
Search found 2898 matches

Re: Petrarca Trionfi poem motifs in early Trionfi decks

Well, I have nothing to add, Phaeded. I want to continue with Ziegler. My general purpose is to see whether he has anything to say that might shed light on the sources of the Robertet Triumphs. After the six comes the Wheel of Fortune. While not a Petrarchan triumph, it is a tarot subject, hence of ...

Florence 1814: Restoration, also for playing cards, p. 5

CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS TWO POSTS, TRANSLATION OF Now p. 5; endnotes on his p. 6 appear as footnotes on bottom of appropriate page, here and in the other two posts) 5 1. One representing a medallion with a half-bust and inscription at the bottom Pelican----No. 1 2. As...

Florence 1814: Restoration, also for playing cards, pp. 3-4

CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS POST, TRANSLATION OF, now with pp. 3-4. 3 Once said Figures have been printed, he [each manufacturer] can take them to his own factory to be colored according to the model (Note 10) that will be given to him by the Office, but before this, the n...

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