
Search found 5188 matches

Re: Tarock of Cologne

:( Too bad. An angel Marxist in the sixteenth century was more fun. :fool Thanks, friend! The working class of begin of 16th century were naturally peasants and this was especially remarkab...

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Likely local heraldic, possibly somehow connected to mining industry ... ... possibly earlier shield of something near Erfurt (?) It's not Erfurt itself ..

Re: Tarock of Cologne

@Huck the link you put in your previous post has a rather interesting deck of german cards...... [img],+Anton%3A+Erg%C3%A4nzungskarten+zum+Sch%C3%A4ufeleinschen+Kartenspiel%3A+Asse+und+Damen[/img] I call this "interesting" because German suited car...

Re: Tarock of Cologne

Another thing, why Agrippina was placed at the 21st trump,was probably for the reason that the mother of nero was born in what is now Colonge. (p.s do you have an image of the 21st trump? if so, would you post it? thx.) Yes, of course, Agrippina's marriage with emperor Claudius caused, that Cologne...

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