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Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

Next in the book comes Dorez's commentary and transciptions pertaining to the second part, on the Sciences. After that, he deals with the codex's sources and influence. For these parts, unless there are specific questions, I am content to wait until Lorredan gets her copy of the book. That would mak...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

So now here is the conclusion of Part One, starting with a photo of the whole page that Dorez will be describing. I will also post details of the individual parts as we go. And here is Dorez. The original ...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

Here is my attempt to translate the stanza about Fortitudo, Lorredan. Since most of the words are obsolete or are used with obsolete meanings, I had to look up almost every word in Florio's online 1611 dictionary. Even then I made many guesses, since I am unfamiliar with medieval Italian. For exampl...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

Lorredan, Dorez says A pie del monte si vede, a sinistra, un giovane incoronato, armato da capo a piede, di cui una vesta partita di verde e di rosso ricopre il giaco di maglia ; è Sansone, che con ambo le mani divarica le mascelle dell'atterrato leone. (At the foot of the mountain you see on the le...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

OK, here are the final three virtues. This time I translated what I could of the Italian in all three stanzas. First, Fides, Faith, as illustrated here: Folio 4 t. - With this sheet we turn to the descripti...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

I see that the beaches of Köln, a city better known on this website as the hometown of Huck, have produced an Olympic gold medalist in the noble sport of beach volleyball ( Who would have thought--Europeans? Now back to business. I am at long last at the po...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

I managed to read the rest of Dorez, looking to see what was interesting. One thing was his characterization of Discretio , Bartolomeo's "mother of the virtues". Here is from pp. 59-60 of Dorez: Alla dottrina agostiniana, già fin dal secolo XII nettamente espressa ne' libri di Ugone di San...

Re: Panegyric of Bruzio Visconti by Bartolomeo da Bologn

Now I am ready to continue with my attempt to translate the relevant bits from Dorez. I used the digitalized text at, which I compared to the original hardcover book, ran through GoogleTranslate and then fixed as ...

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