agreed with the aims of the c...

Re: "Sibilline Cards" again

Actually it would be of interest to see the real source to have really an own opinion about it. The real source is just this letter of Galeazzo Maria to Sagramoro da Rimini - "Ad noi vene referto che la bona memoria del Reverendissimo Monsignore nostro de Santo Sixto havia grande quantitate de...

Re: "Sibilline Cards" again ... and search for "peaux de zibelines" No 48. 23 janvier 1474. — Cette lettre, adressée par le cabinet du Duc à un certain Sagramoro de Rimini, ligure ici par suite d'une erreur reconnue postérieur...

"Sibilline Cards" again

There is a reference to the term "sibilline cards" in Sandrina Bandera's essay on the Visconti and Sforza cards, Brera. I tarocchi: il casa e la fortuna. Bonifacio Bembo e la coltura cortese tardogotica (Milan, 1999). She says "Galeazzo Maria Sforza possessed 'silbilline cards'" ...

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